Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

Project specific advice can be viewed on the relevant project page.

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Showing 326 to 350 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View advice to Osborne Clarke

    The caller requested advice and direction to guidance on the Compulsory Aquisition (CA) of Forestry Commission land.

  • View meeting with Consenting Forum Consenting Forum

    Minutes of the Offshore and Terrestrial Consenting Forum held on 10 October 2012

  • View advice to Jon Elsom

    Writing to express objection to the planned construction of a wind farm near Bwlch y Cibau.

  • View advice to Hertfordshire County Council

    The Airport owner and operator are now intending to proceed on the basis of a single planning application to facilitate throughput of the airport up to 18mppa (previously they were progressing on the... Read more

  • View advice to Galloper Wind Farm Ltd

    Projects falling under the Planning Act 2008 regime are required to answer questions from their Examining Authorities (ExA) in relation to security of funding in the event of a Compulsory Acquisition... Read more

  • View advice to Ashurst

    Ms Hassan asked if any directions under section 35(4) of the Planning Act 2008 had been made.

  • View advice to Dorset County Council

    Enquired whether a proposal to lay cathodic protection beds to an existing onshore pipe-line granted consent under the Pipe-lines Act 1962 would constitute a nationally significant infrastructure... Read more

  • View advice to Alan Rayner

    The developers of a project for which the formal application has not yet been submitted have issued a DRAFT Environmental Statement that was used for the consultation under section 42 (now... Read more

  • View advice to North Yorkshire County Council

    Please see attachment

  • View advice to Mark Willietts

    Clarification from Planning Inspectorate on the need for a development consent

  • View advice to Parsons Brinckerhoff

    Further to the Planning Inspectorate's previous advice on side road orders and compulsory acquisition relating to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project applications under the Planning Act 2008... Read more

  • View meeting with Members from Denbighshire, Conwy Gwynedd, Snowdonia National Park

    The aim of this meeting was to explain to attendees the role of the Local Authorities and outline the processes and procedures that are relevant to development consent applications for proposed... Read more

  • View advice to Parsons Brinckerhoff

    Following the Planning Inspectorate's s.51 advice, Parsons Brinckerhoff emailed a further enquiry in regard to applying for a potential NSIP application for a highways scheme under the Planning Act... Read more

  • View advice to Parsons Brinckerhoff

    Parsons Brinckerhoff enquired if Development Consent Orders under the Planning Act 2008 are the same as all Highways Line Orders, asking for clarification on the interaction between the 1980 Highways... Read more

  • View advice to Parsons Brinckerhoff

    Parsons Brinckerhoff enquired as to whether it is possible to change an applicant part way through the DCO application process. The Planning Inspectorate's response was by email.

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    See meeting note.

  • View advice to Mendip District Council

    Mendip District Council enquired regarding the thresholds for an reservoir application to come to the Planning Inspectorate rather than being dealt with by the Local Planning Authority.

  • View advice to Nigel Juggins

    I am trying to understand the planning process within your website. Under your heading 'Legislation and advice' there is a sub section headed 'National Policy Statements'. and a link to where these... Read more

  • View meeting with Renewable UK

    Meeting between The Planning Inspectorate and Renewable UK to discuss Renewable UK's draft Streamlining Consents Report and general lessons from the industry. Please see attachment.

  • View advice to M Armstrong

    1. Are Parish Councils classed as statutory consultees if an NSIP development takes place within their parish. 2. If they are statutory consultees, do they have to register to make a... Read more

  • View meeting with Renewable UK

    Please see attachment

  • View advice to Claire Goodman

    Query in respect of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

  • View advice to Independent Planning Consultant

    Would a peaking plant with the generating capacity of either 50 megawatts or 90 megawatts fall under the 2008 planning act or would it be determined by the relevant local authority?

  • View meeting with EDF Energy

    see meeting note attached

  • View advice to John Broughton

    If any interested party [in the loosest possible definition] declines to comment at the draft stage and reserves that comment until your formal procedure is in place will that in any way predjudice... Read more