Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

Project specific advice can be viewed on the relevant project page.

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Showing 176 to 200 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View meeting with Anonymous

    Meeting held with National Trust on 31 May 2016.

  • View meeting with Heathrow Airport Ltd

    Project update meeting

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    Liaison meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and the Environment Agency

  • View meeting with Heathrow Hub

    Project Introduction

  • View meeting with Highways England

    A47 Project update

  • View advice to Simmons & Simmons

    Advice sought concerning a potential application for a large scale solar generating station: is the generating station threshold regarding 'capacity' considered to be the DC or AC figure.

  • View meeting with Highways England

    Lower Thames Crossing Project Introduction Meeting

  • View advice to Stratus Environmental Limited

    I’m aware that generating station projects above 50MW in England require consent under the 2008 Planning Act, and PINS manages the application process on behalf of the Secretary of State. In Wales... Read more

  • View advice to Pegasus Group

    I write to seek clarification with regards the NSIP thresholds with regards energy projects. From the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) and NPS EN-1 it reads that the 50MW threshold relates solely... Read more

  • View meeting with Highways England

    A meeting to provide the Inspectorate with an introduction to the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down scheme, being taken forward by Highways England in accordance with commitments made within the Road... Read more

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    Please see attached meeting note.

  • View meeting with EnergyMyWay (UK) Ltd

    See Meeting Note attached

  • View advice to Roy Davies

    Mr Davies wrote to request advice on the following matter: When a company/organisation submits an application to request a decision from the Secretary of State under a DCO for a proposed qualifying... Read more

  • View advice to Adam Corbin

    I wonder if you could advise me as to whether a proposed scheme in Cumbria by United Utilities should be considered as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). As I understand it,... Read more

  • View advice to Campaign for Better Transport

    What happens to the documents submitted to the Examination of a particular project, once it has been decided? Are these kept at PINS or on an accessible website? I'm particularly interested in the... Read more

  • View advice to Phil Gilchrist

    As far as I am aware there has been no activity with regard to this proposal, nor a response to the scoping opinion of 7th August 2015. Is there a period beyond which the material is ‘out of date’ or... Read more

  • View advice to Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

    The Planning Act 2008 provides that development consent is required for an onshore generating station if it has a capacity in excess of 50MW. Is development consent required if the generating station... Read more

  • View advice to AES

    Should any (battery storage) facility be consented at a local level, up to 50MW capacity, then subsequently be extended to a capacity up to 100MW, how would this be dealt with from a consenting... Read more

  • View advice to Sophie Bowden

    I am a third year geography student studying at Kingston university London. I am currently researching for my dissertation and I intend to answer this question-What are the social and cultural... Read more

  • View meeting with Highways England

    A2 Bean & Ebbsfleet Junction Improvements project inception meeting

  • View meeting with Gatwick Airport Ltd

    The Planning Inspectorate hosted a pre-application project update meeting with Gatwick Airport Ltd

  • View advice to AES

    We are investigating development of an energy storage facility including the installation of up to 50MW lithium-ion battery capacity, with potential for future expansion. The proposed development... Read more

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    Liaison meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and the Environment Agency

  • View advice to Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

    Request for clarification on NSIP thresholds for Hazardous Waste Facilities

  • View advice to Knowsley Council

    Information and advice provided to Knowlsey Council regarding the NSIP threshold for non-landfill hazardous waste facilities.