Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

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Showing 376 to 400 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View meeting with Maritime and Coastguard Agency

    Update meeting with MCA and Trinity House

  • View advice to Christopher Smith

    Query related to whether or not powers to compulsorily acquire were available within a development consent order (DCO).

  • View advice to BNP Paribas (for Royal Mail)

    On behalf of their client, BNP Paribas enquired as to whether Royal Mail should be consulted by developers in all cases during pre-application procedures and asked if the IPC considers the cumulative... Read more

  • View advice to Owain Jones

    Mr Jones called to ask about associated development, whether or not it could include landscaping, and whether or not the situation is different in Wales. He also asked whether or not the IPC was... Read more

  • View meeting with Rijkswaterstaat North Sea

    To explain the IPC process to the Rijkswaterstaat North Sea (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment).

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    See meeting note attached

  • View meeting with Renewable UK

    To respond to questions to assist RenewableUK in their Streamlining Consents Project.

  • View meeting with Powys CC, Welsh Office, DECC, Welsh Government

    Meeting to discuss issues relevant to the efficient and timely processing of applications to different authorities relating to proposed energy infrastructure projects in Powys, and to consider any... Read more

  • View advice to Denise Carlo

    1. Whether the IPC is the appropriate authority to hold the public inquiry into the draft Slip and Side Road Orders for major alterations to a junction on the trunk road network? Although Broadband... Read more

  • View advice to ESBI Investments

    Query regarding S.47 consultation with the LPA on the SOCC as to what requirement there is to submit Preliminary Environmental information as part of the 28 day consultation. Enquirer expects that... Read more

  • View meeting with Friends of the Earth

    Meeting between Sir Michael Pitt, Ian Gambles and Friends of the Earth. Refer to meeting note.

  • View advice to Central Bedfordshire Council

    The Council is preparing package of measures to deliver various road schemes as part of the A5-M1 link. See the attached plans. The schemes will connect to the Highways Agency Network (the M1)... Read more

  • View advice to GHD Geotechnics

    Ms Sarif requested direction to examples of initiatives applied to residential developments in either greenfield or urban renewal sites on the IPC website.

  • View advice to Biofuelwatch

    The caller referred to Uskmouth Power Station, querying whether any future proposal for conversion would be examined by the IPC.

  • View meeting with Natural England Natural England

    Note of a meeting held between IPC and Natural England to follow up on the regular meetings previously attended by Simon Butler and to introduce new representatives.

  • View advice to Karen Maddock-Jones

    Please can you clarify who will be responsible for discharging water related requirements attached to a DCO? For example in the case of the Severn Estuary will it be the relevant local authority, the... Read more

  • View meeting with London Luton Airport Ltd

    Meeting to discuss the IPC processes and the implications of changes to the Planning Act 2008 as a result of the Localism Bill.

  • View advice to OFGEM

    OFGEM enquired whether they are under any statutory obligation to respond to pre-application consultation carried out by developers for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) under... Read more

  • View advice to Dalton Warner Davis LLP

    I should be grateful if you could advise whether it is possible for a proposer (in this case a limited company) of a new NSIP qualifying project to notify the IPC of an emerging DCO application (under... Read more

  • View advice to South Derbyshire District Counci

    Further to our conversation earlier this morning I'd be grateful for clarification on the matters to which the decision-maker must have regard - specifically whether an adopted Development Plan (i.e.... Read more

  • View advice to Angus Walker

    Query regarding Bob Neill's letter of 28 November about proposed changes to applications after submission to the IPC

  • View advice to Environment Agency

    The Enviroment Agency is looking to progress the implementation of the Lower Thames Risk Management Strategy through various linked flood defence schemes and is looking into whether this can be done... Read more

  • View advice to Matthew Smedley

    Caller wished to confirm various statutory timescales

  • View meeting with Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

    Meeting to discuss the role of the IPC and the role of the Office for Renewable Energy Deployment team

  • View advice to Waite and Co

    Mr Waite called to confirm that electrical line applications which fall under the definition of a nationally significant infrastructure project will continue to require development consent under the... Read more