Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

Project specific advice can be viewed on the relevant project page.

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Showing 76 to 100 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View meeting with Anonymous

    Please see attached.

  • View meeting with Highways England

    A12 Chelmsford to A120 project update meeting

  • View meeting with Intertek

    Please see attached

  • View meeting with Anonymous

    Meeting Note

  • View meeting with Invicta

    Inception meeting

  • View meeting with Anonymous

    Inception Meeting Note

  • View meeting with Civil Aviation Authority

    Meeting to discuss Airspace matters specifically in respect of NSIP aviation projects

  • View advice to Cierco and the Welsh Government

    Inception meeting between Cierco ,The Planning Inspectorate and The Welsh Government

  • View advice to Adem Mehmet

    Dear Adem, Thank you for your enquiry regarding statutory requirements for applicants. Statutory requirements are in regards to funding. Please see Regulation 5 (h) — ‘Applications for orders... Read more

  • View meeting with Equinor UK

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Jacobs Environment, Maritime & Resilience

    Can you please advise if it possible to extend the time period for implementation of a previously consented DCO scheme?

  • View advice to Chris Purslow

    Hello, Could you please confirm if Parish Councils would be considered a statutory stakeholder for a DCO application under the 2008 Planning Act if located in a host local authority ward or if in... Read more

  • View advice to A Henderson

    Please could you confirm whether it is possible to submit a DCO application in outline, following by subsequent reserved matters? If so, please can you provide some further details on the process?

  • View advice to Stephen Blyth

    Is it possible for a husband and wife to register separately as interested parties if they have the same email address?

  • View advice to Welsh Government

    have a query relating to section 92 of the 2008 Act which I wondered if you could help with. 92(2) states: “The Examining authority must fix, and cause each affected person to be informed of, the... Read more

  • View advice to Kettering Borough Council

    Query regarding the Planning Act 2008 (PA2008) process, definitions of highway Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and consultation requirements.

  • View advice to James Wilson

    We are part of a team assessing the feasibility of a pipeline project in Dorset. The location and route of the pipeline is Portland Port to the NTS at Mappower, Dorset. In 2007 a project was... Read more

  • View advice to Waitrose

    I am enquiring about registering as an interested party for a nationally significant infrastructure project. An individual appears to need to state how the proposed infrastructure project is going to... Read more

  • View advice to National Grid

    Discussion regarding the s52 authorisation request process

  • View advice to Jonathan Dean

    Do the NPSs, in particular EN-1, 5 & 6 have a "fixed life" or are they in place until superseded?

  • View advice to Grey Friars Investments

    I would be grateful if you would confirm the number of DCO applications in the 5 years to April 2018 that have been withdrawn during the 28 acceptance period (i.e. after the submission but prior to a... Read more

  • View advice to General - anon

    Compilation of advice about the Environmental Impact Assessment scoping process, undertaken by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State.

  • View advice to Ivan Stone

    Does PINS have responsibility for enforcing (monitoring, revoking) a DCO once it has been granted. If development is not in line with the DCO what is PINS role? Who is responsible for monitoring and... Read more

  • View advice to Anonymous

    Is it correct that an applicant for a DCO must provide copies of relevant documents to members of the public during public consultation?

  • View meeting with Hartlepool Borough Council

    Project Inception Meeting - Hartlepool Western Growth Corridor