
The London Resort

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  • Ria Monckton

    The Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife- so important that it is being designated as a site to be statutory protected as a SSSI. It is so important for the world life that... Read more

  • Rob Simpson

    Swanscombe Marshes is a site of exceptional quality in terms of biodiversity and ecological importance. The area supports no fewer than 49 IUCN Red List species, and comprises a rich assemblage of... Read more

  • Robert Drinkwater

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife- very important for the wildlife depends on it. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands... Read more

  • Roland Cook

    Swanscombe marshes is a totally inappropriate place for the development. Gravesend to the east, Dartford to the west, Thames to the North and A2 to the south, the Bluewater shopping mall inside that... Read more

  • Sharon Aylward

    I wish to object to the application to build the London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. I am concerned that wildlife across the country is in drastic decline, and that it is more... Read more

  • Sheila Hardy

    Hello I was resident in Kent during my schooldays and learned much about natural history during this time, but never had the good fortune to visit Swanscombe marshes. Neither, thank heaven, have I... Read more

  • Stephen Plant

    If future generations are to survive and thrive they will need a healthy environment, the more diverse nature the better the future environment. Swanscombe Peninsula being an open mosaic of coastal... Read more

  • Stephen Spencer

    Swanscombe comprises a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended... Read more

  • Steve Ward

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is important for its precious wildlife and thus is the wrong place for a theme park - we must value wildlife more than any other use. Swanscombe Peninsula Natural England... Read more

  • Susan Caroline Webb

    Having previously lived a large part of my life in Dartford with my husband, who was born in Sutton at Hone, I am already shocked at the overdevelopment in this previously rural area. I really must... Read more

  • Susan Taylor

    Swanscombe Marshes provides vital habitat for so many species of mammals, insects and plants. Many of these are very rare and on the Red List or critically endangered species list. The marshes have... Read more

  • Suzette MacDougall

    As a nature lover, I believe that the preservation of wildlife habitats is essential and should be prioritised. I am opposed to the proposed development of Swanscombe Marsh. The area has been... Read more

  • Trevor Sykes

    At a time when nature is in crisis the UK provides an example of what happens when the land is over-exploited. We as a nation do not enjoy the large wide open spaces of many of our neighbours. We have... Read more

  • Alison Phillips

    This site has been recognised as a SSSI. It supports a critically endangered spider, 15 red-listed bird species and 5 red-listed vascular plant species. In these times of climate and biodiversity... Read more

  • Alison Rees

    This site has just been declared an SSSI. It’s an important site for all manner of wildlife and plants, and no matter what mitigation is put in place, it cannot replace what will inevitably be... Read more

  • Brigit Strawbridge

    Please, do not grant planning permission for this project. People do not 'need' another theme park, especially when its creation will cause yet more destruction of precious wildlife habitat that we... Read more

  • Carole Coqueral

    I can't believe that the application to build the London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula has been accepted. Don't do this. As Natural England recommended in February Swanscombe should be... Read more

  • Ceri Blower

    I just do not understand how a SSSI can even be considered as a suitable site for a theme park. We have theme parks aplenty. Sadly, our invertebrates are in rapid decline. This site is precious; some... Read more

  • Claire Burrell

    A unique British environment under threat, we cannot lose any more species habitat. A theme park is NOT part of a Green Recovery. Too many species will lose their homes and we can't afford this loss... Read more

  • David Cook

    If this application is successful, then an outstanding SSSI together with its remarkable and diverse range of wildlife will be all but wiped out. The theme park can be built elsewhere, but Swanscombe... Read more

  • David Dewsbury

    I wish to register my objection to this site being considered for development. Sites with such a high level of biodiversity are now far too rare to be lost because they take many years to develop and... Read more

  • David Hawes

    The damage that this development would do to wildlife and the environment is catastrophic. The development is completely unnecessary, out of all proportion and will have cause irreversible damage. I... Read more

  • Dawn Johnston

    I wish to appose the development in the strongest possible terms transport infrastructure is already stretched and not able to manage with increased traffic Housing health infrastructure is not... Read more

  • Deeley Brewer

    Dear Sirs The area is sssi and protects much wild life including rare species that need the protection. It is so Very very important in the current climate to protect these areas not just for the... Read more

  • Dr Adam Hudson

    I am writing to emplore you to reject the The London Resort project. It is well documented that the UK has decimanted its natural habitat and has suffered huge biodiversiaty loss, yet here we are... Read more