
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 425 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Sue Welch

    As a Kent resident I am very concerned at the amount of development of all kinds, and as a result of that, the amount of destruction of wildlife and nature that takes place. Wildlife is vital to all... Read more

  • Christopher Clifton

    Natural England, the Government's advisor, considers the peninsular to be of Special Scientific Interest, has set out it's reasons in detail, and embarked on public consultation. It's detailed study... Read more

  • Clive Rische

    As a local resident to [] I have great concern about the destruction and disturbing of wildlife and habitats if London Resorts goes ahead. I walk the marshes every day and see the changes of wildlife... Read more

  • Exolum Storage Limited (Exolum Storage Limited)

    Exolum Storage Limited owns and operates a bulk liquid storage terminal at London Road, West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, RM17 5YZ. Exolum receives products (including hazardous products) into the terminal... Read more

  • Gerald Hallam

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife .Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s... Read more

  • Helen Golding

    We really need to enhance biodiversity if we as a species want a future on this planet, not deplete it, as the proposed theme park would do. Swanscombe Marshes is a unique area and precious area... Read more

  • Margaret Palmer

    In March 2021 Natural England enlarged the 7 hectare Bakers Hole SSSI, south of the River Thames, and designated a much larger area as Swanscombe Peninsula SSSI. This new 264 hectare SSSI comprises... Read more

  • Miranda Davies

    I think it is wrong to build a theme park at Swanacombe, because the site hosts several rare and critically endangered species (such as the jumping spider) which the theme park would threaten. The UK... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Please see attached

  • Public Health England (Public Health England)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. Public Health England (PHE) has previously been consulted at the Scoping Stage of this development on the 16th July 2020. PHE was not... Read more

  • Robert Andrews

    I urge you to protect this rare and beautiful marsh for today and future generations. It supports: 1. Over 250 invertebrate species, including the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider... Read more

  • Stephen John Blackburn

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is hugely important for England's Fauna and Flora and should be protected in line with Natural England's recommendation to make it a SSSI. It is difficult to comprehend why it... Read more

  • William Grime

    Please don’t destroy this SSSI. we desperately need insect life in this country, if we are to have any hope of survival. With the farmers and fishermen intent on destroying the life in our... Read more

  • Ann Turvey

    The loss of a biodiverse area would be a tragedy and for what, a Disney type play area that could be built elsewhere - even nearby but please not on this most important natural area. The birds in... Read more

  • Jennifer Leach

    It has been brought to my attention that the area that is due to be developed is extremely valuable in terms of biodiversity. This area is already a site of special scientific interest with a... Read more

  • Martha Harwood

    The plan to develop on Swanscombe marshes is nonsensical. Firstly, London is already a highly developed area, and I fail to see how further development will improve the economic or touristic prospects... Read more

  • R J Kane

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is home to a remarkable mix of habitat of high value to wildlife – these include grasslands, coastal habitats, brownfield features, scrub and intricate wetlands. Known as... Read more

  • Sarah Wilson

    Swanscombe Peninsular, and the diverse habitats which the area comprises, have literally been my world for 12 months. It’s landscape and inhabitants have become a vital part of my life and my... Read more

  • Steve Metcalfe

    The area is now a Site of Special Scientific Interest and as such should receive the full weight of protection. The reason so much wildlife is rare is because it has no where to live. Please give the... Read more

  • Brian Utton

    I wish to register my objection to the building of the London Resort Theme park on the Swanscombe peninsular. Swanscombe marsh is a green oasis in a desert of urbanisation. Its wild nature is a... Read more

  • Clare Cheeseright

    Please reject this planning application for a theme park as it will destroy a remarkable and valued wildlife haven which is one of the last remnants of marshes near London. Swanscombe Peninsula has... Read more

  • Frances Presland

    I am most concerned that this area is under threat from development as a theme park. This area is a rare habitat type, being a mixture of wetlands, grassland and scrub, the nature of which means that... Read more

  • Joanne Rische

    (Redacted) I walk on the marshes every day. The abundance of wildlife and the changing seasons are amazing. This area offers peace and tranquillity for so many people and is so needed for our mental... Read more

  • Joe Beale

    The London Resort plan must not be permitted. It will seriously damage a wonderful SSSI and public resource rich in wildlife. Much of this wildlife has already been destroyed elsewhere, which makes it... Read more

  • Laura Blake

    I wish to register as an Interested Party as I live near to an area that would be negatively impacted by the London Resort if it goes ahead. I have concerns over the negative impacts it would have to... Read more