Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 1 to 22 of 22 documents, newest first.

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  • View meeting with DONG Energy

    Feedback meeting between DONG Energy and the Planning Inspectorate following the Secretary of State?s decisions on the Burbo Bank Extension and the Walney Extension Projects.

  • View advice to Pete Upton

    Query in regards to what arrangements were made to consult with residents of the Wirral concerning the Burbo Bank wind farm extension

  • View advice to DONG Energy

    Query regarding a submission after the close of examination

  • View advice to RSPB

    Request to remove a draft Statement of Common Ground from our website.

  • View advice to Natural Resources Wales

    The Marine Licensing Team proposes undertaking a shared Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) with the Planning Inspectorate. Subject to agreement, NRW, acting on behalf of the Licensing Authority,... Read more

  • View advice to Williams Rural & Commercial

    Submission of a request to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 "I act for various tenants and owners of land affected by the linear power connection route from landfall to... Read more

  • View advice to Ferdinando Giammichele

    DONG Energy is intending to increase the total installed capacity of the offshore wind farm stated in the draft DCO by 1 MW, from 258 MW to 259 MW. In support of this change, DONG Energy is... Read more

  • View advice to Linda Griffiths

    I am not sure if I have ticked the correct box above. I live extremely close to the cable route and substation. I have right of access for our septic tank and soakaway (plot 85) and health concerns... Read more

  • View advice to Local authorities

    Courtesy call to local authorities regarding the relevant representation period - 13 May to 24 June 2013.

  • View meeting with Ferdinando Giammichele

    Please see the attached

  • View advice to Office of Esther McVey MP

    Further to reports in the local press today, please could we have some detail on how constituents of Esther McVey MP in Wirral West might make representations on plans concerning the proposed... Read more

  • View advice to Ferdinando Giammichele

    s51 advice following issue of the acceptance decision.

  • View advice to Anthony Aldwinckle

    I understand the results of a ?consultation? process will be submitted to you on behalf of the Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Windfarm by the end of this year. I wonder if you could inform me of the... Read more

  • View advice to DONG Energy

    Request for review of DONG Energy HRA Screening and Scoping Report

  • View meeting with DONG Energy

    Progress to date on the Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm scheme.

  • View meeting with Ferdinando Giammichele

    Meeting to discuss the proposed Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm scheme

  • View meeting with Dong Energy

    Meeting with Dong Energy to provide a project update

  • View meeting with DONG Energy Local Authorities

    Meeting between promoter, relevant local authorities and Marine Management Organisation

  • View advice to Bond Pearce LLP

    From the DCLG Guidance on associated development it seems that on shore works cannot be integral to the NSIP and should, therefore, be omitted from any DCO if the works are located in Wales. In... Read more

  • View advice to Bond Pearce LLP

    Whether an onshore grid connection and export cables from an offshore wind farm proposed to be located in Wales can be described as intergral to the project and therefore can be included in the DCO or... Read more

  • View advice to DONG Energy

    1) Is the IPC expecting DONG to consult (S42 + 47) with the non-prescribed consultees too? 2) Some of the local authorities consulted in the scoping exercise are a significant distance from the... Read more

  • View meeting with DONG

    Meeting to discuss progress of Humber Renewables Biomass scheme