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The Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS) acknowledges the contribution that wind power will make towards the Nation’s energy needs. Notwithstanding this, SPS’s charitable objects are to protect and...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA TWO I wish to object to the ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority, Please see my reasons below to objecting to ScottishPower Renewables plannign application, Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring...
Darllen mwy
I am writing as a frequent visitor to Friston for both the cultural opportunities at SNAPE and the nearby coastline at Aldeburgh. I find it absolutely shocking that a Green Energy project is allowed...
Darllen mwy
We are concerned regarding the potential cumulative impacts of construction HGV and other associated traffic on the B1122, from its junction with the A12 to Lovers Lane in Leiston, from: • The current...
Darllen mwy
The Parish Council is concerned regarding the potential cumulative impacts of construction HGV and other associated traffic on the B1122, from its junction with the A12 to Lovers Lane in Leiston,...
Darllen mwy
Landing of cables to for these multiple projects on a area of outstanding beauty and fragility totally unsuitable. Planned multiple years of disruption Friston as a small village to be blighted and...
Darllen mwy
Scottish Power EA2 proposal We support the representations of SASES and Friston Parish Council And I object to:- Future expansion beyond the current proposal and timings of work i.e. ongoing...
Darllen mwy
The proposed development is too large. The construction traffic will be totally excessive for the local roads. The construction phase, due to its size will destroy the quality of life of residents and...
Darllen mwy
I note the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and support and personally agree with all the issues raised in their submission. I live just 300 metres from the proposed...
Darllen mwy
I have a house in Thorpeness and have known the area for over 40 years. The area is an area of outstanding natural beauty with a huge diversity of wildlife including, flowers bird and animals. This...
Darllen mwy
Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for such large structures. 11km of cables trenches, destroying environmentally sensitive areas. Threat to wildlife and the important sandlings Heath. Destruction...
Darllen mwy
Dear Sirs I wish to object to the ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: 1. Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for large substation complexes. 2. Cable trenches...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on...
Darllen mwy
I WISH TO OBJECT TO THIS SCOTTISH POWER RENEWABLES PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: (1) The devastating effect on wildlife including that which relies on the Sandlings Heath and our...
Darllen mwy
The proposed development is too large. The construction traffic will be totally excessive for the local roads. The construction phase due to its size will destroy the quality of life of residents and...
Darllen mwy
The Projected development is Too large for the fragile eco system around Aldeburgh and Leiston The roads are too narrow to support the large number of construction lorries required The cliffs at...
Darllen mwy
Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects. Use of unspoilt countryside at small village at Friston for substation complexes the size of Wembley Statium Cable trenches and haul...
Darllen mwy
RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for substations dangerously close and dominating a small village. The following...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application in the strongest possible terms, for the following...
Darllen mwy
I wish to object to this Scottish power Renewables planning application because of: - the hugely adverse impact it will have on local communities with as many as 7 projects lasting up to 15 years. -...
Darllen mwy
Whilst I recognise the need for low carbon energy, I do not believe that the current proposals submitted by Scottish Power Renewables are consistent with a reasoned development of the East Suffolk...
Darllen mwy
This project is being sited so close to Friston Village that we can almost touch it. We will be living cheek to jowl with it. It cannot be right that such a huge industrial complex should be built...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH TWO I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: I am supportive of offshore wind energy, BUT...
Darllen mwy
We object strongly to the planning application of Scottish Power Renewables for the following reasons: - The effect of up to 7 energy projects going ahead together would result in up to 12 years of...
Darllen mwy
I note the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and support and personally agree with all the issues raised in their submission. I live just 300 metres from the proposed...
Darllen mwy
As a former resident of, and frequent visitor to this area, I object strenuously to the construction of this substation. Other less devastating options have not been explored, notably brown site or...
Darllen mwy
Dear examining body RE: East Anglia North Two I wish to reject to this Scottish Power renewables application for the following reasons: - light and noise pollution - in event of a Nuclear incident the...
Darllen mwy
1. I am in favour of wind power. I am in favour of offshore wind farms. I am against the on-shoring of capacity which destroys unspoilt countryside when better solutions exist using brownfield sites...
Darllen mwy
There are 7 proposed projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years that will have a cumulative detrimental impact on local communities. Use of unspoilt and fragile countryside - the landing...
Darllen mwy
Comulative impact on local communities.. Threat to wildlife and especially Sandlings Heath...causing problems to migrating species, destruction of ancient woodland... local road network unsuitable,...
Darllen mwy
At a personal level, I am a resident of Aldeburgh living on a road which will be negatively affected during the construction period. However, there are numerous other reasons why I believe this is a...
Darllen mwy
I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council - As a frequent visitor to Friston Village - please acknowledge my objection to this application. It is shocking that a...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority. RE. EAST ANGLIA TWO I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: 1. The cumulative impact on local communities of up to...
Darllen mwy
I am objection to this, for the following reasons:- 1) Damage that it will do to a rural village 2) Years of impact this will have on village life 3) Lost of valve in property 3a) Village will become...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on...
Darllen mwy
Kilometres of cables destroying the countryside along with the fragile cliffs at Thorpeness which are unsuitable for landing cables. The roads around here are unsuitable for more HGVs not to mention...
Darllen mwy
I Support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and I would also like my concerns taken into account. The quality of life for many years will be damaged by noise, high...
Darllen mwy
For the attention of the Examining Authority, RE: East Anglia TWO, I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: 1. The cumulative impact on local...
Darllen mwy
I live in Friston and object to the devastation to communities and the environment that the building and siting of the huge permanent substations by SPR will cause. I support the representations made...
Darllen mwy
I wish to object to the Scottishpower renewables planning application for the following reasons: Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring over a 12-15 year timeframe...
Darllen mwy
Dear Examining Authority Re: East Anglia Two I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy...
Darllen mwy
1. Objection I object to the onshore elements of the proposal as a resident of Friston although I am not opposed to green energy I am opposed to the onshore industrialisation as proposed to be sited...
Darllen mwy
My friends and neighbours will submit detailed accurate and essential points which should leave you in no doubt to the unacceptability of Scottish powers plans for Friston. I would like to go back to...
Darllen mwy
For exactly the same reasons I objected to North 1: Re East Anglia North 1: I wish to object for the following reasons. 1 If allowed it will ruin a large tract of pleasant countryside and Friston...
Darllen mwy
Sirs or Madams I writing this as to my concerns on the proposed developments by Scottish Power EA1N. I live in the village were this development is intended and it seams to me that there has been very...
Darllen mwy
I live in Friston and object to the devastation to communities and the environment that the building and siting of the huge permanent substations by SPR will cause. I work full time and travel to...
Darllen mwy
I Support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and I would also like my concerns taken into account. The quality of life for many years will be damaged by noise, high...
Darllen mwy
I wish to register an interest in the proposals being made by Scottish Power to build substations in the village in which I live. We will lose 83 acres of prime agricultural land along with ancient...
Darllen mwy
Whilst I support the generation of energy by off shore wind farms, the attendant supporting infrastructure must be sensitive and as compatible as possible with the environment. The scale and location...
Darllen mwy