
East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 833 representations, newest first.

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  • Steven Munden

    I write to object to the proposed building of EA2 substation at Friston by SPR. I give my total support to the representations being made about this project by Friston Parish Council, Substation... Read more

  • Tanya Ritchie

    As a local homeowner who intends to live in Suffolk for the rest of my life, I have huge concerns over the proposed building of new wind farm substations and infrastructure that will destroy beautiful... Read more

  • Tony Munden

    I agree with and support all representations being made by Friston Parish Council, Substation Action Save East Suffolk (SASES) and Suffolk Energy Action Solutions (SEAS) Groups. Whilst I am in favour... Read more

  • Alan Hatfield

    I am writing to you both to draw your attention to the stupidity of siting a new sub station for the North Sea East Anglia Two and One windfarms in or near Friston. The power generated by the... Read more

  • Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council (Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council)

    Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council full supports the migration to green energy. However, due to the suitability of the North Sea to produce wind energy it is vital that a full strategic review is... Read more

  • Amanda Taylor

    Dear Examining Authority RE: East Anglia TWO While in favour of renewable energy, in this instance I wish to object in the strongest terms to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for... Read more

  • Annabel Chamberlain

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for many and varied reasons but primarily for the adverse impact it will have on our local communities because of the noise and... Read more

  • Brigitte D'Angelo Turnbull

    ? Concern of cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years ? Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for huge substation up to 18m high... Read more

  • Carole Edwards

    Firstly I wholly support and concur with the representations made to you by the following: SASES; The PCC of St Mary the Virgin, Friston (of which I am also Churchwarden) and by our Rector Mark... Read more

  • David Bell

    I have been to Aldeburgh on a number of occasions for holidays and each time have been overwhelmed but its uniqueness and its unspoilt views and welcoming vibe. I am very unhappy to hear that due to... Read more

  • Edward King

    The location chosen for the proposed development by SPR is in the middle of ancient and unspoiled farmland and will change the nature of the area in perpetuity. There are a number of sites elsewhere... Read more

  • Gail Bell

    Why spoil such a beautiful town of Aldeburgh by talk of compulsorily purchasing land to have access for the wind farms. There are alternative routes across country which could easily be used and... Read more

  • Graham Peck

    Whilst not against offshore renewable energy the current plans to bring associated infrastructure so far inland is a major concern. The damage that will be inflicted on the environment, in a County... Read more

  • Jan Lovell

    I object to all the upheaval caused by building all that is required on land plus looking out to sea and just seeing propellers. Why cannot it be co-ordinates so at least all disruption is done at one... Read more

  • Jenny Kennedy

    This project is being sited so close to Friston Village that we can almost touch it. We will be living cheek to jowl with it. It cannot be right that such a huge industrial complex should be built... Read more

  • Jill Donker Curtius

    I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. For my own part the projects will affect me in the following ways. 1. The peace and quiet and quality of village life in... Read more

  • Maryanne Nicholls

    The A1094 is simply not going to be able to handle the amount of construction traffic required for this project. The junction from A12 to A1094 is already congested and dangerous. The A1094 itself is... Read more

  • Mathilda Mallinson

    I would like to specify I am heavily in favour of the development of offshore renewable energy facilities. But the integrity of these is lost if local countryside is destroyed in the process. The... Read more

  • Michael Laschet

    Concerns from Aldringham re damage to the local environment The major energy projects planned for the Suffolk coast will cause considerable damage to the environment in and around the parish of... Read more

  • Michelle Kelly

    I live over the back fence from Friston, will see the tops of the substation from my window, and will hear and see the extra influx of development from the widening of the roads, from the flood of... Read more

  • Pat Hogan

    The cliff area at Thorpeness is too fragile and important to be considered for landfall - the Coast is eroding quickly and the corraline crag is very important for stability, as well as for valuable... Read more

  • Penelope Jill Thresh

    I was born and grew up in this beautiful area of Britain. Friston and Aldeburgh are an unspoilt pocket of East Anglia. Both Aldeburgh and Snape are known internationally for their music festivals and... Read more

  • Phil Pearce

    I am only in favour of the wind farm if it does not spoil the beauty of the local area.

  • Robert Brock

    I have serious concerns about whether the views of local residents have been properly considered in the consultation and preliminary processes in respect of the substation, interlocks and associated... Read more

  • The Revd Mark Lowther

    When I was installed as Rector of the Alde Sandlings Benefice (the parishes of Friston, Knodishall, Aldringham and Aldeburgh) I was given the ‘cure (care) of souls’ of everyone living in those four... Read more