
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 425 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Joanna Mason

    I am concerned about: . the size of the project . no local benefit . the safety and size of the BESS . the removal of land for growing food . the huge carbon footprint of the project . the huge... Read more

  • Michael Bell

    I believe there are many reasons why Sunnica must be stopped. First of all, all the panels are imported and once they are used they are not going to be recycled they will just be creating more waste... Read more

  • Mrs Jeanne Winter

    I moved to the village in 2011 after living in London for the first [Redacted] of my life. This move was made to experience a more peaceful and rural lifestyle. I believe the scale of this proposal to... Read more

  • Glenda Preece on behalf of Pauline Wilkes (Pauline Wilkes)

    The land where the project would use, provides 37% of the fruit and vegetables that we eat in this country. East Anglia is known as the bread basket of Britain, and it provides one third of all the... Read more

  • Rebecca Dunlop

    I would like to voice my opposition to this proposal. I have lived in and around Newmarket for my entire life and i am appalled by the size and scale of this proposal. I live in Newmarket and my... Read more

  • Susan Lemmon

    While appreciating that we need to look to provide our country with a sustainable form of energy. I feel that this development is far too large and detrimental to the countryside, of which a large... Read more

  • Anne Shneerson

    1.I think it is wrong to surrender good arable land to this project as food independence for the UK is as important as energy independence.Solar panels should be erected on brown field sites & on new... Read more

  • Carolyn

    i am very concerned as a resident of red lodge about this development going ahead. i do not wish to live close to the sub station as this may pose a risk to myself and my family. this a small village... Read more

  • Deborah Saward Arav

    * The scale of this project is unprecedented and will cause enormous disruption to the local region during construction. * The technology being installed has not been tested on this large a scale and... Read more

  • Dr Paul Silverston

    May I start this submission by saying that I am in favour of alternative energy sources, including solar power. My objection to the Sunnica project is based on the following points: 1. The size of the... Read more

  • Emma Head

    That the size of the site is too large and consumes farmland The amount of traffic required to come through the villages during the lengthy construction stage would be detrimental to all residents,... Read more

  • Graham Raymond Bradbeer

    1. First I strongly object to the building of this solar farm on land near to my home in the village of Red Lodge. I say NO to this project. 2. The BESS will be situated approximately 1000 meters from... Read more

  • Ian Hawkes

    Potential fires and release of poisonous gases to all that live in the area. Huge amounts of good agricultural land not able to be used. 77 acres of battery storage compounds close to Red Lodge.... Read more

  • Jill Coleman

    The Sunnica proposals do not constitute a good solar power project, and I object to them for these reasons: The proposed energy farm is on a horrifically industrial scale, and would be significantly... Read more

  • John Collyer

    It does not make sense to take such good arable land out of production, at the very time that we should be attempting to increase home-grown crops. This land should be kept in food, and energy,... Read more

  • John Shneerson

    I object to this proposal for the following reasons: 1. Over its lifetime it will increase not decrease our dependency on other fuels. The energy costs to set it up are massive, with batteries and... Read more

  • Louise Andreasen

    MY OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED SUNNICA SOLA FARM EAST ANGLIA I appreciate that there is a need for a more greener energy system but must object for the following reasons. 1: The scale of the... Read more

  • Martin Hopkins

    I Am against this plan because it will ruin the area permanently at the size proposed it is to large and looks shoehorned into the land that can be acquired rather than an ideal set up. Also I am very... Read more

  • Martin Swaffer

    I wholeheartedly believe that this application must be denied. For the following reasons- It is too large for this area being much to far from the Burwell sub station. The disruption caused by the... Read more

  • Michelle Collen

    I am objecting Sunnica for various reasons explained below: - This will create a huge carbon footprint & we should be aiming for zero carbon, not creating more - We have an abundance of wildlife in... Read more

  • Mitch Doyle

    -scheme is too big and disproportionately affects a few small villages -consultation has been poorly conducted -no democratic debate - concerns expressed by the people who will be most affected are... Read more

  • Nicholas Driver

    I have lived and farmed in Burwell for the last 25yrs and my family have farmed a lot longer here. With what is going on in the world at the moment I feel we need to keep all the farmland we can to... Read more

  • Phyllis Daly

    The loss of prime land which will reduce our ability to become more self sufficient The loss of wildlife due to destruction of habitat. The risk of Li-ion BESS catching fire and the fallout affecting... Read more

  • Evelyn Graham on behalf of Raymond Graham (Raymond Graham)

    Dangerous batteries banned in other countries. Mostly south winds . East end of isleham will be under toxic clouds if they fire. Loss of good agricultural food growing land more important now that... Read more

  • Robert Dorman

    1.I must object to this project which will industrialise lovely countryside. It really is on a massive scale 2.I walk many of the footpaths with family and members of the local Ramblers. It is so... Read more