
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 426 to 450 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Roger Varian

    The proposed Sunnica development just outside of Newmarket is an egregious plan that falls short in many ways, which are outlined in detail below. While we understand the need to develop alternative,... Read more

  • Sandra Murphy

    I wish to object to the above planning application for the following reasons: 1. Burwell already has a number of operational solar farms with more in the pipeline. The 12 metre high substation... Read more

  • Susan Swaffer

    I wish to object to the Sunnica application/scheme for the following reasons. Firstly the land which they wish to cover is extremely good quality farm land, vital for food production which our country... Read more

  • Alan Bampton

    1. When I first saw the proposal document from Sunnica I didn’t realise the sheer size of the project. There was little detail in the document that didn’t use jargon. How can the proposal be carbon... Read more

  • Carol C Cooper

    As a native of Suffolk I am raising my objections to the proposed Sunnica Solar installation for the following: * Suffolk is a beautiful, agricultural county supporting many families through... Read more

  • Catherine Grassin

    2,500 acre solar and batterry plant is huge and potentially dangerous. too close to our homes. Value of our homeswill be affected. The lost of acres of nature. No local employment. We desperately need... Read more

  • Charles Pilgrim

    To whom it may concern, I am extremely concerned of this application for the following reasons; Over 1,000,000 solar panels (2.5 m high), most likely imported from China Over 100 acres of concrete... Read more

  • Clare MacGillivray

    - Industrialisation of vast area of farmland (nearly 3000 acres), meaning reduced land for growing food, in a country with a growing population to feed. - Enormous area of habitat loss for wildlife,... Read more

  • David Watson

    While, in general, I am in favour of projects which seek to provide green alternatives for generating energy, including the use of solar panels, I have three major concerns with this particular... Read more

  • Frank Marshall

    The whole project is far too large and would decimate good arable land, It would be an eyesore and spoil our wonderful scenic area.

  • Glenn French

    Opposed to Sunnica Solar Farm habitat:The scheme area will become a brownfield site no local benefit: built by a company not local to the area contaminating the land:100 acres of concrete will be laid... Read more

  • Graham Barry Houghton

    Much needed Good vegetable farmland will be lost to this project. Project is Far to close to schools and homes. Battery storage compounds a danger issue should they catch fire, to all people sited... Read more

  • J Dunand

    I object to the application by Sunnica Solar and Battery Plant on the following grounds: Loss of countryside in rich nutrient agricultural area, resulting in loss of employment and less... Read more

  • Liam MacGillivray

    - Vast scale of the project means industrialisation of huge area of farmland - Loss of nearly 3000 acres of excellent farmland, increasing need for food imports, completely at odds with carbon... Read more

  • Martin Morgan

    The villages this Sunnica development is proposed to surround will lose their sole, the sheer magnitude of the sunnica proposal will ensure villages will lose their identity and spirit resulting in... Read more

  • Mehmet Ahmet

    Dear Sirs As a resident of Isleham I am making representation on aspects related to the Transport Assessment, Travel Plan and Construction Management Plan. Some key points following my initial review... Read more

  • Moira Newell

    - The proposed industrial solar plant is *grossly* large and will swamp our rural villages and cause substantial detriment to our lives and there is zero, literally zero benefit to residents. - It... Read more

  • Mrs Judi Thurlow

    STORAGE BATRERIES I am very concerned about the danger of the batteries, used to store the electricity catching fire. We have seen electric cars catch fire, ships carrying these catch fire and sink... Read more

  • Nikoletta Keri

    I object against Sunnica Solar Farm for the following reasons -Red Lodge would need a robust evacuation plan due to the dangers/unknown impact of the BESS. -way too big ca.2500 acres (The Largest... Read more

  • Patricia Ann Houghton

    Sites are too close to houses and schools. Battery energy storage compounds far to close to houses in case of fire and noise. Good quality vegetable farmland being taken by Sunnica. Sites are close to... Read more

  • Peter Thurlow

    Agriculture Land. Farm land will be used for this proposed solar industrial estate. The land is needed for growing potato's, wheat, barley, onions, beet, carrots and much more. We are short of arable... Read more

  • Phillip Cross

    I don’t believe solar panels are justifiable in the northern hemisphere, because the biggest demand on the national grid is between October & March when there is very little sun because of the short... Read more

  • Sandra Jager

    Ruin countryside Unable to produce food therefore need to import more Panels on factories and farm buildings My roof already has maximum panels

  • Sean Newell

    This solar power station is an abomination. The scale means that the entire countryside around our villages will be blighted. Fertile, crop growing land will not be abandoned in favour of incredibly... Read more

  • Suzanne Royston

    I strongly object to the Sunnica Solar Farm Development. I have two children, and whilst I understand and support the need to find renewable energy, especially in light of the current energy... Read more