
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 751 to 775 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • British Horse Society (British Horse Society)

    British Horse Society (BHS) Access Field Officer East Region – registering interest The BHS note that the following Public Rights of Way (PROW) legally utilised by equestrians will be either directly,... Read more

  • Carol Challinor

    This solar farm development near Newmarket is not in keeping with the surrounding area. It will also use up good arable land, which should rather be used to feed the people of the United Kingdom.

  • Caroline Odonoghue

    Hi my name is Caroline odonoghue a family resident of [redacted]. I live less that 100 meters from where the battery energy storage systems plan to go. I have a [redacted] who's had [redacted]. I'm... Read more

  • Catherine Goff

    I am strongly objecting to this application. The scheme is far too big for its location and affects too many villages and communities. It takes too much farmland out of production. It is not true that... Read more

  • Catherine Jones

    If wind turbines are more efficient and cleaner than solar panels why are they not being used instead? This could keep the field encouraging and maintaining wildlife

  • Catherine Meleuc

    Dear Planning Inspectorate representative, I live in Isleham with my [redacted] boy. We moved to the village 18 months ago and have just bought a house, looking forward to being part of a rural... Read more

  • Chris Rogers

    As a resident close to the proposed development, I am deeply worried about the increased HGV and plant during construction, on going, I protest at the loss of valuable arable land and despite promises... Read more

  • Christian Black

    As a local resident who lives extremely close to the affected area, I strongly object to Sunnica's proposed development because the size and scope of the development are inappropriate and will mean... Read more

  • Crystal Dalton

    I object to this application *greenfield land being taken should be for our farmers growing crops *would be killing habitats of 100’s of species of wildlife *Li-ion BESS can catch fire and impossible... Read more

  • Daisy Ussher

    This scheme appears to be using valuable farmland in vast quantities and will not even be a climate positive venture. It is a Spanish owned company with Chinese made panels with landowners clearly... Read more

  • Dave Grimwade

    I wish to represent my objections to the Sunnica proposal because; - The scale of the project is far too large in my opinion - The visual impact to the countryside will be considerable - House prices... Read more

  • David Reed

    1. Burwell Energy Farm. This appears to occupy the area of the current substation in The Weirs. Currently, this area and the access road to it is a pleasant walk close to Burwell and Priory Wood.... Read more

  • Denis Field

    I object to this proposed scheme because:- Size and scale. Sprawling layout covering 2500acres of rural agricultural land surrounding five villages. This is industrialisation of the landscape.... Read more

  • Derek McLean

    This development is not within keeping with the local area, and will take valuable productive arable land out of production.

  • Diane Grano

    I am concerned that the scale of the battery plant is going to be built on farming land and also the country side. There is a real concern about the close proximity of the battery plant to a growing... Read more

  • Dojima Sake Brewery (Dojima Sake Brewery)

    Against the size of the development, for safety reasons and loss of countryside. Huge Business interruption risk especially during the development stage and after the completion as the area will not... Read more

  • Dr Michael Sullivan

    There is a health problem with the batteries

  • Elizabeth Grimwade

    I am objecting to the Sunnica energy farm proposal for the following reasons: - The current proposal will destroy a substantial area of productive farmland including farmland that has been in family... Read more

  • Emma Anderson

    It is absurd that, at this time of national crisis in terms of the UK's food sustainability, that Sunnica should be proposing to destroy farmland to build the largest solar farm in Europe. The impact... Read more

  • Eric Bishop

    The size and scale of the proposal is out of keeping with the surrounding landscape and would spoil the countryside out look. The need for farmland now is higher than it has ever been so the land... Read more

  • Erin Holland

    I very much object to the sunnica solar scheme for many reasons including the ones listed below: - Suffolk is classed as an area of outstanding natural beauty. - The countryside will be lost for over... Read more

  • Evelien Clifford

    Firstly there is the size of the largest proposed solar farm in the U.K. to be located on good agricultural land. And very, dangerously so (particularly if anything was to happen!), close to... Read more

  • Fordham Parish Council (Fordham Parish Council )

    The Parish Council wishes to raise the following objections and concerns about the Sunnica application. 1- the area covered by the scheme is grade 3a arable land or better. Many of the residents have... Read more

  • Freckenham Parish Council (Freckenham Parish Council)

    Freckenham Parish Council objects to the Sunnica scheme as described in the DCO application, and in particular on the following points: 1. The excessive size and fragmented nature of the scheme... Read more

  • Gainsborough Thoroughbreds Ltd (Gainsborough Thoroughbreds Ltd)

    OBJECTION to Sunnica Energy Farm Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010106 My son and I run a bloodstock business, incorporating both racing and breeding interests, in Newmarket, the racehorse... Read more