
Sunnica Energy Farm

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Showing 1251 to 1275 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Kevin Brown

    I am opposed to the Sunnica application. My submissions are: • The size of the development changes the rural character of the area in which I live. Large areas of solar panels will dominate the... Read more

  • Kevin Getchell

    - The need for renewable energy -Compare and contrast viable solar energy -List factual information where solar is a great option - Discuss how this area is not suitable for optimal solar

  • Leanna Bye

    I do not like the idea of the sunnica energy farm in our area as I feel as a small but thriving and expanding village this will damage the surrounding areas and become a less desirable place to live.

  • Lee Heath

    Sunnica will significantly and irreversibly damage the beautiful countryside surrounding our villages and induce a drastic change of landscape completely destroying the value of our homes and land.... Read more

  • Lisa George

    - I live in Chippenham village and will be affected by heavy traffic on the tight windy country roads whilst this is being built which will be dangerous. - Much of the wildlife I current take for... Read more

  • Lorenzo Atzori

    I object to the Sunnica scheme for the following reasons: • I am resident in Chippenham and work in the horse racing industry. • I am worried about the effect of the construction phase of this scheme... Read more

  • Lorraine Parker

    I object to the Sunnica Energy Farm because: *It is on a huge scale, destroying wildlife corridors occupying prime agricultural land, particularly in a time when the country needs to be more self... Read more

  • Louise Laird

    This Sunnica battery farm cannot be allowed to go ahead, use solar panels on commercial roofs and not fertile land. This scheme is potentially going to be an horrific clean up job in the future, long... Read more

  • Paul Mangell on behalf of Lucie Newport Mangell (Lucie Newport Mangell)

    Lucie Newport Mangell has lived in Chippenham for her entire life. She is deeply concerned that the proposed Sunnica project has serious flaws in its conception, delivery and long term benefit. Lucie... Read more

  • Lynn Hayes

    I object to the scale of this project due to the close proximity to villages. The land in agricultural land . All roads surrounding this site are small village roads unsuitable for the amount of... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of M J Mitcham as Trustee of the Heritage SIPP (M J Mitcham as Trustee of the Heritage SIPP)

    CB426716 - Land at Broads Road, Burwell, Book of Reference 18:11 CB426650 - Land lying to south of Broads Road, Burwell, Book of Reference Plot Numbers 18:09, 18:10 Owner: M J Mitcham as Trustee of... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of M R & T A Mitcham & Lonsdale Pensions Trustees (M R & T A Mitcham & Lonsdale Pensions Trustees)

    CB429786 - Goosehall Farm, Burwell, Book of Reference Plot Numbers 19:02, 19:03, 19:04 CB450006 - Land lying to the north of Broads Road, Burwell, Book of Reference Plot Numbers 18:16, 18:17, 18:18... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of M R Mitcham (M R Mitcham)

    CB329988 - Breach Farm, Burwell – Book of Reference Plot Numbers 17:03, 18:01, 18:02 Owner: M R Mitcham Occupier: B C Mitcham Farms Bidwells is instructed by the Mitcham family to act as their agents... Read more

  • Madeleine Sanderson

    My Objections are: - More arable land needed now - not less It is too near villages dangers have been established in other structures - the site used needs to be well away from human and animal... Read more

  • Marc Dunand

    I object to the application by Sunnica Solar and Battery Plant on the following grounds: Loss of countryside in rich nutrient agricultural area, resulting in loss of employment and less... Read more

  • Margaret Bell

    I strongly object to the gigantic size of this project, absolutely massive !! The negative impact on the natural habitat and the normal feeding habits of birds, eating small land crawling insects,... Read more

  • Mark Chinery

    This is a terrible proposal for the area. The damage that will be done to the countryside and the way of life is simply not acceptable. As an engineer that has, and continues to work in the power... Read more

  • Mark Simmons

    Have deep concerns with the prospect of a fire from the large battery which give out toxic fumes and are very hard to put out . In other countries these have set fire , very strange decision to place... Read more

  • Mary Smith

    CONSULTATION QUESTIONNAIRE 22 September 2020 to 2 December 2020 Sunnica Ltd is consulting on its proposals for Sunnica Energy Farm, a new solar energy farm and battery storage facility connecting to... Read more

  • Michael Caves

    I intend to object to the building of a massive number of solar panels on what is currently productive farmland. I believe this to be shortsighted and a mistake. Solar energy should not come at the... Read more

  • Michael Haworth

    The benefits to the country is dissproportionate to the damage to the local area. The scheme wll impose additional costs on the national economy that are not considered in this private scheme. An... Read more

  • Michael Robinson

    This project is poorly thought out. It will smother valuable agricultural land with solar panels to generate relatively small quantities of power in comparison to the loss of productive land. The... Read more

  • Mike Gardner

    This Sunnica project will cause major disruptions to road networks and will stop a lot of arable land from being cultivated for crops as well as a major impact on the wildlife in the area. This is... Read more

  • Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence)

    The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Safeguarding Team represents the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as a consultee in UK planning and energy consenting systems to ensure that development does not... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of Mitcham Contracts Burwell Ltd (Mitcham Contracts Burwell Ltd)

    CB120307 - Land at Fordham House, Fordham – Book of Reference Plot Numbers 16:11, 16:13, 16:14 Owner: Mitcham Contracts (Burwell) Ltd Occupier: B C Mitcham Farms Bidwells is instructed by the Mitcham... Read more