
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 600 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Maureen Ann Stewart

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech, which is totally unsuitable for this area. It is cause for serious concern that the proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements per... Read more

  • The Bramley Line Heritage Railway Trust (The Bramley Line Heritage Railway Trust)

    Point 1. We consider that the investigative reports into traffic flows in Wisbech, and on main roads towards Wisbech, are significantly flawed. Gridlock in the areas approaching the proposed... Read more

  • Wendy Anne Galley

    Pollution from extra vehicles and from the incinerator itself. Not the right area for an incinerator.Damage to the environment and degrading the local area.

  • Angela Loynes

    As the main entry point to the East Anglia from the rest of the country the A47 already is a high congestion point. You only have to listen to any traffic report on national and local radio to hear... Read more

  • Anthony Betts

    I am against the MVV infrastructure project at the proposed site. There are no benefits to this project for me, however, there are significant concerns that would impact my daily life in the area. The... Read more

  • Bettina Croft

    Now, at[], and a [] for most of my life, I feel that the younger people of this country cannot be made to suffer the air pollution that this burning of noxious waste materials will bring to the... Read more

  • Michael Waller-Bridge

    Not very long ago following a very protracted process, another such proposal (for an incinerator at a site just outside King's Lynn) was eventually defeated and I am disappointed that a new proposal... Read more

  • Neil Halliday

    The volume of traffic this proposal will generate will further congest our already congested roads. It will only create a handful of jobs. It will create air pollution near to several schools in a... Read more

  • Rosemary Goodenough

    Not very long ago following a very protracted process, another such proposal (for an incinerator at a site just outside King's Lynn) was eventually defeated and I am disappointed that a new proposal... Read more

  • Cambian Home tree school (Cambian Home tree school )

    Object. Impact of pollution on the school children. Increased traffic and related dangers

  • James Mackle ltd (James Mackle ltd)

    I am concerned about the disruption this project will have on our business and town.

  • Nigel Elgood

    My main objection is that it is too far away from a main road or motorway which will cause havoc in the local area with all the extra lorry movements.

  • Sylvia Moore

    It will create extra traffic with lorries coming from all directions to the site,a lot of holiday traffic travel around the ring road to the coast in the summer the extra lorries going to the site... Read more

  • Terence John Moore

    My first objection concerns the increase in traffic this incinerator will generate, Wisbech is on one of the main routes to the coast and roads already get gridlocked, particularly in the summer.... Read more

  • Tracey Thulborn

    It will have a detrimental affect to the traffic congestion that is already a problem in the area where the proposed project is planned for. It will also have a negative affect on the value of... Read more

  • Valerie Macrae

    This project will not be helping to reduce our carbon footprint in this country. The amount of lorry movements will result in there being continual traffic holdups and we will not be able to travel... Read more

  • Adam Whittaker

    Dangerous particles from the incinerator will drift across Wisbech and King's Lynn, harming our environment and families with children near The Wash. It is an unacceptable location which will damage... Read more

  • Ben Aistrup

    Increased traffic mainly due from lorry's going back and forth - I believe over 300 per day. That area is already congested most of the time as the infrastructure is not there. The locality to the... Read more

  • Frances Nolan

    The Wisbech incinerator proposed is massive this would cause depression, anxiety fears for the people living next to it. People would be worrying about their health and the health of their children.... Read more

  • Jane Hill

    In addition to potential damage to the environment and unfairness about choice of location from a "levelling up" point of view, I am particularly concerned about the risk to human health from airborne... Read more

  • Janet Knight

    Increased vehicle activity by my house. The big sided lorries currently going past to get to the [] rubbish site, make lots of rattle from tin trailers. More of these 24 hours a day would be... Read more

  • John Knight

    My property faces directly onto [] and I consider that the extra traffic for 24/7 will have a severe detrimental affect on both mine and my wife's health and also cause a lack of sleep. With the... Read more

  • Lee Dalton

    Nobody wants a massive incinerator on their doorstep, it's ugly, smelly, and a huge source of CO2. However, as a nation we have a duty to deal with our own waste, rather than continue shipping it... Read more

  • Mick Howard

    Road Infrastructure.

  • Nicholas Anthony Meekins

    This plant represents a massive over provision of waste requirements in the area. It could lead to councils missing recycling targets if they have to send recyclable waste to meet contracted tonnages.... Read more

  • Walsoken Parish Council (Walsoken Parish Council)

    Walsoken Parishioners are located downwind from the proposed site which is only around 2 miles away. They could be effected by fallout and pollution caused by the incinerator impacting residents day... Read more

  • Craig Stewart

    This would be devastating for wisbech. The air quality would be severely reduced to a point where it would be dangerous to health. The additional traffic would cause chaos. This is against the cleaner... Read more

  • Debra Eve McGowan

    I believe that all waste should be reused. Glass should be used in place of plastic, and the old way of putting a deposit charge for a return of a drink bottle reintroduced. Metals, wood and paper, as... Read more

  • Nicola Sewell

    I live in the village of [] when there is an accident or breakdown on the a47 in an out of Wisbech our village gets used as a bypass, it can’t cope with heavy lorry’s and it would be a danger for the... Read more

  • Snettisham Parish Council (Snettisham Parish Council)

    Snettisham Parish Council are concerned that the parishes' proximity to the facility may affect the health and well being of residents. Concerns include - air pollution and the release of... Read more

  • Susan Julia Dockett

    I think the proposal will cause significant damage to the economic and social environment of the town

  • Tanya Downham

    I am concerned about the air quality deteriorating. I expect to see traffic issues particularly on regular occasions when the A47 is closed and the traffic gets rerouted through the local villages. I... Read more

  • William Cook

    The proposed incinerator would be being built in a residential area. Schools, food factories, a clinic and many homes are within close proximity. The increase in traffic would be detrimental to a... Read more

  • Alison Merton

    It will impact he roads of Wisbech and the air quality

  • Pauline Adams

    I propose that the incinerator receives full planning permission as I believe it will be a positive asset to the town and the country as waste management needs to be taken care of correctly, I also... Read more

  • Robert Mitchell

    The site is alongside a major highway the A47. This road carries traffic from the midlands to the east coast and is a vintage single carriage way on which there are regular fatalities involving lgv's... Read more

  • Robert West

    Already there is a large number of very heavy lorries coming within 400 metres of the town centre delivering goods and distributing both pet food and processed food nationally. This, along with poor... Read more

  • The Fuller Family

    We believe that this project would be harmful to our environment. The evidence on incinerators is that they produce noise, traffic, pollutants and smells which are harmful to people living locally.... Read more

  • William Pentelow

    I work at a company on Algores Way which will seriously be affected if it goes ahead

  • Ci Bob Page

    Incineration will destroy this Country’s target of NET ZERO target as every ton incinerated exudes out another ton of co2 and no way will the UK meet it’s reduction targets. The exhausted residue will... Read more

  • Elizabeth Truss MP

    The Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility has been accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate. To formally register as an interested party, I am making the following... Read more

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP (Addleshaw Goddard LLP) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)


  • Adams Hendry Consulting Limited (Adams Hendry Consulting Limited) on behalf of Wisbech Town Council

    This representation is submitted on behalf of Wisbech Town Council in response to the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the construction, operation and maintenance of an Energy from... Read more

  • Antony Scott

    I am extremely concerned for a number of reasons. The traffic will become gridlocked with several lorries on our road coming into Wisbech. If there is an accident on the major roads traffic is... Read more

  • Barbara Marshall

    Prevailing winds will carry pollution, with consequent affect on the environment and health, over West Norfolk. Emphasis needs to be placed on recycling, and developing technologies for reuse of more... Read more

  • Carly Read

    OBJECTION Hazard to health Infrastructure unable to cope Dangerous to local schools All the reasons Kings Lynn was objected for I’m waiting to see your reports

  • Michael Anthony Hopgood

    Having been the technical manager of a large environmental analytical chemistry laboratory with over 35 years experience in the waste sector, I have been in a position to assess the MVV documentation... Read more

  • Rebecca Kate Prest

    This is going to be placed in very close proximity to 3 schools. The small, dangerous particulates cannot be filtered and can cause cancer, birth deformities and miscarriages. Our town can't cope with... Read more

  • Ruth Fenella Hopgood

    Having been a contaminated land consultant / geoenvironmental engineer with over 15 years experience in the sector, and with an MSc in Contaminated Land and a BSc in Soil Science, I have been in a... Read more

  • Elizabeth Maxey

    I object to the proposal because: It does not comply with national planning policy, including the national policy statements for energy, the National planning policy framework for waste and the U.K.’s... Read more

  • G J Mann

    Kings Lynn and west Norfolk are downwind ( prevailing wind) from the proposed incinerator and any time the emissions exceed any known safe levels people in Kings Lynn and west Norfolk are likely to... Read more

  • Hugh Richard Maxey

    I object to the proposal because: It does not comply with national planning policy, including the national policy statements for energy, the National planning policy framework for waste and the U.K.’s... Read more

  • Tina Wilson

    The local inferstructer will not stand the over crowded traffic it will cause. It will cause health issues to local schools and it goes against our government forecast in zero emissions

  • A Manning

    I work within a few hundred feet of the proposed Medworth site. I have various concerns, namely future health implications to myself and my family. I believe the new PM confirmed that incinerators... Read more

  • A1 Engraving LTD (A1 Engraving LTD)

    it will bring minimal jobs to the town (less than 50) but the potential for job losses could be much higher (particularly local food factories), not to mention reduced house prices, horrendous traffic... Read more

  • Amanda McGrath

    All local councils have voted against it, there are enough incinerators in the area already and we should be recycling and not incinerating. Also it would mean waste being brought in from other areas... Read more

  • Andrew Charles Pyshorn

    The proposed development is too close to existing private residences and to retail areas located on Cromwell Road. Additionally the significant increase of HGV traffic on the A47 will cause... Read more

  • Angie Horton

    I totally disagree with this incinerator being built in Wisbech. It is in an area that is close to schools and residential area! The infrastructure could NOT deal with the amount of extra vehicles... Read more

  • Anne Sargeant

    The location of this huge monstrosity should not be in an area where there are primary and secondary schools very close by. It will be almost on top of a retail park and a Tesco superstore. The... Read more

  • Colin Davies

    I have concerns regarding air pollution, both with CO2 and particulate matter. The fly ash will be toxic and require special landfill sites. The scale is far in excess of local requirements and the... Read more

  • CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough)

    CPRE Cambridgeshire & Peterborough objects in the strongest possible terms to this application. Following a request by local residents, CPRE have reviewed this proposal which is located close to an... Read more

  • Debbie Boekee

    1. Heavy lorry’s battering our already suffering roads in Fenland 2. Air pollution 3. Contamination of arable farming land where our food is grown 4. Contamination of grasslands from which livestock... Read more

  • Donna Knott

    I believe it would be a huge mistake to put an incinerator at the propsed site especially at the planned size. The proposed site is close to many houses and to schools, so I am very concerned about... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Please find enclosed the Relevant Representation on behalf of the Environment Agency in relation to the above application for a Development Consent Order (DCO). The Environment Agency’s Role We are a... Read more

  • James Joyce

    My concerns are not only the obvious health risks that the incinerator may bring, but also access. Both during the building of and supplying the incinerator would involve traffic on Weasenham Lane.... Read more

  • John Taylor

    The main road A47 cannot cope with the extra 300? lorries per day bringing in waste. If there is an accident or traffic lights on the A47 vehicles are diverted along the historic North Brink past... Read more

  • Jonathan Rylance

    I'm against the project I have concerns about the increased amount of traffic if it's built the roads are overwhelmed already. The exhausted is a major concern. It will also be a eyesore.

  • l.horton

    impact on extra traffic road congestion smell and noise school close by building containing food next to the site wildlife in the area

  • Margaret Tanner

    I want to raise my co cerns about the seemingly poor consultation and misinformation about this project and about the irreversible environmental impact this project will have if it goes ahead

  • Marina Guarino

    Very concerned about the negative impact to air quality this incinerator will have from its working and from the vehicles delivering to it. The additional traffic on already congested and inadequate... Read more

  • Mervyn Sargeant

    I believe the location is too close to your Georgian Market town, as the crow flies it’s within 500mt of our main shopping centre and within around 750 mt of our schools. It is a ridiculous scheme so... Read more

  • Patricia Eveline Lecompte usage Manning

    It is not the right project for Wisbech: 1) Wisbech's roads are already very crowded and cannot handle such traffic: the local infrastructure cannot handle it 2) The incinerator will be too close to... Read more

  • Paul Downham

    I cannot see how the local infrastructure can cope with the increased traffic. I am very concerned about the smell. How can this be good for the environment if the waste is being driven hundreds of... Read more

  • Rachel Taylor

    The traffic on the A47 is already a problem so traffic cuts through the back roads and along to the historic North Brink where Wisbech Grammar School is located creating gridlocks and endangerment to... Read more

  • Russ Killick

    This development will significantly impact negatively upon the health of myself and family. We live within 2km of the proposed incinerator and in line with prevailing winds. The long term fallout of... Read more

  • Samantha Wilson

    I am deeply concerned on the incinerator impacting on air pollution, road congestion, house prices and impact on the local community as well as the impact on the local wildlife.

  • Sheila McGrath Clark

    Will the government offer compensation for the loss of value to my home, making a move away from an area with a incinerator impossible. Will there be compensation for the environmental loss, birds,... Read more

  • Stephen McGrath Clark

    The “Medworth” plan is ill conceived in several respects, and belies the government's ecological claims. I submit that, since this is not wartime, it is unconstitutional and irresponsible of the... Read more

  • Adam gipp

    Although West Norfolk and King’s Lynn could be more affected than Wisbech by airborne pollution from the incinerator given the existing weather conditions, the residents of King’s Lynn were not... Read more

  • Adrian Edgington

    Pollution Safety Political instability locally

  • Amanda Channing

    Roads and infrastructure

  • Andrew Michael de WHALLEY

    1. Need: England is at incineration overcapacity. Defra statistics show that “Waste sent for incineration increased by 0.8 million tonnes (7.7 per cent) to 12.5 million tonnes in 2020/21 compared to... Read more

  • Angela Brennan-glass

    We do not want a incinerator, when air pollution is already killing people, and causing lung disease Also there are orchards in the fields all around the incinerator and farmers crops growing for the... Read more

  • Jacobs UK Limited (Jacobs UK Limited) on behalf of Anglian Water (Anglian Water)

    Anglian Water is the statutory undertaker for water services in the application area. Consultation with the Applicant has taken place regarding several matters, critically on Protective Provisions and... Read more

  • Barbara Symonds

    I feel the positioning of this incinerator is totally unacceptable. There are schools, and a thriving town centre within a mile of the proposed site. We generally get south easterly wind here, so... Read more

  • Bob Hodgson

    The project will generate very significant carbon and particulate emissions both embedded in its initial construction and most especially generated from its daily operations. At its proposed capacity,... Read more

  • Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk (Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk)

    Please see attached relevant representation.

  • Bradley Cox

    1. Health implications for people working and living within Wisbech. 2. Increased traffic and congestion on roads which are already over crowded and in appalling state of repair. 3. Increased traffic... Read more

  • Charlotte Anita Bailey

    My concerns regarding the proposed incinerator are as follows: 1. The additional heavy traffic on the A47 and Cromwell Road. 2. The smell from the piles of waste and the loaded vehicles. 3. The... Read more

  • Claire Bates

    The traffic is already terrible in the mornings when getting to work with traffic jams and the roads are in such a bad way that I have to keep having tyres replaced, alloy wheels put right because of... Read more

  • Clarkes Mowers

    Traffic Jams

  • Darren Kirk

    I wish to make my objection clear to the proposed mega incinerator for our small market town. I am a director of a business based on Newbridge Lane in Wisbech We run a commercial vehicle body shop and... Read more

  • David Blake

    I wish to object to the construction of Wisbech incinerator. IMO this is a poor way of getting rid of refuse, much of which can be recycled. There is also the pollution of carbon dioxide and God knows... Read more

  • Debora Spiteri

    I do not agree with the incinerator. Wisbech is too small for such a large project. The roads won't cope with the increased traffic, it's placement is too close to the school and food is grown in the... Read more

  • Deborah Thomas

    The proposed site is within an historic market town. I am concerned about the impact on health to the local community and buildings that both the inevitible increase in heavy traffic and the plant... Read more

  • Donna Northwood

    Health consequences and traffic congestion on an already overloaded road system

  • Dr Clive Ballard

    Very concerned about health and environmental impact. Will comment further when more details available.

  • East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust)

    The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) consider that the Project (Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat & Power Facility) is likely to have a significant impact on its operations,... Read more

  • Elaine Ann Jefferis

    As an owner of a business situated on the industrial estate where this project is going to be built, it is important to note my rejection against this project. The impact on my business as well as the... Read more

  • Elgood & Sons Ltd (Elgood & Sons Ltd)

    Traffic congestion, health consequences and impact on local jobs