
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Hilland

    I am absolutely opposed to this project as it is completely in the wrong place. Close to a school and a road which is already a nightmare. I live along the A47 not far from this site and it is already... Read more

  • Valerie whitby

    Council of Fenland not to manage and keep records of contaminated air quality readings. Ian [redacted] never smoked do not Drink cook from scratch, I lived on a road the A68 half a mile from a tip... Read more

  • Wendy Lemon

    I am very disappointed that a plan to build a massive power plant in the middle of a town has even been allowed consideration. Wisbech and the surrounding area will be adversely affected by the... Read more

  • Wisbech, March and District Trades Union Council (Wisbech, March and District Trades Union Council)

    Wisbech March and District Trades Union Council opposes the proposed development by MVV of a “mega” waste incineration plant within the historic market town of Wisbech. We believe that any minimal... Read more

  • Alan Dougall

    Proposed Incinerator in Wisbech. From a personal perspective. This incinerator would have a detrimental affect on my health due to my health issues. The affect on the surrounding area from the... Read more

  • Andrea Durling

    I would like to strongly object to the proposed project on the basis of it polluting the environment, poisoning our air and water. As an experienced factory operator I know that systems such as... Read more

  • Andrew Burke

    I believe that the local road infrastructure and the A47 is not suitable for the proposed incinerator. The increase of traffic that the incinerator will bring will cause further delays locally, on... Read more

  • Anne Craw

    Unacceptable increase in traffic on already overcrowded roads, where there is already congestion and sink holes . Regular accidents on the A47 causing major delays. Houses already shaking due to... Read more

  • Anne Gilbert

    Pollution close to town and even closer to school Road infrastructure Traffic overload Health and safety

  • Belinda Francis

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech. I believe a facility of this size is wholly unsuitable for this area and think there are many key concerns that still haven’t been fully... Read more

  • Christine Cook

    The location of the proposed site is completely wrong. It is in close proximity to homes, retail premises,gyms, clinics, offices, an eye clinic and is 750 metres from one of the largest high schools... Read more

  • Christopher John pirie

    I am strongly apposed to this waste burning facility, being a local resident and will be directly effected by the impact on the already poor local road network that is often at gridlock at peak times.... Read more

  • Claudia Logan

    Overload of lorry traffic to the incinerator. Our road are already annually pockmarked with holes from the present lorry traffic and they are not repaired quickly. We have to wait many months before... Read more

  • Cllr Steven Tierney

    I am the local town, district and county councillor for the area where the plans are proposed to be sited. I am opposed to the plans. I am concerned about the health and wellbeing of local people as... Read more

  • David Sturgess

    Waiting to review further information when available.

  • Duncan Stevenson

    When information is provided I will comment.

  • Elizabeth Mcmanus

    I have today registered as an Interested Party against the Wisbech Incinerator on the Planning Inspectorate Website. If you too are opposed to the Wisbech Incinerator please follow this link and... Read more

  • Fenland Branch of Unite Community Union (Fenland Branch of Unite Community Union)

    The construction of this huge incinerator would run counter to the interests and welfare of the people of Wisbech and district.

  • Gloria Peacock

    Do not agree with the plans to build this incinerator far to near to town . Will cause traffic problems to an already congested town.

  • Glyn Bennett

    The proposal for a waste incinerator will increase traffic movements immensely in a rural area which will impact further on roads already at a standstill with congestion. This area has already been... Read more

  • Helen Pentelow

    As a business owner my business is within metres of the proposed site. However, I will make further detailed comments at a later date, which is my right.

  • Irene Henson

    I will make my comments known once I have examined all of the information that's available, in full capacity

  • Jacob Hearn

    The construction of an incinerator in Wisbech is ludicrous I’m amazed it is being considered let alone planning has been submitted. 1, it will destroy the look of a market town that is already... Read more

  • James Major-Mackay

    This can not be put forward. The town Ida bursting point already, let alone more traffic. Extremely concerned for my kids quality of life

  • Jane Gower

    Unsuitable area,to close to residential area and schools