
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 276 to 300 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Cooke

    I will comment when I have looked at the plans

  • The Lewis Family (The Lewis Family) on behalf of The Lewis Family (The Lewis Family)

    If This proposal wins the incinerator will be located within the boundaries of the town close to supermarkets and shops. Wisbech is fed by mainly single carriageway rural roads. The A47 trunk road... Read more

  • Travers Dann

    This project is unacceptable for a number off reasons 1. Huge increase in lorries carry waste, further increasing congestion, pollution and noise, which is already at a unacceptable level. The road... Read more

  • WEP Fabrications Ltd (WEP Fabrications Ltd)

    Our workshop is adjacent to the proposed site. Further comments from our company will be made in due course

  • WEP Powdercoating Ltd (WEP Powdercoating Ltd)

    My business is adjacent to the proposed site. As with many businesses owners on the estate I have many comments to make & I will be making these comments in due course with legal advice.

  • Allen David Briscoe

    I have worries about a huge incinerator being positioned so close to my home and the potential significant health risks that this brings. I also worry about the increased traffic congestion and impact... Read more

  • Andrew Nuttall

    I will comment upon receiving details of application

  • Carolyn Day

    I object to the Super incinerator being built in Wisbech because . The roads in the area are not capable of supporting additional vehicles . At peak periods the Elm Hall roundabout already backs up in... Read more

  • Christine Gardner

    Environmental and health concerns

  • Christine Rothwell

    Increased traffic, thereby increased emissions. Increased noise from the traffic. Increased air pollution from the incinerator.

  • David Russell

    [redacted] as have quite a few people in the area any pollution will have a detrimental effect on our health Also the roads system around Wisbech is running at full capacity already without the... Read more

  • Felicity Hills

    I don’t believe that putting what you are preparing to build in a small town like Wisbech is in our best interest, the amount of traffic we experience now will be dwarfed buy the amount of lorries... Read more

  • James Andrew Green

    I want to express my absolute objection to a proposed incinerator in Wisbech. This would affect the lives and health of everyone in the immediate vicinity and would impact many people in the outlying... Read more

  • Janet Anne Evelyn Barrett-Treen

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech. I believe a facility of this size is wholly unsuitable for this area and think there are many key concerns that still haven’t been fully... Read more

  • Jason Watson

    I will be commenting once I have examined the information

  • Linda Parsley

    I totally disagree with the insinerator planned for Wisbech

  • Lynda Russell

    The pollution from this site will affect the many people in this area with breathing problems also the roads will not be able to cope with the traffic as they are in a terrible state already we... Read more

  • Maureen Ann Stewart

    I strongly object to this proposed project, which is very close to a built-up area which is against government guidelines for these incinerators. The local roads are already heavily congested and... Read more

  • Maureen Therese Davis

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech. A facility of this size is totally unsuitable for this area and there are serious concerns that still haven’t been addressed, such as the... Read more

  • Megan royal

    This project should not not go ahead in this area. It has already been previously rejected by Kings Lynn and the same now in Wisbech. The impact of this project is only negative and utter disgrace to... Read more

  • Paul Malcolm Delman Brown

    The roads around Wisbech and on the A47 are already congested. Tailbacks of traffic to and from and along the A47 are often several miles. The frequency of the tailbacks gets worse in the late Spring,... Read more

  • Paul Woodward

    Far to big an installation so near to a town

  • Peter Johnson

    As a local businessman, I am fully in support of the plans and beleive it will be a major benefit to the town of Wisbech, I do not beleive that there will be any threat to health or to the local... Read more

  • Peterborough, Fenlands and King's Lynn Community Branch (LE/00021) of Unite the Union (Peterborough, Fenlands and King's Lynn Community Branch (LE/00021) of Unite the Union )

    Our branch has a number of members , especially living in the Wisbech area, who feel that this project will be injurious to their health (and generally the health of their communities) in both the... Read more

  • Sandra Smedley

    Most of my objections have already been stated by many others. I am [redacted] and not thinking of myself but our future generations. This is abominable ! Their health, the climate change etc. all... Read more