Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 50 of 126 representations, newest first.

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  • Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond (Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond)

    Dear Sir / Madam, We refer to the above application for development consent. Trinity House is the General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar with powers... Read more

  • East Of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (East Of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust)

    The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) consider that the Project (Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm) is likely to have a significant impact on its operations, service capacity and... Read more


    My main concern is the cable corridor and its potential impact with vessels arriving and departing from the port. As Port of Felixstowe is the largest and deepest container port within the UK, any... Read more

  • Harwich Harbour Fishermens Association (Harwich Harbour Fishermens Association)

    Impact on the financial earning ability of 22 inshore commercial fishers and dispersal of fish stocks Detrimental impact on inshore fishing

  • Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape Partnership (Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape Partnership)

    The Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape is the brand for the legally designated Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, AONB. The associated Partnership is a... Read more

  • Essex County Council (Essex County Council)

    Essex County Council is a statutory consultee into this DCO proposal. ECC will make it's comments to PINS in detail as an integral part of the DCO consideration. ECC has commented previous on the... Read more

  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency (Maritime and Coastguard Agency)

    MCA will be responding to the ExA on matters concerning the safety of maritime navigation and maritime Search and Rescue. MCA will provide comments on the Navigation Risk Assessment, Shipping &... Read more

  • Tendring District Council (Tendring District Council)

    Tendring District Council is supportive of the transition to clean energy but have concerns about this particular project which we will elaborate on in our future representation.

  • James Sadler

    My property directly abuts the Onshore DCO Limits. I would object to the proposal because there is little or no meaningful consideration made to mitigate the long term impact to the properties... Read more

  • Philip Cunningham

    Impact on Agriculture, construction traffic. Archaeology.

  • Royal Yachting Association (Royal Yachting Association)

    The Royal Yachting Association is the national governing body for dinghy, motor and sail cruising, all forms of sail racing, RIBs and sportsboats, windsurfing and personal watercraft. Developments of... Read more

  • The Crown Estate (The Crown Estate)

    The Crown Estate requests to be registered as an Interested Party in the examination of the Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm. Our interest in the project is that Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm Ltd... Read more

  • Cruising Association (Cruising Association)

    The Cruising Association represents recreational boaters who take part in cruising in sailing boats and motor boats in waters around the UK, Europe and other parts of the world. We have an interest in... Read more

  • Frinton & Walton Town Council (Frinton & Walton Town Council)

    To be submitted following a full council meeting. The view of the council has not changed since the consultation. Please see attached.

  • New Orford Town Trust (New Orford Town Trust)

    New Orford Town Trust owns Orford Quay, and we understand that access may be required to Orford Ness for implementation of measures related to habitat improvement measures for lesser black-backed... Read more

  • David Rampling


  • Orwell Housing Association Limited (Orwell Housing Association Limited)

    The project appears to affect a property owned by the Association and is the home of customers with support needs. We would like further information on how this will impact our customers and affect... Read more

  • Tracy Rampling


  • Great Bromley Parish Council (Great Bromley Parish Council)

    No comments as yet, we are registering our interest.

  • Anthony Ronald Winter

    Seeking information re possible radiation from installed cables

  • Ted Edwards

    The main issues I have with the application are two-fold. Firstly, I believe that a land-based solution (laying underground cables in cut-and-cover trenches) to connect to a large new onshore... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways)

    National Highways is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the Strategic Road Network (SRN) in England on behalf of the Secretary of the State. In the area within and... Read more

  • UK Chamber of Shipping (UK Chamber of Shipping)

    The UK Chamber of Shipping is the trade association for the UK shipping industry, representing some 200 members, operating 900 vessels equalling 18 million GT in capacity, trading around the UK and... Read more

  • Cobra Mist Limited (Cobra Mist Limited)

    Cobra Mist Limited has property interests on Orford Ness where it is intended there might be a nesting area for Lesser Black Backed Gulls. Such proposals have yet to be finalised. The area of ground... Read more

  • John Jiggens

    The effect of the whole project on myself, my family and my business. We farm at Horsley cross, the cable cuts our farm literally in half, they also want compounds on our land. I have built the... Read more

  • Mary Cooper

    So my concerns are as follows we have a shoot on the which it will disrupt. Well water is at the house and yard . We have the cable and haul road going over the fields which will be a big... Read more

  • Robert Fairley

    I have serious concerns regarding this development as I feel it will have a devastating effect on the rest of my life. I was expecting to spend the rest of my life at Normans Farm. However, I feel the... Read more

  • Weeley Parish Council (Weeley Parish Council)

    Weeley Parish Council are worried about the large increase in HGV traffic through it's village during the proposed development. The large number of vehicle movements will be a danger to the public who... Read more

  • Robert Watson Hendrie Fairley

    I am not happy with you plans for these cables coming through my farm it will seriously impact on farming operations. With a compound yard and increase in traffic. The cable needs to be at least 1.2... Read more

  • T Fairley & Son's ltd (T Fairley & Son's ltd)

    Five Estuaries, North Falls the National Grid projects all affect my business, the cumulative impact the projects have on the local community, businesses, roads, property values, mental health,... Read more

  • Sir Bernard Jenkin MP

    I object to this windfarm connecting to the proposed East Anglian Connection Node; I favour a connection via Sealink or the Tarchon Interconnector, as part of a shift in network design to offshore... Read more

  • Babergh and Mid Suffolk district councils (Babergh and Mid Suffolk district councils)

    Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils consider their role of protecting and promoting the interests of the districts’ communities, businesses and environment to be of utmost importance and... Read more

  • Joanna Mangham

    My address is in the main proposed area of disruption. The works will be taking place no more that 100 metres from my home. My access will be completely blocked by this work. I work from home and the... Read more

  • Stephen Mangham

    My address will have a trench run through the field in front of the property with the farm tracks been used for access for heavy machinery involved in the project. The noise from heavy plant will be... Read more

  • Victoria Louise Cauvain

    Please, please, please follow an underwater option for this plan. Our roads are already in bad condition, over used and our farmland is rapidly disappearing under houses, what farmland and natural... Read more

  • Helen Peirson

    I am registering as an owner of land along the route of the underground cables being proposed by Five Estuaries and North Falls Offshore Wind Farms. Five Estuaries and North Falls do not seem to be... Read more

  • Wendy Harwood

    The key issues have been previously raised on our behalf by Brooks Leney. Undertaking the work in a way that considers current and future farming needs, paying particular attention to soil and... Read more

  • Paul Whittle

    I object to the proposal to bring the power from the Five Estuaries wind farm ashore at Holland Haven and from there to the proposed substation at Ardleigh/Little Bromley. This brings severe harm to... Read more

  • Gillian Whittle

    I object to the proposal to bring the power from the Five Estuaries wind farm ashore at Holland Haven, and from there to the proposed substation at Ardleigh/Little Bromley. This brings severe harm to... Read more

  • Mr Stephen Martin

    Going by the map (scale very small) it looks like traffic could be using the road to our house. The road is already developing sink holes from the very small amount of traffic it currently had (no... Read more

  • Mrs Maria Martin

    Going by the map (scale very small) it looks like traffic could be using the road to our house. The road is already developing sink holes from the very small amount of traffic it currently had (no... Read more

  • Stena Line BV (Stena Line BV)

    - risk of collision with the wind turbines due to navigational error or a blackout - impact on the fuel consumption as routeing needs to be amended - impact on the maneuverability of the vessels when... Read more

  • Essex Police (Essex Police)

    The representations of Essex Police seek to secure appropriate mitigation and management measures, either via requirements of the DCO or Statement of Common Ground to address the likely impacts... Read more

  • Christine Mary Wilgress BARBER on behalf of The estate of Mr J H & Mrs J M W FAIRLEY

    I am the executor of my parents estate - I am very concerned that this development will impact on the value of their property. Our family have farmed the land identified for this project for 60+ years... Read more

  • Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (Essex County Fire & Rescue Service)

    ECFRS wish to be registered as an interested party for awareness as an Emergency Service that may be required to respond to incidents at the proposed projects site.

  • North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited (North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited)

    North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited is the undertaker for the North Falls Offshore Wind Farm DCO (PINS reference EN010119). The DCO application for North Falls is anticipated to be submitted to the... Read more

  • Anthony Stanton

    I am in favour of pylons

  • Christine Barrett

    Objecting to Substation in Little Bromley I am a resident of Little Bromley, a tiny village along the route of your proposed on-shore connection to the sub station at Ardleigh/Little Bromley. I, along... Read more

  • James Lodge

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, I am writing to express my profound concerns and strong opposition to the proposed Five Estuaries offshore wind farm project. As a resident of Little Bromley for the past... Read more

  • Joanne King

    I object to the plan on the grounds it will ruin the people of east Anglia quality off life . The countryside and wildlife that is ruined keep everything offshore with a intergrated off grid to London