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Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 50 of 330 representations, newest first.

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  • Derbyshire County Council (Derbyshire County Council)

    Please see attached.

  • Alan Edward Timmins

    Excellent quality farming land will be lost which we need to maintain UK food security. Some fields in project are unsuitably sited due to them sloping in the wrong direction. Our narrow lanes are... Read more

  • Albert William Moore

    I strongly object to the development of this proposed Solar Farm for the following reasons. 1) Taking 400 acres of agricultural land up when the country will increasingly need this sort of land to... Read more

  • Alex Wolfe

    I strongly oppose this development which is proposed to take place on a huge area of good quality rural farmland. This development will remove hard working farmers and food producers from our local... Read more

  • Alexander John Thompson

    Destroy good quality farm land. Harm local wildlife Create glint and glare issues for residents and road users Generate HGV traffic during the construction Industrialize green fields permanently... Read more

  • Cadent Gas (Cadent Gas)

    RELEVANT REPRESENTATION Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the Oaklands Farm Solar Park Development Consent Order (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986, with... Read more

  • Chris Browne

    I do not agree with the location of this proposed development. The local area is rural and isn't suitable. The local minor roads are unsuitable for heavy construction traffic.

  • Elizabeth Ann Clarke

    1. The proposal for the solar farm should be rejected for so many reasons. This is good farmland and in these uncertain times ,climate and political,we should ,and will need,to produce more of our own... Read more

  • Fiona Andrew

    There is a massive housing development opposite that will be affected by the noise. With all the development around the area already there will be a more significant loss of habitat for Wildlife. It... Read more

  • Ian Davis

    What is the impact of the loss of the wheat / animal feed currently cultivated on this land what is the impact on animal welfare if the dairy herd is still kept there will they be kept indoors 24/7... Read more

  • Jayne Hall

    Wrong location - insufficient thought for local communities, infrastructure and inappropriate land use.

  • Jim Antcliffe

    Loss of productive farmland at a time of food insecurity and the need to produce more home grown food to reduce carbon footprint. Extent of the project will impact on the beautiful rural landscape to... Read more

  • K Jukes

    I strongly object to the proposed development on the grounds of: The proposed site is on extremely valuable good quality farmland – a 500-acre site with hedges and trees that have taken many years to... Read more

  • Kevin Hiatt

    A complete eyesore in the heart of the National forest to be built on a green belt area on top grade agricultural land People coming from towns and Cities into the countryside don’t want to see a... Read more

  • Lichfield District Council (Lichfield District Council)

    An application for a solar and energy storage project has been submitted to the Inspectorate, and it has been accepted. The project is located within South Derbyshire District Council’s area.... Read more

  • Martin David William Abbott

    I am strongly opposed to the Oakland’s Farm Solar project. I am a great advocate for renewable energy and I acknowledge that solar must form a key part of our energy production in order to meet our... Read more

  • Martin Jones

    The solar panels will have too much impact on the environment. Solar panel farms should be targeted to brown sites or as part of urban building plans.

  • Michael Leech

    Loss of good agricultural land Increased heavy traffic Absolutely ruin the view Reflection from the sun Turning rural area into a non rural industry

  • Mr Declan McCauley

    This will dominate the local landscape and put much more construtction traffic on to our little lanes which cannot already cope with large vehicles. The project is taking away the greenbelt which... Read more

  • Mr Robert Salt

    I think that the idea of putting solar panels on imported agricultural land defeats the point of the country side It will greatly reduce the biodiversity that has evolved over 100s of years and it... Read more

  • Phil Byron

    I am concerned about this project and the impact it will bring to the local community, particularly due to the following factors: loss of good quality farmland, harm to wildlife and habitats,... Read more

  • Philip Kempton

    1 depletion of agricultural land 2 extreme weather contingency plan 3 threat to Ros forestry centre from Thermal run off 4 compromised village integrity

  • Richard Arthur Fisher

    Oaklands Farm Solar - Proposed Project by BayWa r.e. My Pre-Examination Considerations 1.0 Introduction 1.1 I have been a regular visitor to the rural area around Rosliston after I married a local... Read more

  • Robert Page

    Objecting to the proposed solar farm between Rosliston and Drakelow. To large and will affect the area. Area has recovered from the closure of the mines and flourished as the centre on the National... Read more

  • Rosemary Anne Forrest

    This solar project should be sited elsewhere, not on good quality farmland and not where vital hedgerows will be lost. Please site the project on land which cannot be successfully farmed.

  • Ryan Lee Barber

    Destroy good quality farm land. Harm local wildlife Create glint and glare issues for residents and road users Generate HGV traffic during the construction Industrialize green fields permanently... Read more

  • Sarah Moss

    The road infrastructure in the local area cannot handle the increased use that will be necessary for this project. I regularly already witness larger vehicles using smaller roads and road with weight... Read more

  • Sharron Fraser-Smith

    Absolutely disagree with this proposal…. It ruins what is also ruined with infrastructure and will wreck natural habitat ( please don’t give us [Redacted] about what it can provide )!

  • Simon Lyell

    The project will take 400 acres of good quality farmland out of production, farmland that would be better used to produce food locally rather than importing it (which in itself has a greater carbon... Read more

  • Steven Harris

    The proposed solar farm will have a major impact on the villages of South Derbyshire and will take a significant amount of best and most versatile farming land out of production at a time where food... Read more

  • Terry Price

    I object to this project for the following reason It's too Big! Its top grade agricultural land and we need to protect the Uks Food chain particularly with the global war issues happening at the... Read more

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity and a leading voice in bringing to the attention of government, landowners and the general public the state of the UK’s woods and... Read more

  • Thomas James Wolfe

    I strongly oppose this development. The land that is proposed to be developed is good quality farm land. It’s had been farmed for centuries. Farmers form an essential part of the fabric of our small... Read more

  • Tracy Hiatt

    I wish to register to remain involved and updated During first consultation programme I went to Swadlincote Library expecting to find a Representative from BayWa re the Librarian pointed me in the... Read more

  • Adam Holland

    I strongly object to this proposal. Predominantly due to loss of good quality farmland, harm to wildlife and habitats, Permanent change to the rural landscape, Loss of views and amenity, Travel... Read more

  • Alan William Rutherford

    There should be no solar on the Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - put solar on rooftops, or on brown sites, not on good agricultural land which includes grade 3A &3b. Also, food security needs... Read more

  • Alexander Westwood

    This solar farm will create permanent change to the rural landscape and loss of habitats! I am concerned about environmental issues and I feel that this solar farm will not help the environment.... Read more

  • Alonzo Duane Myers

    Loss of BMV. No benefit to the UK as all profits will go to foreign investors. Risk of groundwater contamination and increased flooding. Visual impact on the landscape. Unsuitable roads for the... Read more

  • Catherine Eaton

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to put forward my views in opposing the scheme proposed by Oaklands Farm Solar Ltd. My main issues are Fundamental change to the regeneration plans for our... Read more

  • Charlie Morgan

    This project must not go ahead on prime agricultural land. We all know they are a waste of money do not produce the power they say they do and are also an eye sore to look at when you open your... Read more

  • David Henry Holmes

    I am extremely concerned about the significant loss of best and most versatile agricultural land

  • Dawn Rutherford

    Destruction of viable farmland. The size of the project. Increase in volume of traffic, especially down our narrow country lanes leading to even more potholes and verge destruction and possible... Read more

  • Denise Ann Walsh

    I am supportive of the need for renewable energy but I do not support the proposal to locate the solar farm in this location. This will have a devastating impact on the local environment, the wildlife... Read more

  • Elizabeth Waddington

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of this project. The loss of perfectly good farming fields and the associated loss of biodiversity. There will be a huge increase of traffic and resulting... Read more

  • Eloise Jayne Round

    Obliteration of the countryside surrounding our beautiful village. Also deep concerns re what happens to the solar panels once they have reached their end of life as currently they are not recyclable... Read more

  • Gemma Price

    I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed plan of a solar farm. The impacts of such a development would be felt most acutely by the parishes situated near the site. The local... Read more

  • Gemma Rayson

    I think that this project, if successful, would be a huge blot in our beautiful countryside. I feel that there are better sites available, such as rooftops on the new 3.5 million square foot site at... Read more

  • Gillian hobbs

    This should not be on good quality farmland that should be retained for food production

  • Iosif Iulian Nistor

    I would like to object to this project proposal. This will not only affect the wildlife and the good quality farmland, but will be very noisy, will decrease the value of the houses and will produce... Read more

  • James Anderson

    Seriously increased road traffic on narrow routes, through small villages on already failing infrastructure.