Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
Travel through this area weekly it is beautiful as are the villages and houses that will be affected. It is prime agricultural land that is needed to prevent food shortages in the future. The size is...
Darllen mwy
I want to oppose the solar farm in it’s current size and location
This project will have a significant impact on my life. .Its sheer scale implies unacceptable visual and noise levels which would magnify and disrupt during and after construction works. The impact on...
Darllen mwy
This project will cause a devastating loss to prime agricultural land and wildlife. The proposed solar farm is enormous and will destroy our beautiful countryside. I am not against renewable energy...
Darllen mwy
Affect on wildlife, traffic, scale, destroy lovely countryside, no consideration for locals, reduce house values, omitting surveys such as deer, use of prime agricultural land not brown field sites,...
Darllen mwy
Better than a housing estate
Miss use of good farm land Damage to countryside, roads, wildlife, landscape. Massive increase of traffic. Excessive noise and pollution. Gridlocked roads Road safety risks
Area far too large and enveloping villages. Wildlife will be affected, agriculture land will be lost, produced outside of Britain so no help to jobs or economy. Went to consultation staff had no idea...
Darllen mwy
As much as we need clean energy, covering prime agricultural land is not the answer. 1. Where will the food come from that this land would produce? 2. Has the environmental impact of growing the food...
Darllen mwy
I do not agree with high quality arable land being used to build solar farms on. The damage to the ecology of this vast area will be devastating. The quality of life for those living in the area will...
Darllen mwy
Solar panels should be on top of Factory units large farm barns etc and houses, not on fields!!
We need to save our farmland and not turn it into a plastic country side. We tell our youngsters there is too much plastic in our country yet Mallard Pass will not only put plastic in our fields but...
Darllen mwy
It is too vast. It’s using valuable agricultural land. An awful lot of the equipment is sourced from China.
I moved to the country to enjoy the views and cycle and walk round the county. Mallard will not only stop me from doing what I enjoy i will have to look at it for the rest of my life. There are plenty...
Darllen mwy
I have a problem with the length of time the construction works will take. This will lead to disruption and noise to the village along with construction traffic with consequent access issues. The...
Darllen mwy
Main issue is the loss of prime agricultural land forever and the effect that will to the local wildlife
I wish the application submitted by Mallard Pass Solar to be denied for the following reasons: • If this development were allowed to go ahead, it would set a precedent for other similar installations...
Darllen mwy
I have the following concerns over the proposed Mallard Pass installation: 1. The proposed "farm" is far too large (1052 acres) for the area and the height of the panel units (3.3 metres) is alarming....
Darllen mwy
My main issues are the use of good agricultural land when there are alternative brown field sites available, flooding issues (our house has recently been flooded owing to existing drainage problems...
Darllen mwy
I am most strongly opposed to the proposed development because it will take such a large amount of agricultural land out of production and the visual impact such a large development will have on this...
Darllen mwy
It is not acceptable to use good agricultural land when there are brown sites available. We are short of food in the world and locally. It will ruin the countryside and be a blot on the landscape.
I support the scheme because the UK needs solar farms as part of its electricity generation mix to enable it to reduce its reliance on fossil fuel. I like living/walking/cycling in this area but I...
Darllen mwy
My concerns surrounding this proposal centre on the effect it will have on wildlife in the area, destroying habitats and access and the diversity of flora across the area. The extent of the planned...
Darllen mwy
The construction of Mallard Pass is considered to be a poor use of resource: Loss of valuable agricultural land: Agricultural land should be used to produce food, thus potentially reducing the need...
Darllen mwy
The construction of Mallard Pass is considered to be a poor use of resource: Loss of valuable agricultural land: Agricultural land should be used to produce food, thus potentially reducing the need...
Darllen mwy