Gate Burton Energy Park

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Showing 176 to 200 of 332 representations, newest first.

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  • David Myers

    I am concerned about local protest groups who oppose the solar farm due to unfounded opinions and NIMBYism. Their opposition is focuses upon food security (in an energy crisis), biodiversity (solar... Read more

  • David Turnock

    1. All FOUR applications that effect 10,000 acres should be viewed together. 2. Food production is vitally important to the countries self sufficiency particularly in this time of conflicts and... Read more

  • Janet Lansdown

    I object to valuable arable land being destroyed by a solar panel development. As there are four proposed sites for solar panels in this area, which will total around ten thousand acres, I feel that... Read more

  • Trevor Lock

    1. What an eyesore the Gate Burton solar project will look like whilst travelling into and through the area. 2. Farm land is for farming, not for generating small amounts of electricity when the sun... Read more

  • David Lunt

    This project is one of a number of solar farms that are being proposed for our region. The total extent of these is 18 square miles. This total development will impact the well-being of the residents... Read more

  • Liam Beaumont

    We should not be taking out farm land for solar projects if the UK is going to be self sufficient in food production, solar panels belong to industrial buildings, food production comes before solar

  • Mrs S Gray

    Wish to object to the project due to vast size of the development

  • Stuart James Menzies


  • Tillbridge Solar Limited (Tillbridge Solar Limited)

    Tillbridge Solar Limited is proposing to build a project for the construction, operation (including maintenance) and decommissioning of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panel arrays and a... Read more

  • Cammeringham Parish Council (Cammeringham Parish Council)

    1. Much of the scheme is being built of good quality grade 3A land, which would be better suited to agriculture. 2. Farmland should not be used for solar sites until all other locations have been... Read more

  • Chris Sneath

    Could we make better use of land between solar farms? Size of solar farms, will just look at a sea of glass. Need more renewable energy production, but in right places, ie, new build house roofs and... Read more

  • David Allerston

    I feel that the size and density of this project (in addition to other, similar local projects) will irrevocably and negatively dominate the local landscape, take good agricultural land out of use and... Read more

  • Jeremy Paul Fieldsend

    Wholly inappropriate unsustainable development doing irreparable damage to the environment and local amenity. It takes quality farmland out of valuable production; puts dangerous traffic onto roads... Read more

  • Mrs Rosemary Burke

    This is just one of FOUR proposals for solar farms in this area which is going to substantially alter the character of the landscape. They should be looked at in total and not as individual sites. The... Read more

  • Stephen Neller

    1. The Gate Burton proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in... Read more

  • Susan Chambers

    This huge project will cover thousands of acres of productive farmland. It will be unsightly, especially from the Lincoln Cliff. It is industrial in its scale in a highly rural landscape. It is close... Read more

  • Denise Gatliffe

    Hopefully Gate Burton Energy Park will be assessed as one of four energy parks, taking into account that four energy parks will be in very close proximately to each other, in all covering 10,000... Read more

  • James Alldritt

    I strongly object to this project, covering farm land with 4.5 meter high glass panels over 3500 acres is not in keeping with the environment it will not blend into the landscape which here in... Read more

  • Kailah Eglington

    I am against the scheme as thousands of acres of our Lincolnshire food producing farming land will be destroyed. With the current situation with in the war in Ukraine and both Ukraine and Russia... Read more

  • Linda Yeardley

    I fully understand we need renewable energy resources. It was stated when we were going through the Brexit process it was the opportunity to become more self-sufficient in food production reducing... Read more

  • Richard Anthony Wilkins

    I oppose this project. This is one of several huge potential solar installations in a 6 mile radius. This project will ruin several thousand acres of productive arable land for many years. It is too... Read more

  • Scampton Parish Council (Scampton Parish Council)

    Concerned about loss of habitat and wildlife Size of the application Will just see a sea of glass Loss of agricultural land

  • Susan Jacklin

    The proposed project makes use of agricultural land at a time we should be looking at becoming more self sufficient and less dependent on importing our food. It will change the landscape and impact... Read more

  • Tracy Marie Wilkins

    I oppose the project . This is one of several huge potential solar installations in a 6mile radius. This project will ruin several thousand acres of productive farming land . It is too close to... Read more

  • Jacobs UK Ltd on behalf of Anglian Water Services (Jacobs UK Ltd on behalf of Anglian Water Services) on behalf of Anglian Water Services (Anglian Water Services)

    Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water) is the statutory undertaker for water and sewerage services in the application area. Jacobs UK Limited is supporting Anglian Water as an Interested Party... Read more