
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 275 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Brattleby Parish Council (Brattleby Parish Council)

    The council aims to express views on behalf of the Brattleby Parish Council electors, and holds concerns about the sheer size of the Cottam project, its proximity to our village, and the... Read more

  • Gate Burton Energy Park Limited (Gate Burton Energy Park Limited)

    Gate Burton Energy Park Limited is the undertaker for the Gate Burton Energy Park DCO PINS reference EN010131. The DCO application for Gate Burton Energy Park was submitted to the Planning... Read more

  • Izabella Kiss

    The places/fields they are planning to put these farms are way too close to people and houses. I These things are going to have absolutely no benefit to us. We are not benefiting from lower energy... Read more

  • Matthew Lee

    As a resident of the area I strongly oppose the development. I am concerned over the scale of the project and the industrialisation of large areas of valuable agricultural land. The footprint of the... Read more

  • Oliver Fieldsend

    I am fiercely opposed to the proposal which I believe are wholly about the financial gain of the developer and other interested parties rather than the purported energy and environmental benefits.... Read more

  • Peter Knott

    This proposed solar energy project is on a truly enormous scale, such a scale, in fact, that renders it foolish, ill-conceived and ruinous for everything that has to live close to it. It impacts... Read more

  • Ann Rains

    This project will take too many acres of prime agricultural land when the country should be producing as much of its own food as possible. It will also impact severely on a region that consists of... Read more

  • Isabel Ainsworth

    The land allocated for this project could be used for growing crops. These projects should be built on brownfield sites.

  • Jill Cowan

    This project along with 3more proposed solar farms are likely to be the largest in Europe and are taking away not only many people's livelihoods but taking up thousands of acres of fine Lincolnshire... Read more

  • Lill Freestone

    It’s wrong to take away our farming land we need to be encouraging farming for the uk to feed us why can’t these monstrous things be put on the big buildings ie big depot and such what about the... Read more

  • Lucy Claire Fieldsend

    I object to this planning application with the fundamental element being a total disregard to democracy. Locals, MPs and local councils have all objected to the invasive solar panels being built and... Read more

  • David Bole

    There is strong local objection to this project which has been disguised to look like several smaller projects. It will industrialise this lovely rural area. This is a dreadful waste of productive... Read more

  • Jonathan Carl Danes

    Concerned about the impact of my own land in terms of access and the need to run potential cables through it, when I have an ecological concern and want to extend the ponds to a lake, which this could... Read more

  • Louise Knott

    I came to live in Lincolnshire wanting to settle in a rural area surrounded by agricultural land and wildlife. I certainly wouldn't have chosen to come live here if I knew about this project. I... Read more

  • Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)

    The main issue that is of interest to the Hospital is the potential for pressures/delays on the local road network/infrastructure within the vicinity of the site during construction, as this could... Read more

  • Paul Wray

    I am against the Cottam proposal for the following reasons. As this solar farm proposal is one of four separate proposals, within a few miles of each other, amounting to 10000 acres, the proposals... Read more

  • Rod Fraser

    unbelievable scheme to even think of giving up grade A arable food producing land to a half baked eyesore of thousands of acres of land given over to pv panels. government should be investing in... Read more

  • Susan Diane Bingham

    As a farming family we are appalled at these multiple proposals. This is sheer money making and has no part in a long term energy strategy if indeed there is one. Industrialisation of agricultural... Read more

  • Sylvia Bone

    I strongly object to this solar project. This project, along with the other three, will have a devastating impact on the local area. The visual impact will be huge, exchanging views over productive... Read more

  • Lanpro Services (Lanpro Services ) on behalf of West Burton Solar Project Ltd (West Burton Solar Project Ltd)

    West Burton Solar Project Limited is the undertaker for the West Burton Solar Project DCO (PINS reference EN010132). The DCO application for the Weston Burton Solar Project is due to be submitted in... Read more

  • Mrs S L Round

    Land being taken out of food production Destructive Construction impact on road systems leading to the 10,000 acres Fatal impact on the environment of 10,000 acres plus many more acres surrounding... Read more

  • Paul Lee

    I do not believe this project to be in the best interests of the area in its current format. The proposed size is huge and the area has rich, agricultural land that is best suited to farming and such... Read more

  • Robert Jeffrey Horrocks

    I consider it a massive misuse of agricultural land. First and foremost all new housing projects should include solar panels on the buildings in addition to commercial properties,brown sites,fair... Read more

  • robin victor hughes

    I strongly oppose the application. 1. I once stole a teaspoonful of sugar to assuage my hunger during the 1940s and we still cannot fully support ourselves. Climate change is already showing that we... Read more

  • Alasdair Broadbent

    I’m most interested in the efficient use of farmland. I’m concerned that solar panels will take away a large amount of valuable farmland to produce a relatively small amount of power. Also the... Read more