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I am registering my objection to the proposed Byers Gill Solar Development. I used to live in Bishopton and have recently considered moving back to the village with my husband and children. However,...
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I am opposed to planned Solar power station due the amount of traffic already on the road passing the village (which is also a vital route for emergency vehicles) already being far too high for a road...
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I wish to formally register my interest in this solar power generation scheme to oppose and object to it on the following grounds. I will expand in detail on these comments during the examination...
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I am against this solar farm as when I drive around the area I see there are already a lot of others in the same area either completed or in the process of being built and I feel that there will be...
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I am totally against this project I like to get on out and enjoy the surrounding countryside outside Darlington in my free time and this will make the area into an industrial landscape that no one can...
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I strongly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development due to its detrimental impact on the daily lives of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great...
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I do not think the area is suitable for a solar farm of this size it will completely cover the area between Darlington and Stockton and ruin the landscape and drive out all the wildlife in the area...
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Don’t agree with this being built. A friends farm will be effected
Concern at the effect this will have on valuable land, total eyesore in addition.
Affecting someone’s property by putting these solar panels down
I am writing to express my objection to the construction of the solar farm. The construction of the solar farm would: disrupt wildlife and their natural habitats, impact the visual appearance of the...
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Taking away farming land is going to have a massive impact on British produce, increasing prices on local produce and leaving us to purchase imported goods that are not regulated in the same strict...
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Land taken out that provides food production they are making no more land. You say we have no floods in and around Bishopton this year we have had more flooding and solar panels will make it worse...
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We should retain all agricultural land as possible and this proposed development will have a significant negitive impact on the environment. As an alternative the roof of factory buildings should be...
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My objection to the Byers Gill Solar Development I am very concerned that the proposed Byers Gill Solar Development is an ill thought through idea that does not take into account all environmental,...
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I wish to comment about the proposed buiding of the solar panel 'farm' around the area of my address and surrounding area. I object on the following grounds: 1) The extent of the buid i. the scale is...
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I am writing to express my objection to the construction of the Byers Gill solar farm. As a farmer's daughter, I am passionate about protecting the agricultural land, landscape and wildlife which my...
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I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm development for the following reasons: As a resident of Great Stainton, I am devastated at the size and scale of this development particularly in...
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The solar farm should be on an industrial setting rather than near people's homes. There is an industrial estate less than a mile from the village and instead of utilising that, green spaces are being...
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I am a resident of Great Stainton, a rural village that is in the centre of this proposed development and am very worried about several issues that it brings to me, my family, local residents, the...
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I object and am 100% against the Byers Gill Solar development. This is a rural location, taking up valuable agricultural land. If you turn this landscape into industrial land, you are destroying the...
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I object to this application As a third generation farmer here ,I know that most of the land scheduled for development under Byers Gill , despite the grading applied to it by JBM , is highly...
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I object to this proposal. My wife and I are regular visitors to the village of Bishopton where we have relatives who have lived there for more than 20 years. The idea of travelling through the...
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I object to this proposal for many reasons , some are listed below I was brought up in the beautiful conservation village of Bishopton . I cannot believe that the overwhelming proposals of Byers Gill...
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Bishopton is a conservation area which I have lived in for 56 years. we have lived in 3 houses in the village and now have the privilege to live in a lovely old property with exceptional views over...
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