
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1726 to 1750 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (Esso Petroleum Company, Limited)

    Dear Sirs Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (Esso) and its agents, Fisher German, have been engaging with Highways England (HE) in relation their proposals for the A303 at Stonehenge (the Project)... Read more

  • Ewen Leveroni

    I'm very worried about the destructive effect that this new road will have on both the environment and on the archaeological value of the site. Clearly damage to the rivers is a very serious concern... Read more

  • Frances Green

    My concern is about the longterm effect of this project on the enviroment. The proposed planns will have a severe impact on the local geology. The area represents a point where many old paths/roads... Read more

  • Frances Howard-Gordon

    I am very concerned about the huge amount of permanent damage to the setting and precious archaeology of the Stonehenge World Heritage site and its environs if this proposed scheme is allowed to go... Read more

  • Francis Arthur Edwards

    I am concerned that this proposal will cause irreparable damage to this world heritage site & to the archaeology within it. Also the setting & nature of the whole area will be adversely affected by... Read more

  • Francis Philip James Stoner

    “I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application." REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • Friends of the Earth (Friends of the Earth)

    Relevant Representation from Friends of the Earth The DCO should be rejected because: 1) It fails to meet the tests set out in the National Networks NPS that: “the Secretary of State must... Read more

  • Gaynor Leake

    • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. • UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. • Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more

  • Gemma Allerton

    I am unhappy about the whole scheme, from the fact that no reasonable alternative was given during the consultation period to the lack of care given to the unique landscape.During the consultation... Read more

  • Gerard Hales

    Stonehenge is an ancient site sacred to many who practice or are interested in the "Old Religion" of the British isles...believers assert that there are subtle energies which permeate and pervade at... Read more

  • Gill Stride

    The site may yet reveal more.

  • Gillian Cockwill

    I just wish to say that this is an Historical Site and any work being done in or around it would lead to earth subsidence or possible damage to the Stones themselves. There is no need to have a road... Read more

  • Gillian McAlister

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers advise against the scheme in its present form. Serious concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site... Read more

  • Graham Downie

    I object to the proposed scheme because I believe that: a) its scale and form will inevitably result in irreparable damage being done to this World Heritage Site, b) it is too easy a solution... Read more

  • Great Bustard Group (Great Bustard Group)

    Great Bustards are listed as Annex 1 birds and designated vulnerable by the IUCN. The birds became extinct in the UK in the mid-1800s, the odd migrant bird has been recorded since. The Great Bustard... Read more

  • Green Lane Association (Wiltshire area) (Green Lane Association (Wiltshire area))

    The Green Lane Association (GLASS) through local representation has been involved with the scheme through all of the Pre-application process and seek to continue involvement through the rest of the... Read more

  • Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM) (Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM))

    Introduction The Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM) was founded in 1995 to campaign for changes in the law of England and Wales to stop off-road drivers damaging or destroying green... Read more

  • Gwyneth Jones

    I am concerned that the proposed expressway will do irreparable damage to the character and the significance of the Stonehenge site, surroundings, and valuable natural environment, simply by the... Read more

  • H. Wright

    The proposal will cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge, a world heritage site, and also to Blick Mead, as well as threatening endangered bird species. In view of the UNESCO status and the advice... Read more

  • Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership)

    The Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership strongly supports the Department for Transport’s ongoing commitment to improving this vital strategic corridor between London and the South... Read more

  • Heidi Rogers

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Helen Marriott

    object to stonehenge tunnel

  • Helen Taylor

    I object to the A303 Stonehenge scheme going ahead because: 1) There will be permanent damage to a World Heritage Site and UNESCO Advisers (who know what they are talking about) say it should not go... Read more

  • Henry Dashwood

    Don't build it. The land through which the tunnel would go is too precious. Ignore the congestion in the south and improve transport in the north of England. Maybe implement a congestion charge on the... Read more

  • Hilary Greene

    Dear Sirs, I use the A303 frequently and although it is annoying when you reach Stonehenge and it's environs when it has bottle necked and you are slowly having to get through it which can take up... Read more