
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Eve Price

    Once something has been destroyed it can never be recovered. The environment of Stone Henge is so unique it deserves to be protected. Means of travelling may change as years pass, and the roads and... Read more

  • Fran

    Stonehenge is a world heritage sight. A sacred sight for our ancient indigenous culture. I strongly object to building a road close to the sight. For generations and thousands of years Stonehenge has... Read more

  • Francesca Raphaely Ingold

    Stonehenge is a world heritage site without parallel which is unique in how it has survived the millenia. It would be an appalling legacy for future generations for us to compromise the unique... Read more

  • Gabrielle Watts

    I believe Stonehenge is an incredibly important heritage site and should not be disturbed by a larger road bringing increased traffic, noise and pollution.

  • Grant McAuliffe

    Please do not undermine, or damage Stonehenge!

  • Hannah Reeves

    I grew up Wiltshire and believe Stonehenge that has stood for thousands of years should not be sacrificed for short term solutions to traffic problems on the A303 and the Planning Application rejected... Read more

  • Hazel Constantine

    This would cause a huge disturbance of two rare bird species, the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard. It also is a huge waste of money destroying ancient burial mounds for a little less traffic... Read more

  • Helen Torrance

    Because it will irreparably damage the archaeology of this World Heritage Site.

  • Honouring the Ancient Dead (Honouring the Ancient Dead)

    Honouring the Ancient Dead (HAD) is a British initiative that advocates respect for what are commonly called ‘human remains’ and their related funereal artefacts. HAD’s particular focus is the... Read more

  • Hugh Newman

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Ian Summers

    It is important for us, the current population of England, to make decisions that do not wipe out any important legacy about previous generations. Just because it is convenient or expedient to do such... Read more

  • Jain Haste

    I am extremely concerned that this iconic, UNESCO world heritage site is going to be ruined by such an ill-thought out scheme. Blick Mead has already been irreparably damaged. There will be serious... Read more

  • James Falshaw-Skelly

    Once you've ruined it, you'll never have it back and your names will be tarnished and remembered as the people who destroyed a word heritage site for ever.

  • Jim Mitchell

    Loss of the view from the A303 enjoyed by millions. Damage to Blick Mead. Massive damage to elsewhere in the WHS. Loss of WHS status. Long tunnel is preferable.

  • joanne fone

    i am concerned that the proposed developments around the historic site of stonehenge(arguably, our most important cultural site), will have devastating impact upon the site itself and to the natural... Read more

  • John Derby

    I believe the planned infrastructure changes represent an unacceptable risk of irreparable damage to one of the most important World Heritage Sites. The Site has already seen enough damage in time,... Read more

  • Kate Fielden

    As an archaeologist, I have been in involved in planning and the historic environment on a voluntary basis for CPRE Wiltshire Branch, and in relation to the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites... Read more

  • Kate Williams

    My main points are: •Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel. •UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not... Read more

  • Kevin Pettitt

    This road scheme will do irreparable damage to the sacred landscape surrounding one of the most ancient structures that remains on the surface of our planet. There is still an enormous amount of... Read more

  • Lee Berwick

    Stonehenge is a unique world heritage site that has survived for thousands of years - It is important to the whole world and scientists still debate about what the place is and what it was used for.... Read more

  • Linda Duffy

    I oppose this , this is our heritage our ancestors sacred grounds !

  • Marc Joseph Custer

    We must stop the destruction of our World Heritage sites. No modern construction is worth it. There is too much wanton disregard for our Ancestors legacy. I used to work as an archaeologist back... Read more

  • Margaret Hollinghurst

    The proposed new road will have a serious detrimental effect on the world heritage site which is Stonehenge.

  • Margaret Randall

    This is a world heritage site, with major significance on our history, much of which hasn't been recorded - this site must not be ruined, our heirs will want to view the area as our ancestors did in... Read more

  • Marie Ahlin

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more