
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1526 to 1550 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Tim Beckmann

    This road should not be built around this world heritage site and I am in opposition to it.

  • Tim Finch

    I object to the destructive impact of this road on a site of such historic importance. It will ruin this unique place forever by altering its appearance, driving away rare species of animals and... Read more

  • Tom Watson

    The ‘Stonehenge Tunnel’ project would cause irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Valerie Taylor

    The proposed plan will cause irreparable damage to this WHS, and therefore UNESCO has stated that it should not be implemented in its present form. The RSPB is concerned about the elimination of the... Read more

  • Vera Proudlove

    I believe this road will cause damage to this amazing world heritage site. We are very lucky to have it and it should be protected for future generations The site will no longer be able to be seen... Read more

  • Victoria Goodison-Barak

    It is fact that the damage caused to ancient monuments by airborn chemicals is at an all time high. We have a duty to conserve this monument. Other options must be found. There is only one Stonehenge... Read more

  • Walter Stephen Macnally

    I have been and continue to be a regular traveller on the A 303. I believe the short tunnel option as covered in the application is not the best solution to the A303 traffic bottle neck. I believe... Read more

  • Wendy Foulger

    I am very concerned that the proposals will adversely affect the archaeology of the World Heritage Site and the surrounding landscape. Likewise I am concerned that the proposals will result in damage... Read more

  • Wesley Jackson

    I think it’s an absolute travesty you plan to destroy such a view with a tunnel that will wreck havoc on what is below the surrounding area it has not been taken into cionsideration. We the people... Read more

  • Alice Chenery

    I object to the damage to the setting, the flora and fauna and the archaeology that will be incurred to the World Heritage Site around Stonehenge by the work on this proposed new road. I object to... Read more

  • Merrett and Co (Merrett and Co) on behalf of Amesbury Abbey Group

    1.IMPACT ON HERITAGE ASSETS Amesbury Abbey is a Grade I listed building, a heritage asset of the highest significance which will be permanently adversely affected by this development. The development... Read more

  • PFA Consulting (PFA Consulting) on behalf of Amesbury Property Company Limited & ClassMaxi Limted (Amesbury Property Company Limited & ClassMaxi Limted)

    This representation is made on behalf of The Amesbury Property Company Limited (APC) and Classmaxi Limited (CML) being owners of land which is to be acquired, or rights over which are to be acquired,... Read more

  • Andrew Latten

    I believe this site is of such significant international importance that the planned "improvements" will cause tragic, irreparable damage.

  • Andrew Varney

    As a regular visitor to Stonehenge, I’m very concerned by the road proposals. It will cause lasting damage to the world heritage site and the archaeology. I note that UNESCO’s international advisers... Read more

  • Anne Telebak

    I believe the plans to build this road will irreparably damage this unique ancient monument stop this madness now.

  • Arthur Jeffes

    I studied Archaeology and Anthropology for my undergraduate degree and specifically the Wiltshire Neolithic with particular focus on Avebury and Stonehenge WHSs. The plans as they stand appear to me... Read more

  • Countryside Solutions (Countryside Solutions) on behalf of Beacon Hill Land Limited (Beacon Hill Land Limited)

    This registration as an interested party is made by Archie Read MRICS, a qualified chartered surveyor, acting for and on behalf of Beacon Hill Land Limited, a Tier One landowner that has received a... Read more

  • Belinda Cox

    I feel the tunnel would destroy valuable archaeology in the direct and surrounding area and would also cost far too much.

  • C A Mould

    I use the 303 to travel to London from my home in devon fairly regularly. I have travelled widely here and abroad . I have worked in construction . The idea of building a tunnel is preposterous . It... Read more

  • Chavela Mora

    Damage to world heritage site Damage and loss to wildlife Money could be spent better making roads we already have better, safer, cleaner..

  • Chitterne Parish Council (Chitterne Parish Council)

    1. Local traffic management must be in place during the construction phase of the A303 upgrade in order to minimise the impact of increased traffic through Chitterne on the B390. 2. Chitterne PC... Read more

  • Claudia Chapman

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site of such importance to the British Isles, it would be unforgivable to damage it in any way. People come from all over the world to see it. Please reconsider any... Read more

  • Dan Lobb

    Stonehenge's iconic status must be safeguarded for future generations to enjoy. The proposed short tunnel route impinges within the world heritage site and will cause significant damage to the... Read more

  • Dr Diane McLaren

    I write to express my indignation and astonishment that plans are afoot to put at risk such an iconic and precious UK heritage site as Stonehenge. It is known and revered world wide and regularly... Read more

  • Elaine Adams

    Please heed the will of history and the people who entreat you to save this historic site. We've not even begun to understand the significance of it's existence, and to bend to whims of money and... Read more