
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1826 to 1850 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Ms Lucia Nixon

    Plans to drive a massive dual carriageway into the UNESCO World Heritage Site around Stonehenge will have negative effects on this precious area.

  • Myfanwy Lloyd Jones

    I am very concerned about the adverse implications of the proposed development for a unique and important landscape of outstanding archaeological importance.

  • Myfanwy Millward

    I believe that putting a dual carriageway through the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge will be damaging not only to the environment, destroying the habitat of rare bird species and increasing air... Read more

  • Nadine Holt

    The proposed development would undoubtedly cause irreparable damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site and its surroundings. There are many sites of archaeological interest in this area which may... Read more

  • Nigel Parkin

    I wish to register a protest against the desecration of the ground around Stonehenge. We have no idea what is contained in the ground under and surrounding the Monument. The Drilling machines will,... Read more

  • Nigel Wright

    I am very concerned about the proposed dual carriageway expressway past Stonehenge. The potential damage to the World Heritage Site and the associated archaeology and landscape is significant and... Read more

  • Nina Murdoch

    Dear Madam/Sir, I wish to object to this road scheme on the following points. There will be permanent damage to the world heritage site, archeology and setting. The world heritage site’s... Read more

  • Oliver Harwood

    I am a regular user of the A303 for business and pleasure and have always enjoyed the unparalleled view of Stonehenge and its landscape setting as I have passed by, on occasion stopping and enjoying... Read more

  • Open Access to Stonehenge (OAtS) (Open Access to Stonehenge (OAtS))

    Open Access to Stonehenge (OAtS) is a Page and a Group on Facebook. Both are public, and the Group currently has more than 3,500 members, not just from the UK As time is short, I shall submit the... Read more

  • P Addison

    the project should not destroy land in one the most important areas in the world the overwhelming scientific opinion is the tunnel would cause repairable damage to the stonehenge area other... Read more

  • Patrick Duncan, PhD

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Paul Davis

    I strongly object to this DCO planning application, the tunnel will cause untold damage to archaeology in this area which has been inhabited since the Mesolithic Period, Wildlife in the area which... Read more

  • Paul Gossage

    Please can I strongly object to the proposed Stonehenge A303 Stonehenge tunnel etc for the following reasons: It will seriously damage Blick Mead (BM). The current excavations are smaller than the... Read more

  • Paul Jennings

    The proposed scheme has already damaged the important Mesolithic site at Blick Mead and will undoubtedly cause further damage. It will impede progress on the reintroduction of the Great Bustard to the... Read more

  • Paul Timlett

    My Representation will be based on the benefits this scheme will have for local communities and the threats to those communities if the plans are not delivered. It will detail the damage that is... Read more

  • Paul Woodham

    1. Objection to potential damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site. The site is still poorly understood. The development will destry the very delicate archaeology there. 2. I object to the lack of... Read more

  • Paula e diment

    I would like it known that I strongly protest against this proposal of a road going through or under the site which is a sacred area of Stonehenge I believe this would cause among other things severe... Read more

  • Pauline King

    I believe it is totally inappropriate to build as planned as loss of habitat is for many species irreplaceable, already we are seeing flora and fauna decreasing and the British countryside is rapidly... Read more

  • Peak District Green Lanes Alliance (Peak District Green Lanes Alliance)

    The Peak District Green Lanes Alliance is a co-ordinating body for groups and individuals concerned about the problems posed by using off-road vehicles on unsealed and unsurfaced tracks in the... Read more

  • Peter Crowem

    There should be no development close enough to the site that causes visual or audible damage to the experience of visiting the site

  • peter jones

    totally unnecessary , appalling waste of public money , badly thought out , no alternatives offered or even it would appear considered . The damage to this most important world heritage would be... Read more

  • Phil Manning

    I would like to object to the construction of the tunnel past Stonehenge as I feel this will cause damage to the ancient landscape. I would request that the government consider a bypass well away from... Read more

  • philip matthews

    I wish to object to the proposed tunnel on the A303 at Stonehenge on the grounds that it will destroy archeological remains Philip Matthews [Redacted]

  • Rachel Stott

    I feel very strongly that then proposed tunnel should not go ahead due to the unique importance of the site, both archaeological and natural.

  • Rhidian Stoddart

    UNESCO have provided funds to help preserve this site and a lot of its heritage. Much of that heritage is still uncovered. Unless we are prepared to pay those monies back we shouldn’t take UNESCO’s... Read more