
Lower Thames Crossing

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Showing 126 to 150 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Stephen Ray

    Local resident who will be impacted by the scheme and so will review and comment on the local issues and local impacts.

  • Stuart Holpin

    I am fully in favour of the works as this will help to improve the area and the current infrastructure

  • Terence Haines

    Concern about the effect of major works and activities on Thames Chase open space and its short & longterm impact on vegetation & wildlife.

  • Tevva Motors (Tevva Motors)

    On behalf of Tevva Motors (Battery Electric and Hydrogen Electric Lorries) we wholly support the this project and in particular the aims to deliver the project at the lowest possible carbon intensity.

  • Thames and Medway Canal Association (Thames and Medway Canal Association)

    My interest is to ensure that both the canal and towpath are not permanently adversely affected by the construction of a 'temporary' plant compound adjacent to the canal at Milton Range. I trust more... Read more

  • Thamesview Camping (Thamesview Camping)

    Objection letter. For the avoidance of doubt, we whole heartedly object to the proposed land grab of our campsite and land under the guise of environmental mitigation. The proposed use would be to... Read more

  • Toby Larkin

    1) consultation 2) planning 3) future These are the areas I wish to submit on

  • Tony Silver

    Building the Lower Thames Crossing as proposed will not solve the problem at the current Dartford Crossing. Building another two two bore tunnels next to the current tunnels would be more flexible and... Read more

  • Trevor Barham

    Arrangements for emergency evacuation within tunnel. Will a new rule be introduced as Auto Stradas in Italy and AutoBahns in Germany where traffic must move over to Crash Barriers on Lane 3 and Lanes... Read more

  • Vincent Hancock

    Personal interests in flow of traffic affecting Dartford.

  • Wendy White

    I live in the area and strongly object to this project which will not resolve current traffic issues, creates air pollution and destroys countryside habitats and communities

  • William Watson

    I intend to comment on the traffic effects either positive or negative on the flow of traffic on the M25.

  • Alex Bigham

    This scheme seems like a positive idea. I'm just interested in being kept updated on this scheme.

  • Andrew Craig

    At a time of climate crisis, combined with increasing road congestion, a new road project such as this one is entirely wrong. We should be changing our transport system to reduce the need for people... Read more

  • Annette Fletcher

    As a longstanding resident of Orsett, with ongoing health issues exacerbated by pollution, I have a vested interest on several levels in the planning of the Lower Thames Crossing.

  • Carol Lawson

    Further to your confirmation that more traffic will be diverted on to th A1089 which runs along the back of residence in Baker Street, Orsett and Orsett Heath can consideration be given to putting up... Read more

  • Colin Dearman

    I would like to support the design as suggested in the most recent video fly-through, that I viewed 10/01/23, because the main connections do not include roundabouts to connect to other roads. I have... Read more

  • Dan Harwood

    I admire the engineering of this new crossing but wonder about the need for such an undertaking in view of our intent to reduce our carbon footprint.

  • David Archer

    The Lower Thames Crossing as currently proposed is going to cause more congestion on the M25 and will do little to alleviate congestion on that and surrounding roads. Many years ago, a full upgrade... Read more

  • David Spence

    As someone who has been held in slow moving traffic heading up the A2 and then been held up in heavy non-moving traffic jams at the Dartford crossing from both sides. This new Lower Thames crossing... Read more

  • Diana Childs

    The Lower Thames Crossing is too costly. It will relieve congestion in a very limited way because it will have to feed into existing roads within a very short distance from the crossing. The amount of... Read more

  • Duncan Victor Simons

    I am a interested party who would be an end user I already have a Dart Account assume this would be along those lines

  • Essex Wildlife Trust (Essex Wildlife Trust)

    In respect of this development environmental sustainability is a paramount concern. An additional road based crossing of the Lower Thames is not, in our view, environmentally sustainable. We believe... Read more

  • Frank Woollard

    The road where it crosses Orsett Fen via a viaduct will be an unsightly concrete mess on the only green belt area in Thurrock. The noise and pollution created will be immense and this will get worse... Read more

  • Frederick Kilner

    1. The new crossing will relieve the congestion on the existing Dartford crossing 2. From the fly through and the following text the work will be carbon neutral 3. Air pollution adjacent to the... Read more