
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 175 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Gary Davies

    the new road is in the wrong place ,it should be going under the present road . and the new road has no turn for tilbury.The present plan uses the Orsett cock roundabout which make the junction... Read more

  • George Fereday

    I oppose the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) for the following reasons: • The LTC is estimated to emit more than 7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide during construction and the first 60 years of operation.... Read more

  • Graham Bates

    I have concerns over the A228 at North Halling through to Cuxton. The Halling Bypass ends at the new Redrow Housind Development and the A228 is a dangerous place to be at peak times. My concerns... Read more

  • Ingrebourne Valley Limited (Ingrebourne Valley Limited)

    We currently operate a significant PFA supply and extraction operation and a significant land restoration scheme of which the Lower Thames Crossing will have a severe impact.

  • James Gillies

    Having been a regular user of the Dartford Crossing for a number of years, it is obvious that the Bridge Crossing at Dartford is far quicker and less prone to delay than the Tunnel Crossing at... Read more

  • Jeremy Stanyard

    I wish to have an input to ensure a that the arguments put forward, both for and against the proposals are data-driven and that they debate is not 'hijacked' by narrow vested interests

  • John Awty

    I would like the opportunity to comment on this piece of infrastructure that I will probably use a few times a year. I have a degree in Land Surveying and have not only worked a dozen years as a... Read more

  • John Cooper

    I fully support the best, environmental and legal endeavours for this project.

  • John Otley

    I am currently fully supportive of this initiative and wish to continue to be fully appraised of its development.

  • June Watson

    We live close to the M25 A127 junction and this will have quite an impact on our lives. The traffic noise is on great concern as it is bad enough now. As a regular user of the Dartford crossing,... Read more

  • Kevin Tilson

    Net neutral carbon emissions - whilst the scheme and its objectives have merit e.g. improving the situation for Dartford/its residents as well as faster flowing access to motorways, the "policy" of... Read more

  • Lauren Rayner

    In summary, I believe permission to build the LTC should not be granted following reasons: -HE have not adequately assessed flood risks and the impact of rising water levels over the coming decades.... Read more

  • Marc Dobroch

    I think this is a good idea and long overdue it will ease Congestion around the Thurrock and dartford areas when there Are issues with the dartford crossing

  • Michael Bilton

    I have still some concern and lack of knowledge regarding final route, and more importantly the time scale for construction. The impact that problems on the existing crossing continue to significantly... Read more

  • Michael Newens

    Environmental Impact. Social impact in North Kent Impact on road congestion National Infrastructure Level of consultation

  • Mike Peters

    Myself and my family are regular motorists travelling from Kent to south Essex for family reasons (and returning), often undertaking a journey in both directions on the same day. We use the existing... Read more

  • Mr Richard Claridge

    Although the principal idea is sound and would ease congestion on existing routes the largest concern to be reviewed is environmental impact within the build and compounding of traffic issues due to... Read more

  • Mrs Heather E Colver

    I am in favor of the crossing as currently the Dartford Crossing causes many interruptions to the flow of traffic and serious congestion on the M25 between Juctions 1-3.

  • Michael Gray on behalf of Mrs Janet Vera Gray (Mrs Janet Vera Gray)

    My mother lives on Ockendon Road and this has deeply affected her health over the last few years - I will be representing her views so this is very much an initial list of things she has showed... Read more

  • Mrs Lin Weiss

    The Lower Thames Crossing has, to date, been through several consultations all of which have included strong opposition from local residents concerned that the crossing will divide communities and... Read more

  • Nick Andrews

    As an occasional user of the M25, M20 and M2 motorways by car and motorcycle, a rambler and a lover of nature, I can see both the tremendous advantages of the Lower Thames Crossing and the potential... Read more

  • Ardent Management Limited (Ardent Management Limited) on behalf of Orsett Golf Club (Orsett Golf Club )

    Ardent acts on behalf of Orsett Golf Club which is registering as an Interested Party. Orsett Golf Club is a well-respected 125-year-old golf club that will be significantly affected by construction... Read more

  • Patricia Janice Lang

    A waste of money and not the answer to problems with the Dartford Crossing. A massive impact on the environment bringing further heavy traffic to the area requiring extensive changes to the... Read more

  • Paul Mercer

    As a regular traveller to Scotland from Kent I am entirely in favour of this proposal on the basis that it continues to be managed in the open and transparent manner that I believe it has to date. I... Read more

  • Paul Reed

    I support this proposal for a new road link from A2/M2 and to join the M25 north of the Dartford Crossing The main reason for my support is that it will reduce the conjestion at the Dartford crossing... Read more