
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 851 to 875 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Phil Church

    I am against the development as it simply in the wrong place. I live a mile from the existing Dartford crossing and having this new one only “up the road” will not make a blind bit of difference to... Read more

  • Philip Maber

    Please include me as an interested party in the Lower Thames Crossing / Silverton Tunnel DCO Application. My concerns include: The ecological destruction, The Lifetime cumulative carbon and associated... Read more

  • Pippa Hepburn

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Rachel Cross

    I am very concerned about the environmental impact and doubt An effective environmental impact investigation has been carried out. Some of the proposed build space is in sssi. There are ancient... Read more

  • Rees Hales

    I made an email enquiry for which I received a response dated today 22nd Feb 2023. ref CAS-02290-D4P6C6 Of the many queries I raised given the location of my property being in the small hamlet of... Read more

  • Ria Bejko-Cowlbeck

    I wish to make representation with respect to the following areas of concern: - Wildlife - the LTC development would have severe harmful implications to wildlife and habitats, from Biodiversity loss... Read more

  • Richard Hayward

    I have serious concerns about the impact of the proposed Lower Thames Crossing on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: - biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects -... Read more

  • Robert Kelly

    The noise pollution of the new road during construction and then after completion would be of an unacceptable level. The air pollution in Thurrock is already at an unacceptable high level and the new... Read more

  • Robert Knight

    To the inspector In my representation regarding the proposed road construction I would like to raise the following points: 1. The impact of the excavation and road construction will have a severe... Read more

  • Robin Ball

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail Group (Royal Mail Group)

    Royal Mail Group Limited (Royal Mail) supports National Highways’ Lower Thames Crossing scheme, but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its road based operations during the scheme’s... Read more

  • Sappho Brammer

    1. Noise pollution of new road when open 2. Air Pollution on an already polluted borough 3. Impact on natural wildlife and arable farming 4. Inconvenience, and disruption to daily life with the on... Read more

  • Sardra Conway

    *Diesel is not being used during construction. Will HE visit to check this is happening. When there is a problem will this be forgotten. *if diesel vehicles use LTC once it is finished these promises... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP on behalf of Southern Water Services Limited (Southern Water Services Limited)

    This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of Southern Water Services Limited (“SWS”). SWS is the appointed water undertaker under the Water Industry Act 1991 for certain areas in the... Read more

  • Stephen Baron

    This proposed new road tunnel is totally the wrong approach to transport in London. When we should be encouraging carbon-free transport such as cycling and walking and also an increase in public... Read more

  • Sue Slade

    This will destroy valuvle agricultural land and communities. Its out of date and will not solve the problem at the dartford crossing.

  • Susan Bejko-Cowlbeck

    I wish to make representation with respect to the following areas of concern: - Wildlife - the LTC development would have severe harmful implications to wildlife and habitats, from Biodiversity loss... Read more

  • Susan Francis

    I oppose this application because the new crossing will generate more traffic and increase CO2 emissions, which directly conflicts with the government's target to achieve net zero by 2050. I have... Read more

  • Swale Borough Council (Swale Borough Council)

    In March 2020, Swale Borough Council responded to the Lower Thames Crossing consultation strongly indicating that it could not support the published proposals. Our response cited concerns regarding... Read more

  • Smith Leisure (Smith Leisure) on behalf of Swing Rite Golf Ltd (Swing Rite Golf Ltd)

    For 17 years Swing Rite Golf Ltd has operated Gravesend Golf Centre. The centre includes a floodlit driving range and a 9-hole par 3 course. LTC’s proposals mean the loss of the existing 9-hole... Read more

  • Teresa Webster

    The LTC is not fit for purpose. By the time it would be built it would be over capacity It is too close to the existing Dartford Crossing and therefore does not offer an alternative route. The... Read more

  • Whirledge and Nott (Whirledge and Nott) on behalf of The Executors of the late R L Osborne (The Executors of the late R L Osborne)

    The Executors of the late R Osborne have instructed me to submit the following objection to the Lower Thames Crossing (“LTC”) application as their land is included in this. Engagement from National... Read more

  • Whirledge and Nott (Whirledge and Nott) on behalf of The Owners and Occupiers C/O of Buxton, Princess Margaret Road (The Owners and Occupiers C/O of Buxton, Princess Margaret Road)

    My client Mr K Osborne and Ms Janis Hayden as freehold owners and Mr K Osborne and Mr V Turner as occupiers have instructed me to submit the following objection to the Lower Thames Crossing... Read more

  • HCR Hewitsons (HCR Hewitsons) on behalf of The Rochester Bridge Trust (The Rochester Bridge Trust)

    See attached

  • Thurrock District Scout Council (Thurrock District Scout Council)

    Thurrock District Scout Council (TDSC) wish to register as an Interest Party (IP) for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) Development Consent Order (DCO). The southeast corner of the Condovers... Read more