
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 876 to 900 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Timothy Root

    In order to protect our climate from further devastation, and meet our Net Zero goals, it is vital that we cut greenhouse emissions. The government’s Transport & Environment Statistics 2022 state that... Read more

  • Toby Buttress

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Lambert and Foster Ltd (Lambert and Foster Ltd) on behalf of Trustees of AJA Booth Voluntary Settlement c/o Michael Booth (Trustees of AJA Booth Voluntary Settlement c/o Michael Booth)

    Representation submitted on behalf of the Trustees of the AJA Voluntary Settlement in respect of land at Scalers Hill, Cobham – Scotland Lane - The Trust require retained access to Well Shaw for any... Read more

  • Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (Tunbridge Wells Borough Council)


  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Alison Cogger

    The lower Thames crossing,if it goes ahead, will be another nail in the coffin for our nature. The important habitats for plants, animals, and fungi will be destroyed, disrupted, and poisoned by the... Read more

  • Angus Hewlett

    I object to this scheme. It will hinder the national obligation to meet our Net Zero goals. Its budget should be reallocated in entirety towards sustainable and active travel schemes: zero emission... Read more

  • Montagu Evans LLP (Montagu Evans LLP) on behalf of Avis House (Nominees) Limited (Avis House (Nominees) Limited )

    Avis House (Nominees) Ltd ("Avis") are the freehold owners of plots 24-83, 24-92, 24-93 and 27-69 as listed in the Book of Reference. The land is strategically positioned on the edge of the settlement... Read more

  • Barry Fleet

    My concerns about the proposals are that they will lead to the following adverse consequences : 1. Biodiversity loss, notably to water voles, reptiles and rare insects ; 2. Damage to and fragmentation... Read more

  • Bean Residents Association (Bean Residents Association)

    BEAN RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Our Ref: 22-23/E279 This is a protective Objection. Our position and concerns are: - 1. We do not feel the new LTC will overcome problems at Dartford. 2. Whilst LTC may... Read more

  • Laura Howard on behalf of Brenda Angell (Brenda Angell)

    I have concerns regarding the use of the farm gate between numbers 197 and 203 Lower Higham Road for construction traffic and the pumping of excess water from the tunnel works. I also have concerns... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent Gas Limited)

    WITHDRAWN on 20 July 2023 (EL Reference: AS-148) Representation on behalf of Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO). Cadent is a licensed gas... Read more

  • Chadwell St Mary Centre (Chadwell St Mary Centre)

    We object to the Lower Thames Crossing project: - Not fit for purpose and won't resolve the issues at Dartford Crossing which are set out as the main aim of the project - High cost of the project (and... Read more

  • Coranne Marney

    Loss of green space detrimental to ecology. More traffic through Orsett village with resulting increase in pollution levels Noise levels will increase due to construction Added pollution due to... Read more

  • Damien Bell

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: • Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. • Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • David Allen

    Please re-think you ideas. Nature seems to be an after thought with this government. Once you have spoilt it, you cannot go back and correct it.

  • Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker) on behalf of David Creamer - Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop (David Creamer - Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop )

    Further to their responses to National Highways previous Public Consultations, our client David Creamer maintains their holding objection to the LTC proposals, as shown in the designs that were... Read more

  • David Gates

    I object to this project for the following main reasons. 1) the disastrous affect it will have on an AONB. 2) the road infrastructure off of the A2/M2 (e.g A228) cannot support the increased traffic.... Read more

  • David Irwin

    This part of essex is already overflowing with road systems causing hardship for what little wildlife we have left. It will cause an influx of traffic into an already congested area with the resultant... Read more

  • David Sawkins

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damge to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Deanne Attreed

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: - Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. - Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Denise Lorne

    The new road would damage the Kent Downs AONB. Affect SSSI and SAC and endangered species. With the research on continued congestion and associated air pollution with any new road, the cost of 10... Read more

  • Department for Transport (Department for Transport)

    Following the application for an Order granting development consent made under section 37(2) of the Planning Act 2008 by National Highways for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing. The Department for... Read more

  • Donna Goddard

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: -Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. -Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Dover District Council (Dover District Council)

    1.1 Dover District Council (DDC) supports the need for the Project and the objectives set, however, does not intend to comment on the detailed alignment and the local study area impacts. 1.2 DDC... Read more