
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 851 to 875 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • William Mather

    I don't see how spending near £300million on a road to bypass a few houses is worth it as traffic will not be any better infact I think it will be worse e.g. high lane A6 with the new airport link... Read more

  • Yasir Hayat

    I am opposed to the plans. While there are lots of people who would like to see traffic issues resolved, I do not think this is the right way to do it. There are many people who live in the Glossop... Read more

  • Abigail Roberts

    The link road will not make any difference to Tintwistle and the surrounding villages. Which are currently plagued by extremely high volumes of traffic. In particular HGVS. The planned new route does... Read more

  • Alison Roberts

    The proposed bypass A57 Links road, will only force more traffic to the Glossop area on the current A57. The congestion all the way from Glossop has increased 10 fold in the last 5 years. It also does... Read more

  • Allan Greenwood

    There are vehicles passing within a few feet of peoples front doors. We have seen queuing traffic for miles over the A628. All you need is accident on the M62 and it causes chaos. How the Glossop spur... Read more

  • Amy Butler

    Traffic is predicted to increase. More traffic means more carbon emissions, at a time when nearly everyone recognises that emissions need to be reduced dramatically, to prevent runaway climate change.... Read more

  • Anne Robinson

    I object to the scheme: National Highways has not considered the future purpose of the trans-Pennine route in its entirety within the changed circumstances since its 2015 assessment of options. Its... Read more

  • Anthony Rae

    As a transport and climate campaigner who works at the local, regional, sub-national transport body (Transport for the North) and national levels, the issues I will wish to include within a written... Read more

  • CS,JJ & WE Bower (CS,JJ & WE Bower) on behalf of C Bower & Sons Ltd (C Bower & Sons Ltd)

    As a director of C Bower & Sons Ltd I am concerned about severance of land from the remainder of its landholdings and, more particularly, how the severed land will be accessed for continuing... Read more

  • Chris Cuff

    The link roads will generate more traffic and carbon emissions.

  • Christine Jolly

    I wish to support the Mottram Bypass to decrease congestion along Woolley Lane and Mottram Moor. Additionally to decrease traffic fumes affecting houses along the A628 through Tintwistle

  • CS, JJ & WE Bower (CS, JJ & WE Bower) on behalf of CS,JJ & WE Bower (CS,JJ & WE Bower )

    We have serious concerns about the impact of the scheme on our business from a viability point of view. There are implications for the running and practicality of the business from a severance point... Read more

  • Daniel Wimberley

    PREAMBLE The case for this scheme is pitifully weak. If the panel were to recommend its construction and the Secretary of State were to give the go-ahead, it is wide open to legal challenge (see... Read more

  • David Hogg

    Objection to the A57 link road to Glossop It is not an inter-grated plan and fails to deal with the whole infrastructure of the area. It marginally addresses congestion in Mottram however fails to... Read more

  • David Morton

    The project is incompatible with our Climate Emergency and will result in a large boost to carbon emissions, including construction, and induced traffic Use of land, particularly pristine land, and... Read more

  • David O'Brien

    As a life long Glossop resident with deep family connection in the Church Road area of Hollingworth, I would like to raise my concerns that the road project as is, is nothing more than a waste of... Read more

  • David Walker

    Although the proposed scheme provides relief for Mottram, it does nothing to reduce the HGV load on either the Woodhead or Snake pass. Highways England has not put forward any proposals to improve the... Read more

  • Derbyshire Climate Coalition (Derbyshire Climate Coalition)

    In response to the climate emergency, campaigners across Derbyshire set up Derbyshire Climate Coalition in February 2019. This is not aligned to any political party. The coalition is calling for local... Read more

  • Derbyshire County Council (Derbyshire County Council)

    A57 Link Roads Scheme Development Consent Order S56 Representation from Derbyshire County Council and High Peak Borough Council This representation has been jointly prepared by Derbyshire County... Read more

  • Glossopdale Branch Labour Party (Glossopdale Branch Labour Party )

    Glossopdale branch Labour Party is made up of residents from across the Glossopdale area, including Glossop, Hadfield, Padfield, Tintwistle, Gamesley, Charlesworth and Chisworth This branch believes... Read more

  • Halina Billingham

    I am against this proposed by pass as it will damage wildlife and precious greenspaces and it will not lead to less traffic. From experience I have seen other bypasses built professing to reduce... Read more

  • High Peak Borough Council (High Peak Borough Council)

    This representation has been jointly prepared by Derbyshire County Council (DCC) and High Peak Borough Council (HPBC). For context, both authorities have engaged with Highways England throughout the... Read more

  • Ian Rigg

    I am aware that there has been a recent attempt by one political party to try and prevent this progress, which is many, many years overdue. It is nothing short of hypocritical given their candidate... Read more

  • Jill Kirk

    The plans for the bypass will do nothing to alleviate the congestion in this area. It will encourage traffic and pollution into a valley that already has poor air quality. It is simply carving up more... Read more

  • Jo Dagustun

    As a local resident, I welcome the opportunity to register as an interested party. I have significant concerns about this application. This is a complex project, which should cost-effectively address... Read more