
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Andrew Lee

    The people who are trying to block this obviously do not have to commute out of the area nor are they aware of the continued housing developments in progress that will further block our roads and... Read more

  • Andrew Nichols

    I would like the bypass to be built as soon as possible. I live [redacted] in Charlesworth . This country Lane is busy all day long with commuters, vans and lorries trying to get round the queues on... Read more

  • Andy Howell

    I intend to support the proposal on the basis it will deliver much needed relief from traffic chaos to the town of Glossop and the surrounding area. I fully support the building of the A57 Link Roads.... Read more

  • Andy Wallace

    I have nothing else to add other than the bi-pass will be welcome and time saving millions of commuters.

  • Anita Carr

    There is a high volume of traffic coming to and from the M67 heading to the Snake Pass and the Woodhead Pass to cross the Pennines to Sheffield, passing through the small villages of Hollingworth and... Read more

  • Anita Pickup

    As a long-term resident of Glossop I am very conscious of the traffic problems in the town due to vehicles going towards Sheffield. At certain times each day it can be horrendous. A by-pass is the... Read more

  • Ann Lucas

    Traffic through Mottram is very slow in both directions caused mainly by traffic through the traffic lights in the centre especially vehicles turning right. This must also cause high levels of air... Read more

  • Antony Mckeown

    In the 1990's I was [redacted]. One of my duties was to carry out speed checks A628 Tintwistle, when I was in my 30's (age). I had conversations with local residents about the proposed "Bypass" and... Read more

  • Arran Burgreave

    The current road network can not support the traffic and with a large amount of houses to built in the area it is only going to get worse

  • Barry Cargill

    I write to express my support for the project and to request that the bypass is built to alleviate the traffic congestion in our area. Traffic congestion is a serious problem and has been for years in... Read more

  • Beverley Vernon

    This road is necessary as already we have too many extra houses being built, bringing extreme pressure on the existing roads in the a

  • Bryan McGee

    The bypass will firstly, greatly improve the infrastructure needed for a prosperous economy; secondly, it will improve the quality of lives of innumerable people living along the route to be bypassed.... Read more

  • C Richardson

    Hello. I was born in Glossop and I remember that when I was 10 years old ,I am now 70, the problem of traffic on Mottrom Moor and the surrounding area was deing debated. Now the traffic is much worse... Read more

  • Carol Ripley

    It is absolutely crucial that this by pass goes ahead as the riads around are terribly congested and causing a lot of pollution. This is taking far too long. Why is it now being discussed again when... Read more

  • Chris Sizeland

    I fully support the building of the bypass.

  • Christine Abrams

    I was brought up in Hattersley and Hollingworth and we have been waiting for a bypass for over 50 years! I know all the rat runs because I drive into Manchester most days and the Mottram Roundabout is... Read more

  • Christine Johnson

    The A57 relief road will hopefully relieve often horrendous traffic delays around woolley bridge and mottram moor areas and will generally improve lives of local residents. It will improve pollution... Read more

  • Christine Tootell

    This proposed project is years overdue, living in Glossop for over 40 years has caused hours on end trying to get out of Glossop at all times during the day. With all the new house builds that has and... Read more

  • Claire Rimmer

    The building of this bypass is essential to improve the lives of everyone in Glossopdale. By reducing the numbers of vehicles, moving and standing in traffic queues, the air quality will improve and... Read more

  • D Mills

    As someone who has lived in the area for many years, I am very concerned about the traffic pollution and terrible delays on Mottram Moor. Although I don't have a car myself, even travelling by bus... Read more

  • David Andrew Ritchie

    Having travelled twice daily for eight years from Chapl-en-le-Frith to Stalybridge via Hayfield, Glossop, Dinting Vale and Woolley Lane and frequently experienced gridlock, the need for a “Mottram... Read more

  • David Atkinson

    I am a local resident of Mottram in Longdendale. I use the a57 on a daily basis for both committing and for social purposes. My property is on Broadbottom Road and is circa 1km from the junction of... Read more

  • David Birch

    I live near the bypass area and the bypass has desperately been needed for decades to ease chronic congestion through Mottram Hollingworth and Tintwistle. Even the immediate plans to bypass Mottram... Read more

  • David O'Connell

    When I first moved to Glossop over 45 years ago I was told we were going to have a bypass. Since then Glossop high street has become like a car park with traffic crawling through it. Local s have to... Read more

  • David Ormrod

    This proposed by-pass will provide an important link to the M67 relieving pressure on local towns and villages.