
A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 231 representations, newest first.

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  • Cumbria County Council (Cumbria County Council)

    Application by National Highways for an Order Granting Development Consent for the A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project (“the Project”) (also referred to as the A66 Trans-Pennine Dualling Project)... Read more

  • Dominic Furniss

    This scheme is completely out of step with our country and planet being in a climate emergency. The project would increase traffic growth and carbon emissions by 2,190,452 tonnes over its lifetime;... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    The Environment Agency Relevant Representations have been submitted by e-mail to in correspondence dated 2 September 2022, referenced NO/2022/114689/01-L01. Our... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Hammond Family (Hammond Family)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Henshaw Family ( Henshaw Family)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England )

    NSIP: National Significant Infrastructure Project (DCO) A66 Northern Transpennine Project [Our Ref. PL00586663 and PL00756505; Your Reference: TR010062] Please find attached the Relevant... Read more

  • Holly Martin

    My grandparents live at (REDACTED) where the Langrigg road meets the A66: I have been going there all my life and have been taking my own child since she was born two years ago. In this special... Read more

  • Malcolm Margolis

    I am registering my objection to the A66 Northern Trans Pennine scheme which will encourage more traffic when we urgently need it to reduce, as recognised by the UK government, and cause unacceptable... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Maple Bridge Corporation Ltd (Maple Bridge Corporation Ltd)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • Maria Day

    No alternatives to improve safety have been explored There will be a considerable loss of tranquillity in places due to increased traffic and faster vehicles There will be significant visual intrusion... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of McSkimming Family ( McSkimming Family )

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • Michael Blacklidge

    Freeholder affected by compulsory land acquisition. Accept the pressing need for the Stephen Bank - Carkin Moor section and support the project. Keen to ensure that Moor Lane remains fully open to all... Read more

  • WHT Salvin MRICS on behalf of Mortham Estates (Mortham Estates )

    Submission on behalf of Mortham Estates Ltd & Womble bond Dickinson Trust Corp Ltd as Trustees of the RA Morritt 1962 Marriage Settlement and Trustees of the Rokeby 1991 Settlement We support the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Moss Family ( Moss Family)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr A Hobson (Mr A Hobson)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr C Tipping (Mr C Tipping )

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr D Heron (Mr D Heron)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr F Hayllar (Mr F Hayllar)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr G S Harrison (Mr G S Harrison)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr I Heron (Mr I Heron)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr J heron (Mr J heron)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr J Heron (Mr J Heron)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr J Manners (Mr J Manners)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr J Richardson, W Austen Richardson Ltd (Mr J Richardson, W Austen Richardson Ltd)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • George F White (George F White) on behalf of Mr J Richmond (Mr J Richmond)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more