
A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 176 to 200 of 231 representations, newest first.

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  • Dr Piers Taylor

    I am an architect and an expert in terms of landscape impact. In my professional opinion, this proposal will be highly detrimental to the nature and character of this unspoiled part of the Eden Valley... Read more

  • Francis Nicholson

    I object to the A66 Project. I own a property in Kirkby Thore. Due to the siting of the junction at the north of the village, Kirkby Thore will become a rat run for traffic seeking to divert to the... Read more

  • Guy Johnson

    I'm writing to object to this project, which will commit £2 billion pounds of public money to the building of roads which will cause great harm to important wildlife habitats, and which will cause a... Read more

  • Judith Heelis

    As a smallholder living and working near the proposed route I am saddened and Surprised that no one. has arranged to visit this location. The meetings in the Village Hall have been useful however from... Read more

  • Kirkby Thore Parish Council (Kirkby Thore Parish Council)

    Kirkby Thore Parish Council [KTPC] made detailed submissions about potential impacts of the road design during both A66 consultations. Some were acknowledged, but others have been dismissed, and... Read more

  • Lauren Ferson

    I object to the A66 dualling project principally due to the level of Carbon generated. This road is the 3rd highest carbon producer of all road projects. NH cannot suggest the justification for... Read more

  • Lorna Baker

    My interest in the A66 is mainly about the length going past Kirkby Thore. I have two concerns: 1- The chosen route round Kirkby Thore is acknowledged to require a large amount of mitigation of the... Read more

  • Lynn Tumilty

    I object to the A66 project. I specifically object to the Temple Sowerby to Crackenthorpe Section. Air pollution is an increasing concerns as respiratory conditions increase. We are just exiting a... Read more

  • Mary Clare H Martin

    Concerns and objections:1) Impact on individuals, properties and communities 2) Impact on landscape and environment, air quality, increased noise and light pollution, carbon emissions. 3) Failure to... Read more

  • Benjamin (Benjamin) on behalf of Mrs Joy Thompson (Mrs Joy Thompson)

    The enlarged A66 should be built to the NORTH of the present road in the area opposite the lane to Great Musgrave. There is plenty of land available there for a large dual carriageway, and the road... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England welcomes the opportunity to make Relevant Representations for the A66 NTP Dualling Project. Attached to this email are Natural England’s Relevant Representations, the Statement of... Read more

  • Paul Crooks

    I object to the Temple Sowerby- Appleby section for a number of reasons as follow This section of the road travels through the Eden river SAC/SSI and is within the setting of the North Pennines AONB.... Read more

  • Benjamin (Benjamin) on behalf of Prof Lucien Taylor (Prof Lucien Taylor)

    The road in the section between Appleby and Brough, and especially around Flitholme and the Great Musgrave turning, section should ALL be built to the north of the current road. Here, the land to the... Read more

  • Rachel Pinniger

    Registering as an individual to be greatly affected by the upgraded road. Concerns and objections:1) Impact on individuals, properties and communities 2) Impact on landscape and environment, air... Read more

  • Benjamin (Benjamin) on behalf of Right Reverend Hewlett Thompson (Right Reverend Hewlett Thompson)

    A66 Transpennine project, Warcop to Brough section, TR010062 1 I support points made by others making representations as interested parties from the Warcop to Brough section, that the road should go... Read more

  • Sam Martin

    My grandparents live at (REDACTED) where the Langrigg road meets the A66. I am appalled by the way in which the consultation process has been managed. It has been both confusing and distressing for my... Read more

  • Susan Hipkiss

    Huge increase of carbon emissions both in the construction of said road and in usage - resulting in increase in Global warming. Destruction of protected landscapes and habitats.

  • William Ferson

    I object to the A66 being granted a DCO . NH have stated growing tourism, specifically the Lake District Park as one of the main justifications for dualling 9 sections. NH have failed to consult with... Read more

  • Alice Ferson

    I object to the A66 proposal. This project is to benefit HGV traffic. Given the Government objective of shifting freight to rail as outlined in the National Infastructure Report - Better Delivery- the... Read more

  • Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd (Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd) on behalf of Atkinson Family ( Atkinson Family)

    Our clients have been issued with land take plans but no details on whether this is temporary or permanent have been given. The area of land being taken includes the only access to their property from... Read more

  • Barnard Castle Town Council (Barnard Castle Town Council) on behalf of Barnard Castle Town Council (Barnard Castle Town Council)

    We believe that the Black route conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework Revised 2021 [NPPF] under sections 6 (strong, competitive economy), 7 (the vitality of town centres), 8 (promoting... Read more

  • Cathy Harrison

    I am a local resident and use the A66 Monday to Friday as I work in Appleby. I object to the A66 proposal for a number of reasons. 1. The proposed route at Kirkby Thore is longer than the existing... Read more

  • Charles McQueen

    As a conservation professional and having carried out bird surveys in the vicinity of Kirkby Thore over the last 20 years I strongly object to the proposed northern bypass of Kirkby Thore associated... Read more

  • County Cllr Richard Bell

    Summary County Cllr Richard Bell, Member for the Barnard Castle West Division (ie. A local member) and Deputy Leader of Durham County Council, wishes to register his opinion that the proposed Black... Read more

  • Dehenna Davison MP

    As the local Member of Parliament, I write to outline my view of the proposed A66 improvement project. Overall, I welcome the project, which will create much needed improvements to this vital route.... Read more