
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 351 to 375 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Simon Finnie

    As a nearby resident, I strongly object to the proposed development of Luton Airport on the basis of noise and disurbance. Whilst we fully support the development of LLA as a source of local... Read more

  • Syeda Ahmed

    Pollution and increased road traffic

  • Andrew Burnett

    I am concerned that an 80% increase in flights will have a significant and adverse impact on noise, air polution, traffic and environmental issues in the area immediately surrounding the airport... Read more

  • Conan Sammon

    The main issues for me is the increased noise and air pollution I think air pollution should be closely monitored and data available readily to local residents who live near an airport. Efforts should... Read more

  • Eoin Dunne

    I have been living in Caddington since 2008, I have been aware of the local airport but it did not impact my life, it was very hit and miss with planes. Steadily the airport that got so much busier,... Read more

  • Erland Sternby

    WE STRONGLY OBJECT TO THE PROPOSAL TO EXPAND LONDON LUTON AIPORT - NOISE from planes (landing and taking off) is already a big problem that impacts all residents in the densely populated surrounding... Read more

  • Ghulam Abbas

    Dear Sir/Madam, As a resident of Luton, I am writing to express my support for the planning application to expand London Luton Airport submitted by Luton Borough Airport. The expansion is desperately... Read more

  • Grainne Tallon

    When we moved to Caddington in 2008, I was aware of this airport although it has been quiet that allowed me to enjoy country living and my garden. Today the impact is affecting my life. There are... Read more

  • Jayne Elizabeth Bloch

    Increased traffic/parking and aircraft noise

  • Joanne Elizabeth Martin

    The noise levels are unacceptable, the carbon footprint is unacceptable, including loss of habitat, and the impact on rail infrastructure is highly detrimental.

  • Kirsty Clark

    Object to this proposed project on the basis of air pollution and noise pollution and increased traffic congestion in an area of high population density, which will lead to reduced health outcomes for... Read more

  • marie winifred preston

    I asked Luton rising reps at local meeting at Slip End if there will be more freight and private jets landing at Luton. And how much these flights affect the local air quality as there seems no... Read more

  • Matthew tomlin

    This project will have a great impact on my familys life as we live directly under the flight path. The noise from the increased amount of air traffic will interfere with our quality of life and have... Read more

  • Millicent Brown

    There is already too much aircraft noise & pollution daily. The Wigmore Valley park is used by many families locally & would impact on everyone’s health & wellbeing if not there. The extra traffic on... Read more

  • Sajjad Ahmed

    I agree with the expansion of the airport. It will create more jobs for Luton for the future and more benefits for everyone especially taxi drivers and security workers. I hope you will give your... Read more

  • shuyel bari

    Excessive flight noise during the summer in particular. Below standard of air quality around Vauxhall Way, Airport Relief road. Destruction of greenspaces, areas of scientific interest. e.g Wigmore... Read more

  • Simeon James Jenkin

    As a Harpenden resident, I'm subject to aircraft noise, and the pollution that comes with it, on a daily basis. I've been informed that, although there is a promise of new technology which will make... Read more

  • Simon Barrett

    The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA) to 32 million passengers per annum (mppa) from the current cap of 18 mppa (a 78% increase in throughput) will have a significant negative effect on... Read more

  • Tracey Baldwin

    Im opposed because, you are going to destroy a park with established trees , plants and wildlife. Planting new trees is not the same as they will take years to establish. Also the fumes and noise from... Read more

  • Adrees Latif

    Noise and pollution. Luton has very poor air quality and this must be improved.

  • Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils (BMKALC) (Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils (BMKALC))

    1. Inadequate noise controls: The applicant has not complied with Government policy re tailoring the Noise Envelope to local priorities and designing it in meaningful consultation with local... Read more

  • David Sanok

    What will be the new flight plans once the project is done? Over the last several months the current flight plans have shifted. The landing pattern has the plans coming closer and closer to the point... Read more

  • Dominika Dronska

    Hello, Luton Airport is already affecting birds population in our area, and noise levels as well. Any expansion will make it unberable. Please do not extend.

  • Donlons (Donlons) on behalf of Donlon Family (Donlon Family)

    Wandon End is a beautiful place to live. We have always lived close to airport & made a balanced decision that noise would be a factor living here. The growth of the airport already has provided... Read more

  • Frances Woods

    Having lived here for over 40 years and 20 years previously in the neighbouring village I have seen the airport grow over the past 60 years. If the airport is to grow further then I strongly urge you... Read more