
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 651 to 675 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Sheila Lendrum

    LUTON AIRPORT EXPANSION I wish to object to the proposals for the expansion of Luton airport. Luton Borough Council has already given generously to ‘Luton Rising.’ Probably too generously, although I... Read more

  • Sidney Colin Garnett

    1. We had to move from Caddington for health reasons, after having planned it to be our forever home. We moved to Caddington in 2014 and we spent a lot of money to make it comfortable and to enjoy our... Read more

  • Suzanne Whittaker

    Noise. The aircraft are closer than they were and often disturb my sleep. I definitely don't want this made worse. Working. I no longer work at Capability Green but the noise in the summer means phone... Read more

  • Tanya Vinton

    Noise from aircraft Environmental impact pollution Congestion in area of people going to airport,roads pollution Impact on house prices if the above happen Impact on health respiratory conditions from... Read more

  • Teresa Jane Morgan

    I work at a primary school on the proposed route to a second terminal from Vauxhall Way. School children have to cross Wigmore Lane and Crawley Green Road to get to and from my school. Subjecting... Read more

  • Tracy Rolfe

    This expansion is already interrupting our sleep and this effects our work and health. The aircraft noise carries on late at night, early hours and throughout the day. Providing home insulation... Read more

  • Arafa Salam on behalf of Abdul Ahad (Abdul Ahad)

    I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the excessive noise levels emanating from the operations at Luton Airport. As a resident living in close proximity to the airport, I have experienced... Read more

  • Adam Shutkever

    I wish to set out my reasons for objecting to the proposed project. These include the environmental impact, the compatibility of the project with national environmental objectives (including achieving... Read more

  • Alan Blake

    Re: Planning Inspectorate’s reference number TR020001 This is to confirm that I object whole heartedly to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport as outlined by Luton Rising in the. Planning... Read more

  • Allan Howes

    Core issues relate to 3 keys areas: 1) Air Pollution - it is clearly very high in the surrounding village areas where we live. In our own garden several trees have died over recent years and this is... Read more

  • andrew mills-baker on behalf of Andrew Douglas Laurie-Pile (Andrew Douglas Laurie-Pile)

    We dont think that the airport should be expanded above its present size. We live under the flight path and are already suffering from noise and environmental pollution, which is impacting our health.... Read more

  • Anthony Baldwin

    Living near to Luton Airport already affects my quality of life. Particularly enjoyment of home, garden and everyday life. Expansion of the airport will increase noise, air and light pollution,... Read more

  • Anthony Bourke

    The expansion of Luton Airport will create unacceptable disturbance, road traffic, and pollution. It will deteriorate the quality of my life and wellbeing by waking me up in the middle of the night.

  • Anthony tyler

    Noise levels increase, light pollution from terminal and car park impacting village, won’t be able to open windows in summer due to noise, pollution from air craft stronger more frequent smell of air... Read more

  • Atia Riaz

    Degrading air quality Lack of supportive local infrastructure Impact to broader county wide environmental impact and green spaces Detrimental socio impact and perception of Luton which adversely... Read more

  • Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service (Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service)

    Feedback Provided by Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service on the London Luton Airport Expansion The expansion of London Luton Airport LLA could potentially have an impact on Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue... Read more

  • Cambridge and Peterborough Climate Action Coalition (Cambridge and Peterborough Climate Action Coalition)

    The UK Governments own Climate Change Committee has stated, in it's 2022 report, "The government isn't doing enough to curb demand in aviation growth"; is making, "little tangible progress"; is... Read more

  • Carlisle Support Services Group Limited (Carlisle Support Services Group Limited)

    To whom it may concern, Carlisle Support Services is a medium sized business with annual revenues of £120m per annum, and employs some 4,750 workers, with its headquarters in Luton. We would like to... Read more

  • Carol Brennan

    I object to increased aviation from the airport and all that it brings, increased road traffic in the area plus we already have so many planes flying over as we are on the main flight path - the noise... Read more

  • Caroline Clancy

    Constant planes directly over our house we moved here there were 2million passengers 38 million is horrific . We have cars pulling up in the middle of the night to get into taxis to go to the airport... Read more

  • Cathrine Gaskin

    The proximity of Luton Airport already adversely impacts my quality of life especially enjoyment of home, garden and normal everyday life. Further expansion will mean more noise, air and light... Read more

  • Charles Simpson Organisation Limited (Charles Simpson Organisation Limited)

    REF: TR020001 Dear Sir/Madam, We have been sent information about the proposed London Luton Airport expansion as someone who maybe entitled to make a claim for compensation. We currently own and... Read more

  • Charles Simpson Rentals Limited (Charles Simpson Rentals Limited)

    REF: TR020001 Dear Sir/Madam, We have been sent information about the proposed London Luton Airport expansion as someone who maybe entitled to make a claim for compensation. We currently own and rent... Read more

  • Christopher Hill

    - Destruction of green open space environment - Destruction of wildlife habitats - No intention to replace green open space environment or wildlife habitats fully within Luton - More noise from... Read more

  • Christopher Roberts

    I object to the proposals on 2 main grounds: - We are in a climate crisis, for which Air Travel is, and continues to be, a significant contributor. Luton Borough Council declared a Climate Emergency... Read more