
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 676 to 700 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Clarion Housing Group (Clarion Housing Group)

    Clarion Housing Group own around 1300 homes in Luton as well as in Whitwell and Hitchen. We have identified that the majority of these homes are in close proximity to the new runway and will be... Read more

  • Damian McClean

    It’s a disgrace and incredibly shady.

  • David. Twydell

    Aircraft noise disturbing our sleep all through the night, not able to open windows because of noise. They should stop night flights like other airports do.Also move flight path over M1 roundabout.

  • Edlesborough Parish Council (Edlesborough Parish Council)

    Edlesborough Parish Council wish to register as an interested party regarding the Luton Airport DCO for the proposed increase in passenger numbers from 18 million to 32 million mppa. The village of... Read more

  • Keith Murray Consultants (Keith Murray Consultants) on behalf of Follett Property Holdings Ltd (Follett Property Holdings Ltd)

    The Order as proposed provides for an inadequate period of time in which to reinvest the compensation monies therefore an undertaking is sought from the promotor to make adequate provision to do so.... Read more

  • Gary Winter

    The proposed Eaton Green Link Road breaches the local plan that was adopted in 2017. Residential roads will become the main access route to Terminal 2 from the East of England and this airport traffic... Read more

  • Savills (Savills) on behalf of GKN Aerospace Services Limited (GKN Aerospace Services Limited)

    GKN Aerospace is broadly supportive of the Luton Rising proposals to expand London Luton Airport and recognises the potential for an expansion to improve the prosperity and economic strength of the... Read more

  • Ian Mitchell

    I am concerned about the effects of noise and air pollution in the vicinity of the airport expansion zone. It’s also likely to affect property prices in the locality. The roads are not well suited to... Read more

  • J Oliver

    I would like to express my objection to the Luton Airport expansion proposals. The increase in flights will bring an unimaginable amount of aircraft noise which is already very bad, having... Read more

  • Keith Murray Consultants (Keith Murray Consultants) on behalf of Jaison Property Development Company Ltd (Jaison Property Development Company Ltd)

    The Order as proposed provides for an inadequate period of time in which to reinvest the compensation monies therefore an undertaking is sought from the promotor to make adequate provision to do so.... Read more

  • Jaltek Systems Limited (Jaltek Systems Limited)

    The initiatives to develop Luton and the surrounding areas should boost the local economy with the potential to create thousands of new jobs. The development will create a optimistic focus for Luton... Read more

  • Jane Tyler

    Noise and light pollution will increase over the village, air quality will be impacted. Loss of parkland utilised by local community. Roads unable to cope with traffic, use of arable agricultural... Read more

  • Janet Henshilwood

    I object to the expansion of the airport. In the 13 years I've lived in Caddington the planes have become much more frequent. On Saturday night alone, there were at least 5 planes that arrived/landed... Read more

  • Jason holdham

    Noise as in direct to flight path , pollution, more cars parking on our street then getting on planes , over night noise ?house price ?value ?

  • Jayne Appleby Holdham

    More noise More pollution More Traffic Parking outside my property

  • Jemma Candy

    Luton Rising is a key partner in Luton’s 2040 Vision for a carbon-neutral town where no one needs to live in poverty. The expansion of the airport will help Luton achieve this goal. The expansion of... Read more

  • Keith Murray Consultants (Keith Murray Consultants) on behalf of John Andrew and Jana Ninot Jason (John Andrew and Jana Ninot Jason)

    The Order as proposed provides for an inadequate period of time in which to reinvest the compensation monies therefore an undertaking is sought from the promotor to make adequate provision to do so.

  • John HAMER

    Further expansion of Luton Airport, will have an adverse effect on the quality of life for towns & villages near & under the flightpaths. I live in Stevenage which apart from Luton flights is... Read more

  • John Philip Davies

    Luton Airport Expansion Introduction The world has changed since the proposal originally started several years ago. The pandemic led us to realise that we can stay in touch and hold meetings online,... Read more

  • Karin wragg

    Our concerns/objections are 3 fold. 1). POLLUTION. Are air pollution safety checks being done?. We live directly Below the flight path. [REDACTED] Who is ensuring that the increased aviation... Read more

  • Kathryn Grimes

    With the number of planes that fly over my house and garden currently I am very concerned that any increase in the number of flights and/or increase in the hours which planes can take off or land will... Read more

  • Lanos (Luton) Limited (Lanos (Luton) Limited)

    We object to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1. Noise due to increased air traffic and closer proximity of flight path to our property. 2. Disruption and increase of road traffic... Read more

  • London Luton limited (London Luton limited)

    We object to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1. Noise due to increased air traffic and closer proximity of flight path to our property. 2. Disruption and increase of traffic both... Read more

  • Marilyn Jude

    The increased noise from almost double the current number of flights/the enormous amount of extra pollution from aircraft at a time it should be reduced/ extra pollution, noise and disruption from the... Read more

  • Mark Dimmock

    I object to these proposals and I am concerned about: - The destruction of Wigmore Park wildlife and open space for the community and replacing it with a second Terminal and more Carparks. - The... Read more