
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3151 to 3175 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Kember Loudon Williams (Kember Loudon Williams) on behalf of The Nevill Family (The Nevill Family)

    Please see attachment

  • Thomas Francis Peter Cooper

    It will offer job opportunities to those in my home town. It will help bring visitors to my home town. It will increase opportunities to work and visit other countries

  • Tim North & Associates Ltd (Tim North & Associates Ltd)

    Introduction These representations are raised on behalf of my clients Holiday Extras Ltd, a leading UK distributor of on and off airport related car parking spaces. My client sells a range of holiday... Read more

  • Timothy Crawford Hughes


  • Timothy Lynn

    Objection to Gatwick’s proposed single track arrivals and departures routes.

  • Tina Marie Sharps

    Concerned that Hever Castle will suffer as a result of the increase in air traffic.

  • Transport for London (Transport for London)

    TRANSPORT FOR LONDON GATWICK AIRPORT NORTHERN RUNWAY DCO RELEVANT REPRESENTATION 26 OCTOBER 2023 1. Introduction 1.1 This relevant representation is provided by Transport for London (TfL) on behalf of... Read more

  • Trevor Harrison

    I am registering to object to Gatwick's proposals which are an attempt to create a second runway by stealth. The number of aircraft approach movements already causes significant aural pollution in the... Read more

  • Valerie Viret

    Increasing the capacity of the airport in a time of concerns over the environmental impact of air travel generally should be an ongoing concern for all of us at this time. I also have concerns about... Read more

  • Victoria Henderson

    I am very concerned about the increased air traffic over our property if Gatwick is to expand. It is already an issue which affects us daily with aircraft noise day and night, poor air quality and the... Read more

  • Victoria Jennings

    I strongly abject to any Gatwick expansion that will cause possibly more night time flights. During this Summer I was woken on several occasions when planes flew over our house after midnight and very... Read more

  • Virginia Marion Clemens

    I am registering in order to express my concern at the plan to use an additional runway at Gatwick. This is in complete contradiction to the need to reduce carbon emissions in the UK in order to... Read more

  • Wai lun Tsang

    I am strong against it, it will destroy the peace of where I live and normally there would be no noise There will be 2000 new home built on there!

  • Waverley Borough Council

    Waverley Borough Council is concerned that this project will not contribute to the goal of net zero emssions by 2050 This development, in construction phase and at operational stage, will produce... Read more

  • Wealden District Council (Wealden District Council)

    I write on behalf of Wealden District Council to register its Relevant Representation to become an Interested Party in the Application for a development consent order by Gatwick Airport Limited for... Read more

  • Wendy McGirr

    The sky above East Sussex is already busy with aircraft traffic, a second runway would increase this leading to noise, light pollution, air quality issues, which, in turn accelerates global warming.... Read more

  • Wendy Stevenson

    The noise levels caused by overhead flights in our location are already detrimental to our village. We are woken in the night by night flights as well as early mornings. An increase in flights will... Read more

  • West Sussex County Council (West Sussex County Council)

    See supporting email sent by Amy Harrower, on behalf of WSCC, on 27 October 2023.

  • LRM Planning (LRM Planning) on behalf of WT Lamb Properties (WT Lamb Properties)

    Our clients, WT Lamb Properties own land and properties to the east of Balcombe Road (outside the boundaries of the airport) and have an interest in any potential impacts that the proposals may have... Read more

  • Adam John Baylis

    I support Gatwick’s expansion proposals as I believe it is the most sustainable and efficient way to improve London’s air capacity, whilst also ensuring minimum disruption in the process.

  • Alastair Henderson

    Night Noise and Disruption A ban on night flights should be a condition of any expansion at Gatwick. These are already generating intrusive noise particularly in the summer. The airport should also be... Read more

  • Alex Dalley

    As a resident of Horley Town my primary concern is additional sound pollution. I would like to be assured that material new sound defence measures will be mandated should the runway change of use... Read more

  • Alison Christie

    There is already significant noise from air traffic and so if the number of flights increases as planned by opening another runway it will make life unbearable for those of us living under the flight... Read more

  • Alison Marshall

    Even our MP (Jeremy Quin) has described the climate crisis as existential. Yet, instead of finding urgent ways to reduce the emissions contributing to this (dramatically), this proposal may increase... Read more

  • Amy Just

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick airport on the grounds of noise disturbance to residents , and the pollution and increased co2 emissions.