
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 4426 to 4450 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • David Stephen Fitzsimmons

    I am concerned about the risk of additional noise of planes, particularly if they are routed over urban areas such as Tunbridge Wells. It seems that the impact of planes over Tunbridge Wells is not... Read more

  • David Taylor

    Increase in employment. Perhaps relieve pressure from LHR Safer for air traffic

  • David Thomas Harrison

    I believe that this proposal will have fantastic benefits in terms of developing very good jobs for the local community and injecting valuable investment into the local economy. As technology... Read more

  • Dawn Goodger

    I feel that the expansion will be detrimental as a local resident I am already seeing increased light, noise and dust pollution as a result of increased flight numbers which will only get worse with... Read more

  • Dean Tugwell

    To enable the commercial use of the second runway at Gatwick, will not only grow the route networks provide by the airport. It will also create more jobs, and see more investment into the local... Read more

  • Denise Furlonger

    I object to Gatwick Airport's expansion plans. A 2nd runway is expected to add over 1 million tonnes of extra carbon into the air each year if allowed to go ahead. The planet is already suffering more... Read more

  • Devak Nayee

    Huge concerns on increased noise levels and pollution that still have not been appropriately addressed.

  • Dr Jean Collins

    The effects of doubling Gatwick Airport's capacity would be catastrophic for the local area. Road and rail links are already at full stretch for current passenger numbers with local trains, including... Read more

  • Duncan Mackay

    I have concerns as to how this will impact the expansion of Crawley and all the associated problems with the unchecked expansion of the town

  • Duncan Taylor

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are... Read more

  • Dylan Niwemuhoza

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not... Read more

  • E Dawkins

    Main issues and impacts: climate change, increased greenhouse gas emissions from additional aircraft and additional road traffic, noise and ecological impacts.

  • Eduardo Agrela

    I think this is a great opportunity for not only Gatwick to develop but also the towns surrounding the airport as not only will this create more job and opportunities for people but will also fund the... Read more

  • Edward Anthony Ryan

    I am opposed to any further development of Gatwick Airport. I am a resident in the area and chose my location so that I could reach London on the Brighton line (for work) and would also be far enough... Read more

  • Edward Higgs

    I support the much needed expansion of Gatwick Airport and believe this can be achieved in a sustainable way.

  • Edward Price

    I live on the flight path in Lingfield and we are already unable to hear neighbours from a few feet away in our gardens. The additional runway will make it unbearable as it is so close to the existing... Read more

  • Elaine Elvery

    About time

  • Elie Goldman

    I support and I think it is very good for the economy in the area

  • Elizabeth Bridges

    I oppose the new runway because of the devastating effect it will have on a large surrounding area. It will cause increased noise, air pollution at the airport itself and exact a heavy burden on the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Brockbank

    How does this proposal impact carbon emissions? What are the positive and negative impacts on the future generations of local residents?

  • Elizabeth Townsend

    This appears to be an elegant solution to enable the south east to gain slot capacity, build the local economy and ensure London remains a connected part of the globe.

  • Ella Bailey

    The main issues are increased noise and environmental damage to local residents. A lack of demand in shoulder periods of the day means Gatwick is not full, they only want to be able to sell expensive... Read more

  • Elly Powis

    Increased noise to local residents. Lack of infrastructure local roads, increased traffic, poor street lighting narrow paths, impact on children walking to school

  • Emanuel Grosu

    Growing local economy

  • Emma Beard

    My heart is so saddened by the thought that expanding our aviation at Gatwick is a sensible idea. The devastation of land and our planet is surely not something to be ignored. We must stop thinking... Read more