Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
Concerned about increased noise and pollution
Wildlife noise
I live beneath the flight path of Gatwick airport in what should be a quiet semi town/rural location. The noise from aircraft destroys my enjoyment and I cannot sit in my garden in the summer without...
Darllen mwy
I believe we do NOT need another runway at Gatwick to help curb damage to the environment.
I objective to the runway on environmental grounds - this will increase pollution, noise (already high) and volume of traffic in this area (again already a problem without infrastructure to support...
Darllen mwy
I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does...
Darllen mwy
Jobs Local Economy
This extra runway has been a long while coming. Flight paths in/out of LGW must be reviewed.
I believe the impacts on our semi rural small town will be considerable in terms of noise and impact upon our daily lives. We are adjacent to the protected Ashdown Forest and any expansion will...
Darllen mwy
I have lived at (Redacted) , shortly before the final section of the M25 was completed and a few years after British Caledonian built their new headquarters building, now known as Astral Towers, on...
Darllen mwy
We are living through a climate crisis. Every return flight from London to New York costs the Arctic three square metres of ice. This is not the time for expansion of airports.
An emergency runway is an emergency runway not a full-time one. The area around LGW is not suitable for an even bigger infrastructure. LGW cares not a joy about our countryside or the well-being of...
Darllen mwy
2nd runway at Gatwick is not appropriate for the area: 1. There is already inadequate infrastructure in the surrounding area caused by new house builds but without the essential public services. 2....
Darllen mwy
Great for both the local and wider area - only a positive thing in my opinion - the economy will benefit hugely
There isn't the infrastructure around Gatwick For residents in tunbridge wells and neighbouring villages.... - planes are still loud - flights till 2 am and commence again at 4 am.. this is of real...
Darllen mwy
I am strongly opposed to the project because of the impact on CO2 levels, noise pollution, increase in traffic locally and the fact that it ignores the climate emergency that we face
I have lived in Hurst Green, Surrey for 25 years. I and my neighbours have already seen a very noticeable increase in frequency and noise from flights in the past year or two. If the second runway is...
Darllen mwy
This is totally against our ‘Green’ future. We want cleaner air for all. Planes will always fly so travel is still possible but we do not need more. This will only open up the possibility of more...
Darllen mwy
We are an interested party, and are scoping village residents to ascertain what the situation is regarding comments, either positive or negative. we wish to make representations on the runway...
Darllen mwy
Any expansion of the aviation business is clearly lunacy. We all know this but for some strange reason some chose to ignore this. Clearly the emissions from air travel are a major contributor to both...
Darllen mwy
I vehemently oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway which...
Darllen mwy
I’m opposed to the expansion because it will have adverse environmental impacts, noise, pollution
My main concerns are: increased noise, increased levels of pollution, global warming, further environmental damage, being woken at night.
My overriding objection to the proposal is related to the very significant implications for climate change and impacts on air pollution. The scale of expansion proposed will result in substantial...
Darllen mwy
I believe this development should not be permitted to go ahead, for the following reasons: Impact on climate change due to emissions from all the extra flights; Increase in aircraft noise, impacting...
Darllen mwy
I object to the expansion plans at Gatwick and an additional runway on the grounds of additional noise and air pollution and a huge increase in CO2 emissions. At a time of climate crisis, the airline...
Darllen mwy
I am very concerned about the expansion of the airport due to the large increase of carbon emissions and air and noise pollution the large increase in flights will cause. Instead, the government...
Darllen mwy
I object to expansion of all existing airports, including Gatwick. Aviation is pollution-intensive, primarily from both CO2-related and non-CO2 related emissions. Its dependence on fossil fuel has yet...
Darllen mwy
Darllen mwy
I support the application for London Gatwick’s proposal to turn the Northern Runway into a second operational runway. Gatwick is currently severely slot restricted meaning there is always delays with...
Darllen mwy
I support the project as is critical to local jobs and economy
My concern is air pollution over Lingfield and the addition noise pollution both of which will be inevitable.
Main objection is increased noise pollution
We strongly support the development. Whilst acknowledging the additional flights and associated impact, it will bring additional capacity which is much needed as well as boost the local economy and in...
Darllen mwy
There will be a serious impact on the Cranleigh airspace, with considerable overflying of this 15,000 strong community.
Living in Rusper there is already considerable aircraft noise this proposal will increase it dramatically. Gatwick sits on the M23 already designated a non safe smart motorway, this will increase the...
Darllen mwy
I object to further expansion of Gatwick Airport. There is already too much aircraft noise and additional traffic on local roads
The addition of another runway to Gatwick will adversely impact air quality with the health implications that brings. Noise pollution will increase and will be negative for residents in the area,...
Darllen mwy
Unacceptable noise and pollution levels added to an already densly populated area, the preservation of The Monastery of The Holy Trinity at Crawley Down
Gatwick Airport is large enough and frequently has problems with its services. It is an unstable employer and many Airlines have failed over the years, Eg B.Cal,Danair,Laker etc. At the moment it’s...
Darllen mwy
Gatwick airport should not be expanded. The climate and nature crisis means that we should be making every effort possible to reduce carbon emissions, pollution and noise. This is essential to give us...
Darllen mwy
The main issues are the impact of even more flights over this area of outstanding natural beauty where lots of people also happen to live. My biggest concerns are: - even more flights during the...
Darllen mwy
I believe this proposal will be detrimental to the local environment, public health in a wide surrounding area and longer term undermine legal net zero targets at the national level. Noise and other...
Darllen mwy
My family and I (5 of us in total) object to the disruption, enviromental disturbance of any expansion of Gatwick or any increase of activity. Gatwick must accept it cannot be expanded. We already...
Darllen mwy
I fully support the expansion of Gatwick Airport. As a local resident I believe it is vital to the continued success of local towns and neighbourhoods.
We have lived at this address for 29 years, initially I sent many complaints to Gatwick airport on noise, unfortunately to no avail, I even visited the airport to be shown the monitoring of plane...
Darllen mwy
The Main issue that i raise is the enviromental impact of the expansion. But none the less i agree that Gatwick should expand, and quite frankly needs to expand to provide job security after the...
Darllen mwy
Dear Sirs, I am very concerned regarding the planning application for a change of use from an emergency runway to a permanent second runway and the subsequent expansion of Gatwick airport. Living just...
Darllen mwy
We have lived in Tunbridge Wells since 1986 and experienced a significant increase in a contiunuous stream of aircraft approaching Gatwick at a low height facing the prevailing (from the Soutrh West)...
Darllen mwy
I object to increased runway use at Gatwick airport. This will cause an increase in air pollution which is unacceptable during our current climate crisis. The impact of increased noise pollution for...
Darllen mwy