
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Suzanne Atfield

    The already increasing fumes and noise will get even worse and make using outside spaces impossible for any form of socialisation as the noise from the planes forces you to stop talking as its too... Read more

  • Tamasine Kirkham

    I do not believe this is the right decision for our area. I oppose this Gatwick northern runway application. Inunderstand that it will help jobs and Gatwick to grow. However, the infrastructure of the... Read more

  • Tanveer Hussain

    It is good for the economy

  • Tanwen Morgan

    I am hugely concerned about the increase in carbon and noise pollution that this would cause. My area is already above WHO recommended levels of air toxicity and I’m especially worried for vulnerable... Read more

  • Tazim Shirley

    Noise and polution

  • Terry Ellis

    I think this will be good for the local and wider economy. It will also reduce the current delays experienced during peak periods

  • The Charlwood Society (The Charlwood Society)

    1. Gatwick claims that that many thousands of new jobs will be created and presents this as an advantage. On the contrary, it will impact negatively. There is already a severe shortage of housing in... Read more

  • John Llewellyn Hughes on behalf of The Hughes Family (The Hughes Family)

    Flight Path and Flight Times

  • Andrew Wolfle on behalf of The Wolfle Family (The Wolfle Family)

    We lie under the landing flight path for the prevailing westerly wind conditions. During summer weekends flights start at 0630 and continue at up to every 2-3 minute intervals through til late. We... Read more

  • Thea Thompson

    I object to this for environmental reasons and the noise impact it will have on my home.

  • Thomas Collingwood

    Great idea

  • Thomas Inchley

    I live in Redhill. I don't see why this is required.

  • Thomas Michael Wildy

    I support the use of the emergency runway being used as a second full time runway.

  • Thomas Newman

    I think is a good idea as it will generate business for the town

  • Tim Grimble

    I am concerned about flight paths and noise. A second runway will increase the number of aircraft forcing new flight paths over the countryside and communities who already have to deal with flights... Read more

  • Tim Hudson

    I live in (Redacted) which is a rural location in an area of outstanding natural beauty. My home is impacted by flights arriving and departing from Gatwick airport. In the operation of Gatwick airport... Read more

  • Titu Cioata

    I’m ok with Gatwick new plans for growing the number of flights and be able to use the second runaway.

  • Toby Seaman

    This is a terrible idea. The environmental impact of further air travel is terrible. The impact on the local area, the carbon footprint of all the concrete. This is terrible.

  • Tom Evans

    The proposal would have a huge impact on local air quality, local noise pollution, residential amenity and the environment generally. I also don’t think it would deliver the anticipated economic... Read more

  • Tony Dolby

    Safety its an emergency runway

  • Tracy Davis

    My main concerns with this proposal are: 1) increased noise levels in the local area due to increased air traffic; 2) increased air traffic will increase carbon emissions when we are in a climate... Read more

  • Transport Futures East Sussex (Transport Futures East Sussex)

    We would like to object to the proposal to develop a second runway operation at Gatwick Airport for the following reasons: Expansion of aviation would contradict policies to reduce carbon emissions.... Read more

  • Trevor Johnson

    There is a near continuous drone / noise pollution from the airport, this goes on to the early hours well after last flight affecting local residents and sleep, it can be difficult to be outside in my... Read more

  • Trevor Scott

    We must all get behind and support a growing industry.

  • Uwe Frohmader

    This second runway should not have permission to go ahead as it completely contradicts the net zero targets, causes pollution, noise and increases traffic on the roads.