Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

Project specific advice can be viewed on the relevant project page.

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Showing 501 to 600 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View advice to Kelvin Hui

    I am writing to enquire as to which guidelines/ policies the IPC are currently using to guide application decisions (especially relating to energy projects) in light of the fact that the NPS' are... Read more

  • View advice to Network Rail

    Mr Pearson of Network Rail enquired about regulation 5(2)(l) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Regulations, states that plans and... Read more

  • View advice to Jacobs

    If a development, that has received development consent through the IPC, starts but never reaches its original planned capacity/electricity generation, e.g. only 1 line is developed and not 3 lines... Read more

  • View advice to Undine Scientific

    Mr Smurthwaite enquired about the definition of extension under the Planning Act 2008 (the Act).

  • View advice to Pinsent Masons

    Correspondent queried whether a Development Consent Order (DCO) may make provision for incidental matters dealt with by the Highways Act 1980 such as licencing the planting of trees in a highway (s142... Read more

  • View advice to Sheridan Treger

    What is offshore development and where in regards to offshore development would an application have to be publicised under section 48 of the 2008 Planning Act?

  • View advice to Daniel Chapman

    Having read the Planning Act 2008 new overhead transmissions lines which are rated at over 132kV require an application to the IPC. Can you tell me whether an IPC application is required if an... Read more

  • View advice to Office for Nuclear Development

    Mr Petrie enquired how the IPC would consider material changes to a Development Consent Order after an application has been submitted and before consent has been granted in the absence of regulations... Read more

  • View meeting with EdF Energy Nuclear New Build

    The purpose of the meeting was to conclude discussions on an approach to handling applications for development consent for nuclear generating stations which was consistent both with the regulations... Read more

  • View advice to Andrew Dobson

    The enquiry can be viewed here:

  • View advice to Ross Taylor

    Confirmation of timeframes for the examination and decision/recommendation stages of the IPC process and whether there might be indication from the Examining Authority if they anticipate the... Read more

  • View advice to Chris Eaglen

    Dr Chris Eaglen wrote to us with some general queries and observations about Nuclear Generating Stations. A copy of his correspondence can be found... Read more

  • View advice to Mark Pearson

    Caller asked whether there was any scope for the IPC to extend an extant planning permission in connection with terrestiral works to a port.

  • View advice to Kerry Thomas

    Mrs Kerry Thomas wrote to us seeking guidance on the role of statutory consultee. She asked us to confirm the definition of this role and also what abilities or powers the role has. She also wrote... Read more

  • View advice to RE-Systems

    What guidance is there on producing a consultation report.

  • View advice to Local Dialogue

    Mr Raza called representing Local Dialogue, seeking advice on what constitutes a Section 46 notice and when such a notice should be submitted to the IPC. Clarity was also sought on whether or not... Read more

  • View advice to Local Dialogue

    Mr Raza called for futher clarity on timescales between submisison of a Section 46 notice and a Scoping Request to the IPC.

  • View advice to Ann Cooper

    Are promoters required to submit Design and Access Statements as part of their applications? Where can I find the thresgholds for nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects?

  • View advice to Rolls-Royce - Submarines

    Is the IPC involved with decommissioning projects in the UK?

  • View advice to Friends of the Earth

    I have just signed up to your newsletter via your website. But really I am mainly interested in all the projects you have listed in the South East region. How do I ensure that I get to hear when the... Read more

  • View meeting with National Grid

    A team from the IPC met with delegates from National Grid to discuss their consenting strategy and generic issues, with reference to their approach to consultation and Strategic Optioneering. The... Read more

  • View meeting with Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth

    This meeting was held to discuss elements of the IPC process.

  • View advice to Stephen Kirkwood

    Thanks for your previous help. I think I understand most of it. One question though, I have heard about 'a Formal pre-application consultation document'. Is there such a thing, what does it... Read more

  • View advice to Stephen Kirkwood

    Than you for your prompt reply. The process seems fairly complicated with so many stages! I am the tenant of land that is involved as part of a proposal that is at the pre-application stage and due... Read more

  • View advice to Stephen Kirkwood

    I understand that under the planning act 2008 the list of statutory consultees listed under section 42 includes any under section 44 which includes landowners, tenants lessees etc. As i... Read more

  • View meeting with Drax

    Meeting with Drax regarding the application process, with particular reference to how the IPC would handle applications that had previously received consent under the Electricity Act, s.36.

  • View advice to Addelshaw Goddard

    Our client operates a gas-fired combined heat and power plant (CHP Plant). The CHP Plant's electricity generating capacity is 70 megawatts. It is proposing to construct a bioenergy (anerobic... Read more

  • View advice to Timothy Bull

    The caller enquired about the appropriate mechanism for establishing whether a pipeline will have a significant effect on the environment and therefore be considered an NSIP under section 20 (3) (b)... Read more

  • View advice to RSPB

    In regards to the Environmental Statement, at what stage does it get consulted upon? Is the onus on the developer or the IPC to consult bodies on the ES?

  • View advice to Baker Associates

    Would it be possible please to give me some information on how negotiations should be conducted on community benefits regarding a major infrastructure project? How does the S106 regime fit with a DCO... Read more

  • View advice to DECC

    Please provide information on how the IPC might consider community benefit/s.106 agreements as part of its consideration of applications for development consent.

  • View advice to CJ Associates

    Mr Podkolinski called in regard to the required legal status of an organisation that wishes to apply for an order granting development consent.

  • View advice to Trowers

    Would the IPC consult with telecommunications operators as statutory consultees?

  • View advice to Norfolk County Council

    I would be grateful for your guidance on whether or not the installation of an anaerobic digester on an existing combined heat and power (CHP) plant site would fall within the ambit of the... Read more

  • View advice to Andrew Hope

    Caller enquired about wayleaves, could they fall under the remit of the IPC and could they be incorporated into a DCO?

  • View advice to Advance Environment

    It seems to me that Section 20 3(b) of the Planning Act 2008 “the construction of the pipe-line must be likely to have a significant effect on the environment” is too open-ended. If we have a... Read more

  • View advice to Michele Lloyd

    The 132kV overhead power line application in question has been submitted to DECC (app number BERR/2009/0005) and is a separate application to the Llandinam wind farm application number BERR/2008/0003... Read more

  • View advice to Golder Associates (UK) Ltd

    Our client, British Sugar is currently in the process of developing a proposal to construct a bioenergy facility at its Wissington sugar beet factory at Stoke Ferry, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The... Read more

  • View advice to Redcar & Cleveland BC

    Regarding the renewal of consent for a container scheme development at Teesport known as Northern Gateway: When the original application was submitted this Council dealt with the landward works and... Read more

  • View advice to Environmental Agency

    When does the developer have to submit the statement of common ground?

  • View advice to Powys County Council

    The caller enquired whether the Local Authority should comment on just the SoCC when it is submitted for comment by the applicant under Section 47 or whether comment should also include the... Read more

  • View advice to Michele Lloyd

    There is a Section 37 application by SP Manweb for a new 132kV power line being considered by DECC (reference BERR/2009/0005). If landowners refuse to grant voluntary wayleaves/easements across... Read more

  • View advice to Yvonne Doyle

    We have a project that could be a potential NSIP. Could you give some advice on whether it would be an NSIP or not please? If it were to be an NSIP what would the timescales be when submitting an... Read more

  • View advice to Andrew Close

    Enquirer asked if the IPC could provide him with a link to decision notices for major renewable energy projects.

  • View advice to Gary Cotton

    1) I have received a letter requesting written representations to be submitted by the 28th February 2011, do I have to respond if I have nothing further to add? 2) If I do have to submit something,... Read more

  • View meeting with RES Renewables & Sefton Borough Council

    Inception meeting between the IPC, RES Renewables and Sefton Borough Council for the Alexandra Dock Biomass project.

  • View advice to Richard Maung

    Underground Coal Gasification is essentially the process of converting the gas that lies above coal reserves into a more "usable" gas which can then be used electricity. The concept is in its... Read more

  • View advice to Advance Group UK Limited

    Pipelines Q1) If a pipeline is 800mm and over 40km in length then it is deemed NSIP by the Planning Act 2008. By the same criteria it is deemed EIA by the Infrastructure Planning (EIA) Regs 2009.... Read more

  • View advice to Elspeth Wrigly

    Caller wanted information on the interaction between the Planning Act 2008 regime and existing offshore consenting regimes.

  • View meeting with Welsh Government Planning Inspectorate (Wales)

    IPC Nominated Welsh Commissioners, Welsh Government and Planning Inspectorate (Wales) Group Meeting

  • View meeting with Onshore Consenting Forum

    Initial meeting of the Onshore Consenting Forum - set up to facilitate discussion between the attendees regarding NSIPs. Further information is set out in the minutes (see attachment).

  • View meeting with Robert Wynn and Sons

    Members of the IPC casework team met with delegates from Robert Wynn and Sons on 20 January 2010, at their request, to discuss making representations on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project... Read more

  • View meeting with Welsh Government

    Welsh Government / Infrastructure Planning Commission Liaison Meeting

  • View advice to Alison Gorlov

    1. Where the same person comes within both Categories 1 and 2, or is within the scope of more than one part of the book of reference, it is assumed that the person should appear in all... Read more

  • View advice to GOYH

    GOYH have received documentation with regard to proposed 300MW renewable energy plant in Selby. Is the IPC the examining authority for this proposal?

  • View advice to Environment Agency

    The role of the IPC under the Water Framework Directive and the sequential and exception tests under PPS25

  • View advice to Ashurst

    Is there is any 'penalty' fee payable if an applicant withdraws an application to the IPC for development consent after it has been accepted by the Commission in accordance with s.55 of the Planning... Read more

  • View meeting with Renewable UK

    Meeting to hear the views of the wind energy industry on the IPC’s Advice Note on the Rochdale Envelope approach.

  • View advice to Michael Rolt

    Q1) The IPCs website is clear as to what the National Policy Statements are in England but what are these in Wales? Q2) To what extent does a "Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project" in... Read more

  • View advice to Loud Group

    Caller enquired whether it was contrary to consultation guidelines for a consultation event to be held during the time of a local election where political conflict of interest may arise.

  • View advice to Maureen Myers

    I am a resident of the small rural village of Cresswell and am extremely concerned about the above proposal. This enormous project is intended to be sited on what is currently classed as a Flood... Read more

  • View advice to Highways Agency

    Hello Please can you help with this question. We normally submit Development Consent Order Applications to you. Can you please confirm whether VAT is normally paid on these? Many Thanks

  • View advice to CCW

    Adrian James from CCW called and requested information on who the consenting body is for a Gas Transporter Pipe-line that is wholly in England and partly in Wales.

  • View advice to Health Protection Agency

    What is the next stage of the Rookery South Application and what stage is the Brig y Cwm project at?

  • View advice to . Gamdom

    Enquirer discussed that he was doing a comparison on the French and English planning systems in the context of approving an application for offshore wind farms. More specifically Mr Gamdom asked... Read more

  • View advice to Len Van Der Put

    1) Does the representation phase of an application provide an opportunity to bid for subcontracting and other commercial opportunites? Do developers typically construct their own plants or are they... Read more

  • View advice to Robert Lyle

    Mr Lyle called on behalf of Hydromine Ltd, to discuss potential forthcoming nationaly significant infrastructure projects. Firstly, Hydromine would like to explore high-level future applications... Read more

  • View advice to Gordon .

    Caller asked for a list of projects which have been dealt with by the IPC in the past 5 years.

  • View advice to Daniel Greene

    I am currently doing a project on the IPC and am interested in the topic and just wondered if you could answer some quick questions for me? I was just wondering how 'accountable' the IPC is, and the... Read more

  • View meeting with EDF Energy ? Nuclear New Build.

    Meeting between the IPC and EDF Energy to discuss the potential impacts of Sensitive Nuclear Information (“SNI”) on examinations of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (“NSIPs”).

  • View advice to Milton Keynes Partnership

    Would a pair of oil pipelines, 7200m in length constitue as an NSIP. The two pipe lines are 10 and 12 inches wide and will be located in the Milton Keynes area.

  • View advice to Bill Temple-Pediani

    KTI energy invited us to register two forthcoming Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - A High-rise commercial building with integrated 90MWe renewable CHP station. Project Location: ... Read more

  • View advice to Eon/Horizon

    Enquirer asked what the future timescales may be in relation to the decision making stage of the process, taking into account the intentions of the Localism Bill.

  • View advice to John Oliver

    Mr Oliver wrote to the IPC to ask whether a proposal for a wind farm in Powys, Wales, which currently is proposed to comprise 4 X 2 to 2.5MW turbines (producing 10 -12MW), but which may be revised to... Read more

  • View meeting with Offshore Consenting Forum

    Minutes of the Offshore Consenting Forum meeting held at the IPC Office, Temple Quay, Bristol on 16 December 2010. Attendees were the IPC, Natural England, Joint Nature Conservation Committee,... Read more

  • View advice to Network Rail

    Whether works can be included in DCO application which are Permitted development and other associated queries with regard to works necessary to achieve electrification

  • View advice to Ramblers Cymru

    When can we make a representation on a case? Specifically in the case of Nant-y-Moch Wind Farm, Wales

  • View advice to R W Richardson

    Would a scheme to underground part of an existing 132,000 kv overhead line need consent under the Planning Act 2008 (the Act)?

  • View advice to Redcar and Cleveland Council

    A few years ago this Council granted consent for the development of a new container terminal at PD Ports on Teesside. The approval we granted was for the landward works , the seaward works were... Read more

  • View advice to Susan Whitham

    Caller wished to make a representation on the merits of the scheme

  • View advice to Ceredigion County Council

    Do you publish the Local Impact Report documents on your website along with the other Project Documents? I’ve been trying to find an example of an LIR that has been submitted to yourselves.

  • View advice to EDF Energy

    I work for EDF Energy in Asset Development. One of our projects relates to increasing our biomass co-firing capability within an existing coal-fired power station. We have co-milling capability within... Read more

  • View advice to Kings Lynn Council

    Would a generating station be considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) if it does not have the intention to link up to the national grid?

  • View advice to Penspen Ltd

    Query is in relation to whether a proposed application for a DCO (a gas-fired power station/compressor station/wellhead and a cross-country pipeline (more than 10 miles long), is to be classified as... Read more

  • View advice to Ben Porte

    Further to our telephone conversation on 26 November 2010 I thought it prudent to seek clarity on the issues that have since arisen. My client has recently discovered that an existing power line... Read more

  • View advice to Victoria Hamlyn

    I am a PhD student at the University Plymouth researching the legal regimes governing marine renewable energy in England and Wales (with a focus on wave energy). At the moment I am researching the... Read more

  • View meeting with Civil Aviation Authority

    Introductory Meeting for the CAA to learn more about the IPC and the 2008 Planning Act process. Also for the IPc to learn more about the CAA and related issues around aerospace aand NSIPs,... Read more

  • View advice to RSK Environment LTD

    I have now spoken with Tees Refining Limited regarding progression of the project in light of your recent email. Our view is that, given the inherent linkages between the various components of the... Read more

  • View advice to Hannah Sweilam

    Ms Sweiham called the IPC enquires line to ask whether or not, in general terms, conversion of a coal-fired generating station to fire biomass fuel would represent a nationaly significant... Read more

  • View advice to CCW

    Is there any flexibility or chance to extend a 28 day deadline for consultation under section 42 of the Planning Act, which includes preliminary environmental information? Or is the 28 days a... Read more

  • View advice to Charles Rogers

    Are effects on health relevant to an examination?

  • View advice to Bill Douie

    Requesting advice as to whether planning consent is required for the installation of portacabins or other temporary structures for the purpose of training on Railway Land leased from Network Rail in... Read more

  • View advice to John Morgan

    What is the deadline given to Local Authorities for the submission of (a) their adequacy of consultation representation and (b) their Local Impact Reports (LIR)

  • View advice to Karen Howard

    Q1: Can CPO powers necessary for an NSIP be sought in parallel to an application under alternative legislation? (The query related to managing likely CPO powers as part of a project timetable- i.e.... Read more

  • View advice to Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners

    As discussed, our client is developing a proposals for a carbon reclaimation and processing plant for the purpose of generating aviation fuel. The input will be approximately 500,000 tonnes of... Read more

  • View meeting with National Air Traffic Service (NATS)

    Introductory/strategic overview meeting requested by NATS to dicuss and comprehend the IPC's role and processes.

  • View advice to RSK Environment Ltd

    Email regarding a proposed application for an oil processing plant in Teesside. A query was raised as to whether an oil processing plant can lawfully be determined as an NSIP under the current... Read more

  • View advice to NVQ Academy

    Is there an age limit for people who wish to fill in a relevant representation form?

  • View advice to Dover District Council

    I would appreciate your advice in respect of a development proposal that may come forward in the near future, on a site that falls within the Dover and Thanet Council district boundaries. The... Read more

  • View advice to Powys County Council

    1. At which stage in the process does the Local Authority (LA) comment on an applicant's consultation activities? 2. Do LAs have to register as interested parties following the acceptance of an... Read more