Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

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Showing 501 to 525 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View advice to Kelvin Hui

    I am writing to enquire as to which guidelines/ policies the IPC are currently using to guide application decisions (especially relating to energy projects) in light of the fact that the NPS' are... Read more

  • View advice to Network Rail

    Mr Pearson of Network Rail enquired about regulation 5(2)(l) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Regulations, states that plans and... Read more

  • View advice to Jacobs

    If a development, that has received development consent through the IPC, starts but never reaches its original planned capacity/electricity generation, e.g. only 1 line is developed and not 3 lines... Read more

  • View advice to Undine Scientific

    Mr Smurthwaite enquired about the definition of extension under the Planning Act 2008 (the Act).

  • View advice to Pinsent Masons

    Correspondent queried whether a Development Consent Order (DCO) may make provision for incidental matters dealt with by the Highways Act 1980 such as licencing the planting of trees in a highway (s142... Read more

  • View advice to Sheridan Treger

    What is offshore development and where in regards to offshore development would an application have to be publicised under section 48 of the 2008 Planning Act?

  • View advice to Daniel Chapman

    Having read the Planning Act 2008 new overhead transmissions lines which are rated at over 132kV require an application to the IPC. Can you tell me whether an IPC application is required if an... Read more

  • View advice to Office for Nuclear Development

    Mr Petrie enquired how the IPC would consider material changes to a Development Consent Order after an application has been submitted and before consent has been granted in the absence of regulations... Read more

  • View meeting with EdF Energy Nuclear New Build

    The purpose of the meeting was to conclude discussions on an approach to handling applications for development consent for nuclear generating stations which was consistent both with the regulations... Read more

  • View advice to Andrew Dobson

    The enquiry can be viewed here:

  • View advice to Ross Taylor

    Confirmation of timeframes for the examination and decision/recommendation stages of the IPC process and whether there might be indication from the Examining Authority if they anticipate the... Read more

  • View advice to Chris Eaglen

    Dr Chris Eaglen wrote to us with some general queries and observations about Nuclear Generating Stations. A copy of his correspondence can be found... Read more

  • View advice to Mark Pearson

    Caller asked whether there was any scope for the IPC to extend an extant planning permission in connection with terrestiral works to a port.

  • View advice to Kerry Thomas

    Mrs Kerry Thomas wrote to us seeking guidance on the role of statutory consultee. She asked us to confirm the definition of this role and also what abilities or powers the role has. She also wrote... Read more

  • View advice to RE-Systems

    What guidance is there on producing a consultation report.

  • View advice to Local Dialogue

    Mr Raza called representing Local Dialogue, seeking advice on what constitutes a Section 46 notice and when such a notice should be submitted to the IPC. Clarity was also sought on whether or not... Read more

  • View advice to Local Dialogue

    Mr Raza called for futher clarity on timescales between submisison of a Section 46 notice and a Scoping Request to the IPC.

  • View advice to Ann Cooper

    Are promoters required to submit Design and Access Statements as part of their applications? Where can I find the thresgholds for nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects?

  • View advice to Rolls-Royce - Submarines

    Is the IPC involved with decommissioning projects in the UK?

  • View advice to Friends of the Earth

    I have just signed up to your newsletter via your website. But really I am mainly interested in all the projects you have listed in the South East region. How do I ensure that I get to hear when the... Read more

  • View meeting with National Grid

    A team from the IPC met with delegates from National Grid to discuss their consenting strategy and generic issues, with reference to their approach to consultation and Strategic Optioneering. The... Read more

  • View meeting with Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth

    This meeting was held to discuss elements of the IPC process.

  • View advice to Stephen Kirkwood

    Thanks for your previous help. I think I understand most of it. One question though, I have heard about 'a Formal pre-application consultation document'. Is there such a thing, what does it... Read more

  • View advice to Stephen Kirkwood

    Than you for your prompt reply. The process seems fairly complicated with so many stages! I am the tenant of land that is involved as part of a proposal that is at the pre-application stage and due... Read more

  • View advice to Stephen Kirkwood

    I understand that under the planning act 2008 the list of statutory consultees listed under section 42 includes any under section 44 which includes landowners, tenants lessees etc. As i... Read more