
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 525 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Hodgson

    The area is not suitable for parking, pollution threat to health

  • Ann Thompson

    The UK’s and the global insect population has decreased catastrophically since the 1970s, and we need to start taking this decline seriously as our crops systems rely on healthy numbers of insects to... Read more

  • Barry Shephard

    I live some miles upstream from this former collection of quays wharves etc which has re-wilded over the last many years to become a haven for wildlife. Although it is designated as a brownfield site... Read more

  • Barry Wright

    Dear Sir, I have been bird watching and recording birds at Swanscombe marshes and the adjacent areas in question since 1988. During this time over 150 species of birds recorded and historically since... Read more

  • Keith Murray Consultants Ltd (Keith Murray Consultants Ltd) on behalf of Britannia Refined Metals Ltd (Britannia Refined Metals Ltd)

    Britannia Refined Metals Ltd ('BRM') is the owner and occupier of Plots [] in the Order. In addition to seeking the permanent acquisition of one of these identified Plots the Order seeks rights over... Read more

  • Bromley Biodiversity Partnership (Bromley Biodiversity Partnership)

    In view of the fact that the Swanscombe Peninsula has now been designated a SSSI, members of Bromley Biodiversity Partnership request that the proposed development of this site as a London Resort... Read more

  • Claire Sandell

    Please, please, please do not destroy yet another important environment for wildlife species, already squeezed to near extinction. If we continue to develop and build upon wild spaces it will be too... Read more

  • David Bowling

    I am a resident of [] which it appears is hugely under threat by different apparent national infrastructure projects .LTC ,Thurrock power ,Tilbury 2 , ,The fact that the new "free port'... Read more

  • Donna Zimmer

    I vehemently oppose London Resort’s plans to build a Theme Park across Swanscombe Peninsula SSSI for the following reasons: 1) Wildlife, Biodiversity & Green Space - As a local wildlife enthusiast I... Read more

  • Elaine Hodgkinson

    This is a very important habitat with similar areas disappearing around the country. We must protect such areas for future generations to enjoy and also to maintain biodiversity. The loss of of 250... Read more

  • Emma Moore

    The Swanscombe marshes are a vital part of mine and my children's life. Being able to walk and look for different species enables my children, our next generation and the generation after that the... Read more

  • Helen Herring

    I live within a stones throw of the proposed development and am aware of the already over development of this area, the relentless traffic issues, the highest levels of pollution in the country, and... Read more

  • Helen Macdonald

    I live in [], in close proximity to where the London Resort is proposed to be built. There are so many reasons why this development should not be allowed to happen in this location. Greenhithe is a... Read more

  • Jacqueline Nicholls

    Swanscombe Peninsular is an important area for wildlife and should be protected The peninsular is a very important place for the residents of the area for recreation, exercise, to experience the wild... Read more

  • Jane Storey

    Britain's wildlife is in serious decline in the UK and there is much evidence to show this is the case. Habitat loss is a driving factor behind this. Many insect species that are considered common are... Read more

  • Julie Peeling

    Swanscombe peninsula needs to left in its rewilded state, without development. The peninsula is the last bastion for some unique species, a haven for wildlife, a significant area for breeding birds,... Read more

  • Margaret Smith

    I am writing to support the designation of Swanscombe Marshes as a SSSI site. I live locally in Northfleet next to Swanscombe and a designated wildlife protection area will be wonderful for local... Read more

  • Peter Griffiths

    I live a stone's throw away from Swanscombe marshes. A major reason for choosing to live where I am was the wonderful array of wildlife that inhabits this former collection of quays wharves etc.... Read more

  • Peter Wanless

    I strongly support the proposed development of a theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. I believe that the development will bring employment and numerous positive aspects to the area of Dartford and... Read more

  • Rachel Fox

    I desperately care for the environment and all wildlife. Having a theme park will pollute the air in many ways, carbon monoxide, noise etc and not to mention the killing of all creatures that are also... Read more

  • Sandip Ahluwalia

    I strongly believe this project should be approved as it will create many direct and indirect jobs, improve the services and infrastructure around the local area, make a big positive economical impact... Read more

  • Stephen Lings

    For the attention of the Planning Inspectorate Dear Sir(s), I wish to lodge an objection and to strongly oppose this ill thought out proposal and ask the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to refuse and... Read more

  • Steve Brown

    We are in the middle of a climate and ecological emergency. A report by WWF in 2020 concluded that 68% of wildlife has disappeared since 1970 due to human activity. Our irreplaeable wild areas are... Read more

  • Thames Gateway Tramlink Ltd (Thames Gateway Tramlink Ltd)

    Representation for the planning application of The London Resort (LRCH) Planning Inspectorate Reference: BC080001 Submission by Thames Gateway Tramlink Ltd (KenEx) 27 March 2021 Thames Gateway... Read more

  • Tim Watling

    I wish to object to the London Theme part, proposed to be built on Swanscombe marsh. The marsh provides a variety of habitats that support a highly diverse fauna and flora. The brown field areas... Read more