
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 526 to 550 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • William Alfred Alford Nicholls

    I reside directly opposite the boundary of the proposed London Resort. I am concerned how this will affect my health at the age of 87. It will cause noise, light and traffic pollution. I am extremely... Read more

  • Anthony Furness

    Re. Swanscombe Marshes I am a member of Buglife. I have not visited Swanscombe Marshes. I live a long way from Swanscombe Marshes in the[] bordering Wales. I farm land where I work to reverse the long... Read more

  • Brian Seeger

    As a Thurrock borough Candidate for the forthcoming election, I plan to study the effects negative and beneficial to my ward with regards to infrastructure provisions and the effect construction will... Read more

  • Catherine Hoggarth

    My representation is in opposition to the London Resort (ref BC080001) on the Swanscombe Peninsula. I lived in [] for many years and still visit the Swanscombe Peninsula regularly. I am also very... Read more

  • Charlotte Rachael O

    I am concerned about the development of Swanscombe Marshes. Wetland habitat is disappearing at an alarming rate globally. Since 1900, the world has been estimated to have lost up to 71% of its... Read more

  • Ciaran McDonagh

    Traffic congestion and pollution is of great concern to me and my family. I can see this development greatly effecting my quality of life and the health of my family. Thurrock is one of the most... Read more

  • D Clark

    I am registering my concerns at the impact of the London Resort on local and national ecosystems and wildlife. Myself and my children have walked the peninsula a number of times, it's a great place to... Read more

  • Deborah Rayment

    Natural England declared Swanscombe to be a Site of Special Scientific Interest- we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost. It is site to many endangered species, including the... Read more

  • Denise Hiscock

    Concerns over pollution, traffic congestion and the area being SSSI.

  • Elizabeth Clark

    I feel very strongly that this area is the wrong place for the theme park. Its indigenous wildlife depend on the unspoilt marshland, which cannot be replicated anywhere else. Still in the middle of a... Read more

  • Emma Byrne

    As a member of the RSPCA Inspectorate for over 20 years I have seen the surrounding area grow in both housing and industry/retail and the impact that this has had on biodiversity in the region. All... Read more

  • Georgia Harley

    I am writing to submit my personal views as to why I am opposed to building the London resort on the swanscombe marshes. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and... Read more

  • Jamie Taylor

    Great for economy Great for jobs Great for tourism Great for people of the UK

  • Janet Kitson

    Additional traffic build up in relation to local roads and the effect on the Lower Thames Crossing project which has modelled on less traffic.

  • Jennifer Guy


  • Jenny Harris

    Swanscombe Peninsula has one of the rarest habitats in Britain, a mosaic of wetlands, grassland features, coastal habitats and scrub, a complex mosaic that supports an unusual diversity of rare... Read more

  • John Howes

    Dear Sir. Please protect the endangered wildlife and plants existing on the Swanscombe Peninsula by not building a theme park on it, preserving a little bit of England and respecting the wishes of the... Read more

  • Jon Akisanmi

    1. Long-lasting boost to the local economy, jobs, homes and general wellbeing. 2. Upgrade to local amenities and increased local development. 3. Harmoniously managed wildlife, costs & benefits... Read more

  • Katie Lynch

    1) Biodiversity The Peninsula is a SSSI covering 264.1ha, recognising its biodiversity and irreplaceable mosaic of habitats. The Development would cause: - Permanent loss of approximately 100ha of... Read more

  • Lorna Barford

    I urge the Planning Inspectorate to decline permission for the London Resort Theme Park to be built on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Natural England say the site warrants an SSSI designation. It is one of... Read more

  • May Webber

    I am concerned by this development. Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife and we must protect it. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special... Read more

  • Michelle Ward

    My family live in [] close to the Swanscombe pennisula. It is a special place for us to appreciate its unique beauty and the nature within it. In an area quarried and environmentally damaged from a... Read more

  • Miranda Serafini

    This makes me so sad.. I live in[] and the traffic is already backed up every morning. It can take an hour half to do 5 miles to work. There is all this talk of saving the planet and needing green... Read more

  • Nicholas Norris

    To examine the effect on the property and area I live in. To check on effect on wildlife especially protected species. What will be the effect on local road inferstructue. Will there be an effect on... Read more

  • Paul Yetman

    I oppose the building of the London Resort on the Swanscombe Peninsula for the reasons summarised below. 1. Swanscombe Marshes is an important site for the precious wildlife that depend upon it as... Read more