
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 651 to 675 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • David Gordon

    I consider that the Planning Inspectorate should reject this application My first concern is the proposal that the examination be carried out by video means rather than a physical meeting. This is not... Read more

  • Dilip Harris

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection and methodology; - I believe this is the wrong project in the wrong place - this energy technology is outdated and... Read more

  • Doerte Simpson

    I would like to raise the following concerns regarding the plans for Sizewell C: - the size of the planned project is far too big for the location - inappropriate road links for the number of heavy... Read more

  • Dorothy Aitchison

    Sizewell C is not necessary for our future energy needs and will ring fence finances which would be more useful in developing other energy resources. Also pollution created by uranium mining is toxic... Read more

  • Douglas Bone

    I wish to raise the following issues concerning the selection of Sizewell for further nuclear power generation, especially a project of this size. The site is entirely inappropriate, being at risk... Read more

  • Dr Annette Abbott

    The proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power station will be severely environmentally damaging. It will cut in half the area of outstanding national beauty, destroy more than ten hectares of SSSI - rare... Read more

  • Dr Dawn Sanders

    Environmental The area adjacent to Sizewell is rich in biodiversity and much of it is graded as Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Site of Special Scientific Interest. The extended works and... Read more

  • East Suffolk Council (East Suffolk Council)

    I will be emailing our relevant representation separately. Lisa Chandler. please see attached

  • Elizabeth d'Hane

    I would like to register my objection to the Sizewell C project on the following grounds: The environmental impact - a huge and diverse area of beautiful and unique Suffolk coastland would be lost... Read more

  • Elizabeth Fletcher

    Studies have shown that the site is in danger of erosion. Most importantly, it is in a key area of outstanding natural beauty, visited by tourists with the internationally important RSPB reserve close... Read more

  • Elizabeth Mary Purves

    The project is in the wrong place : a site of rapid erosion, sea level rise and frequent flooding. It is also a site of internationally designated vulnerability supporting protected species, and of... Read more

  • Felixstowe Town Council (Felixstowe Town Council)

    FELIXSTOWE TOWN COUNCIL Consultation on Sizewell C DCO application September 2020 Relevant Representation from Felixstowe Town Council Felixstowe Town Council (FTC) welcomes the opportunity to... Read more

  • Frances Gilman

    This will destroy an SSSI and an incredible habitat. Jobs that rely on tourism will be lost. I am against storing and creating deadly nuclear waste forever, and I resent the way things have been... Read more

  • Gabrielle Maughan

    As a resident of a nearby town I am extremely concerned for my personal safety in the event of a nuclear accident. As an environmentalist I am even more concerned for the local habitats of wildlife... Read more

  • Gary Lowe

    I oppose Sizewell C proposals. They will be extremely detrimental to a huge swathe of the Suffolk countryside, both during construction and after completion. They are dangerous, as has been seen at... Read more

  • Genevieve Broad

    Site: It will be dangerous to build a nuclear power station on a flood risk site with rising sea levels and an eroding coastline. The EA and CEFAS predict the site will be a flooded nuclear island by... Read more

  • George Conchie

    I make no apology for stating that I am not a person with a technical background so therefore cannot put that argument against Sizewell C. However I love the Environment whether it is on my doorstep... Read more

  • Glynis Robertson

    Dear Examining Authority, I am registering to object to building a twin nuclear reactor, Sizewell C, next to Sizewell A & B I also wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop... Read more

  • Glynn Jones

    Sizewell C should not be built because The technology is not proven. After seventy years and billions of pounds, safety is still open to question, and how to dispose of waste has yet to be resolved.... Read more

  • Grace KY Brown

    Against the development of the site as have concerns for neighbouring areas, towns and people living in those areas

  • Graeme Watts

    I agree with the principal of nuclear power but I am yet to be convinced by the economic benefits of this development at Sizewell when set against the environmental damage it will cause and the... Read more

  • Helen Cook

    Too many national projects being debated at the same time - totally unfair and totally confusing. Today deadline for Scottish Power, tomorrow for Size well C, etc. How many forms to fill in ....!!!

  • Highways England (Highways England)

    Highways England (HE) is appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as a strategic highway company under the provisions of the Infrastructure Act 2015 and is the highway authority, traffic... Read more

  • Holly Tillcock

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk District Council all have unanswered concerns regarding this development surely they should... Read more

  • Isabella Thomas

    -the huge increase in road traffic, -Suffolk's coastal AONB will be significantly spoilt, -the strain on local services (already stretched) from an influx of workers, -the threat to marine life, -the... Read more