
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • Guy Philpotts

    very little information has come to my attention,other than that given to other towns/parishes. The first I knew about the latest submissions was when I attended a parish council meeting about a... Read more

  • Jan Bullard

    I would like to register my support of all representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council concerning the SPR and National Grid planning proposals. In addition I would like to outline the... Read more

  • Louise Fincham

    We have lived at Clouting's Farm for 26 years. For the past 18 months our lives have been blighted by SPR's plans to transform the rolling fields between our house and the ancient village of Friston... Read more

  • Anita Johnson

    As a resident, it is clear that the cumulative effects of numerous energy projects will be too great for our fragile countryside and sensitive ecological location. SP's projects and EDF's nuclear... Read more

  • Helen Cook

    We cannot have the coast, fields, woodlands and villages churned up for the cables and substation. Renewable energy, yes, but not to the detrement of destroying the wildlife, tourism, and beauty of... Read more

  • Ian Cook

    I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. To site a substation so close to Friston, the listed church is only 250 yards away, is appalling. This quiet village will... Read more

  • Juliet Ballamy

    Please do not let this happen to Thorpeness and the surrounding areas. Put a ring main out at sea.

  • Philip Campbell Goddard

    I have no idea why this cabling doesn't hit shore close to Sizewell. - Thorpeness Cliffs are unstable and eroding. - Also the 7 miles of trenching will be passing through environmentally sensitive... Read more

  • Rosamond Castle

    I fully support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. While totally in favour of renewable energy I do not believe that Friston is the right place for the SPR substations for... Read more

  • David Trower

    The B.E.I.S. strategy for onshore installations for North Sea wind power in East Anglia. This is exactly what we are complaining about – there is no strategy! Nearly 10 years ago the Dutch agreed a... Read more

  • Mark Waine

    CUMULATIVE IMPACT • Sizewell C - DCO Application 2020? • National Grid Ventures Interconnectors • Nautilus - Public Consultations in 2020 • Eurolink - Plans to follow • Expansion of offshore windfarms... Read more

  • Reginald Herring

    I support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and want them considered as part of my representation. I strongly oppose the building of EA1N. My main reasons for this... Read more

  • St Mary the Virgin Church, Friston (St Mary the Virgin Church, Friston)

    I write both in a personal capacity and as Warden of St. Mary the Virgin Church in Friston. I have been appalled at the apparent lack of communication between various bodies which are, or should be,... Read more

  • Caroline Baldry

    My partner came to unspoilt Friston in 1992. I totally agree with him that these are monstrous and devastating proposals and that they are in total isolation from any regionally coherent strategy on... Read more

  • Colin Roxby

    The proposed siting of the sub-station in Friston is completely unsuitable for the following reasons:- It will destroy over 80 acres of valuable, productive arable land. The loud humming noises... Read more

  • Mrs C A Morling

    Regarding the application for the construction of EA1N I notice from the Environmental Statement of the DCO application that flaws are apparent. Living at Barley Rise, originally named 1 and 2 Crown... Read more

  • Paul Spendlove

    I came to unspoilt Friston in 1992. These are monstrous and devastating proposals. And they are in total isolation from any regionally coherent strategy on the cumulative effects of Sizewell C Nuclear... Read more

  • William Reeve

    I wholeheartedly support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. In addition; 1. The siting of these substations will remove over 30 acres of land from my farming operation for... Read more

  • Angela Mallinson

    I have been coming to Aldeburgh for 40 years initially drawn by the music of Benjamin Britten, the wild seas, beautiful skies and the Aldeburgh Festival. I now live here 30% of the time and am a... Read more

  • Chris G Sneath MBE

    As resident of Friston and therefore a member of the local community, I wish to register once again that I am totally and utterly against Scottish Powers development proposals. Those that under this... Read more

  • Elizabeth Sneath

    As resident of Friston and therefore a member of the local community, I wish to register once again that I am totally and utterly against Scottish Powers development proposals. Those that under this... Read more

  • James White Drinks Ltd (James White Drinks Ltd)

    My company James White Drinks Ltd is a fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer located in Mid Suffolk. The multitude of major infra structure projects proposed for the area between Thopeness, Sizewell... Read more

  • Dorothy Mary Walker

    Impact on an Area of Natural Beauty, the effect on tourism that is significant to the area's residents and workers, and the need for realistic planning for the future

  • Mya Manakides

    13 January 2020 Dear Sirs/Madame, East Anglia One North As a Suffolk resident in the village of Friston, I would like to register as an interested party with regards to Scottish Power Renewable’s... Read more

  • Shauna Scales

    1. Damage to the cliffs at Thorpeness 2. Disturbing heathland habitat of birds (migrating and resident) 3. Increase in heavy/lorry traffic on small local roads 4. Increase in noise and air pollution... Read more

  • Southwold and Reydon Society (Southwold and Reydon Society)

    Our Society represents nearly 400 residents of Southwold and Reydon. We are concerned at the short to medium term effects of construction on the locality and the long term effects upon the landscape... Read more

  • Susan Jackson

    I fully support SASES and Friston Parish Council in their submissions. However, these are the issues that concern me the most. Whilst supporting renewable energy and off shore windfarms in principle,... Read more

  • The Chadwicks (The Chadwicks)

    In addition to the responses we made at earlier stages of the Consultations relating to this proposal we would make the following points. Despite some modifications and scaling down of some elements... Read more

  • Andrew Harris

    Cable Corridor route - destruction of woodland/AONB and closeness to residential properties. Loss of access to amenity areas, footpaths/public rights of way. Additional traffic (heavy lorries, vans... Read more

  • Catherine Walker

    In supporting the representations made by SASES my particular concern is the impact of road traffic and the despoiling of a rural area. The roads in Suffolk Coastal area are not designed for heavy... Read more

  • Fiona Cramb

    We do not object to offshore wind farms. We object to the onshoring of such capacity which causes despoliation to the countryside. SPR will construct one of the largest substations in Europe in the... Read more

  • Leiston & District Labour Party (Leiston & District Labour Party)

    Leiston & District Branch Labour Party supports sustainable and renewable energy, such as offshore wind farms where these can be developed without damage (either onshore or offshore) to the... Read more

  • Linda Pauline Grover

    As a resident of Friston I fully support the representations made by S.A.S.E.S and Friston Parish Council. I believe siting the substation so incredibly close to the village, within metres of housing... Read more

  • Luigi Beltrandi

    Dear Sirs Re: East Anglia 1 North DCO application I live at [Redacted] I would like to register my objection to the proposals submitted for approval to the inspectorate by Scottish Power Renewables.... Read more

  • Natasha Green

    We do not object to offshore wind farms. We object to the onshoring of such capacity which causes despoliation to the countryside. SPR will construct one of the largest substations in Europe in the... Read more

  • Nicholas Green

    We do not object to offshore wind farms. We object to the onshoring of such capacity which causes despoliation to the countryside. SPR will construct one of the largest substations in Europe in the... Read more

  • Paul Adrian Carlaw

    1. SUMMARY My objections as a resident of Friston and the heritage coast for over 20 years I oppose the onshore elements and support SASES and Friston Parish Council: - • noisy and visually intrusive... Read more

  • Seija Tattersall

    Landscape: Bringing a substation close to a rural village causes permanent visual damage. Landscape mitigation does very little, trees take many years to grow and will not hide the substation... Read more

  • Alan Gooderham

    Whilst fully supporting green energy initiatives, this SPR substation siting as currently proposed will dwarf our village and is just too close, extending right to the village boundary and thus much... Read more

  • Christine Munden

    I write to object to the proposed building of EA1N substation by SPR at Friston. I am in full support of the representations being made about this project by Friston Parish Council, Substation Action... Read more

  • David Secret

    We are not convinced that the least disruptive technology is being proposed We are concerned that the routing of HGVs is appropriate

  • John Grover

    As a resident of Friston I fully support the representations made by S.A.S.E.S and Friston Parish Council. • Overall Effect on Friston. I believe siting the substation on the doorstep of the Village... Read more

  • Linda Bradbeer

    I have lived in this part of the world for many years and love the countryside and wildlife that comes with it. These plans are clearly going to devastate this important ecological environment and I... Read more

  • Michael Marion

    This project will have a huge negative effect on the village of Friston & surrounding area. It will alter the landscape, wildlife, footpaths & disrupt the life of the local population, who are mostly... Read more

  • Norma Biggs

    I support representations that SASES are making on our behalf. Summary of Our Personal Representations • No evidence of national planning. • Little concern for construction impact ie unknown length of... Read more

  • Sarah Munden

    I write to object to the proposed building of EA1N substation at Friston by SPR. I am in full support of the representations being made about this project by Friston Parish Council, Substation Action... Read more

  • Steven Munden

    I write to object to the proposed building of EA1N substation at Friston by SPR. I give my total support to the representations being made about this project by Friston Parish Council, Substation... Read more

  • Tanya Ritchie

    As a local homeowner who intends to live in Suffolk for the rest of my life, I have huge concerns over the proposed building of new wind farm substations and infrastructure that will destroy beautiful... Read more

  • Tony Munden

    I agree with and support all representations being made by Friston Parish Council, Substation Action Save East Suffolk (SASES) and Suffolk Energy Action Solutions (SEAS) Groups. Whilst I am in favour... Read more

  • Alan Hatfield

    I am writing to you both to draw your attention to the stupidity of siting a new sub station for the North Sea East Anglia Two and One windfarms in or near Friston. The power generated by the... Read more