
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 400 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Clare James

    Hi! As a villager near to the proposed Sunnica site I am worried about the below: . The loss of habitat for wildlife. Hedgerows and land is already being lost to housing and we don't need any more... Read more

  • Douglas John Longmuir

    i am [Redacted] and have lived in and near Freckenham Village all my life, a beautiful place to live with lovely walks and scenery, many public footpaths and productive farmland supporting a huge... Read more

  • Eleanor Scott

    *At 2,500 acres the proposed development is far too large for the area. *The proposed development will irreversibly damage valuable agricultural land, m land that the UK cannot afford to lose as we... Read more

  • Gail Baker

    I object to the scheme because The questions surrounding the danger of approx 300 battery containers over the 3 sites has not been addressed by Sunnica. The loss to the archaeological landscape and... Read more

  • Grahame Radford

    As a local resident who supports efforts to save our planet and for many years have enjoyed the local area for walking and cycling, I am objecting to this proposal for the following reasons:- 1). This... Read more

  • James Fellowes

    I work in the the 3rd sector I am pro environmental programmes I am pro solar BUT I am urging the inspectorate to to take into account the local people's very significant concerns about Sunnica... Read more

  • Julian Scott

    1. At 2,500 acres the proposed development is far too large for the area. 2. The proposed development will irreversibly damage valuable agricultural land, m land that the UK cannot afford to lose as... Read more

  • Kelvin Morgan

    Britain faces a worsening agricultural crisis if it presses ahead with turning thousands of acres of land into solar farms to meet net zero carbon targets. If the proposals are given the go-ahead, it... Read more

  • Lesley Coltham

    Loss of prime agricultural land and it’s associated wildlife. Use of green site instead of one of the numerous brown sites in UK, or utilisation of domestic property rooftops. Concern of the safety of... Read more

  • Malcolm Watkinson

    I do not want the countryside around my village ruined.

  • Rosemary Hendrick

    I have lived in Isleham over 25 years. I have slowly watched the erosion of prime farming land and now with Sunnica land use age is totally unacceptable. I accept heavy machinery and farm vehicles in... Read more

  • Sarah Fellowes

    I am [Redacted] villager in Snailwell and have lived in this beautiful area for 60+ years I am scared out of my wits at the risk of the Sunnica development. It will ruin our beautiful village,... Read more

  • Terry Wood

    The development is too big. It will create more pollution than it saves. It is being built on very productive farmland. The batteries are considered dangerous by many experts due to potential fire... Read more

  • Tim Jones

    The development of a solar farm of such magnitude as that proposed by Sunnica represents a complete alteration to the fabric of the countryside upon which it will be built. Combined with the... Read more

  • Andrew Farr

    I vehemently OPPOSE this scheme. The lose of good agricultural land and our wonderful wildlife will be immense. The disruption to our rural villages will be completely unacceptable. The possibility of... Read more

  • Ben Sale

    I object to the scale of this proposed solar farm. The close proximity to Chippenham Fen nature reserve is of immense concern to me. I currently record wildlife voluntarily at Chippenhan Fen, and a... Read more

  • Christine Shaw

    Interested to see how relevant this is for energy saving and environment

  • Dr Mark Hows

    I work opposite one of the proposed sites and a small nature reserve that I manage is adjacent to the same site, this will ruin the area, destroy valuable wildlife habitat and is totally inappropriate... Read more

  • Dr Stephen Taylor

    1) This area is suited to solar energy. Over 10 years my own panels have exceeded Europa estimate by 10% 2) The peak output is close to the output of one of the two Sizewell B generators, but the... Read more

  • James Toller

    As a person who has spent my entire working life working in racing and been on Newmarket Heath most days I feel very strongly that the Sunnica development would be very detrimental to an area of great... Read more

  • John Bavister

    To focus on the real finite generation of Carbon released by the use of PVs and the deadly poison generated by a spontaneous combusting storage battery. and how PVs are not a solution to climate... Read more

  • John Bruton

    • Vast development on greenfield land – 2500 acres (11 times bigger than any operational solar plant in UK • Developed by a company which is not an energy producer and is using the project as an... Read more

  • Kiriaki Soultana

    I am objecting to the Sunnica Energy Farm application given its enormous impact on me and the residents of my community. While I support the principle of renewable energy projects, a project of this... Read more

  • Lady Frances Peyton Hospital Almshouse Charity (Lady Frances Peyton Hospital Almshouse Charity)

    The Charity owns and has registered title of 7 acres immediately adjacent (within 50 metres) to the proposed Sunnica A East site. This land is to the north of the proposals adjacent to the Lee Brook... Read more

  • Leonard Cooper

    It just isn't necessary for this energy farm ,its yet more destruction of habitat

  • Mark Geddie

    I feel this is poorly thought out, Green space should remain green. This could be better utilised by utilising already built structures for solar, for example roof structures of multi storey car parks

  • Mrs Carey Beckett

    This planned solar plant is far far too big and should not be allowed. >This should not be happening on such good agricultural land that should be used to provide food for our country. It is also... Read more

  • Nicholas Webb

    I am concerned about a lithium battery fire. Risk and impacts : Given the current huge lithium battery fire of cars in a ship in the Atlantic, costing car manufacturers millions, the risk looks finite... Read more

  • Nick George

    It seems to me totally wrong to take such a large area of productive land out of food production when we are having to import food from abroad thereby leading to hugely increased ‘food miles’.

  • Nicola Farr

    I oppose this scheme. It is way too large and will destroy our rural countryside with untold damage to wildlife. It is proposing to use good quality farmland which may never be able to return to it's... Read more

  • Oliver Rubinstein

    Concerns about scale, impact on landscape and loss of productive farmland. Significant concerns about the amount of farmland being taken out of production and the increased likelihood of this going... Read more

  • Peter Ingram

    I fully support this project Environmental must for our children Best use of poor agricultural land

  • Sarah Hurst

    The destruction of much need rural land, wildlife, flora and Forna The fact that it will produce a laughably small amount of energy There is no plan for the safe disposal of the solar panels The... Read more

  • Sinead Bruton

    I strongly object to this scheme and am in complete shock that a scheme of this magnitude is even being considered. This vast proposed development on green field agricultural land will be 11 times... Read more

  • The Pines Primary School (The Pines Primary School)

    The Pines Primary School is situated on the outskirts of Red Lodge, approximately 1.5 miles from the largest of the proposed battery stores. The Pines currently has places for up to 150 primary school... Read more

  • Andrew Hardy

    I object to this application for the following reasons. *I walk and cycle from my home to work in Mildenhall through lovely countryside, which will become a vast industrial estate, removing large... Read more

  • Catherine Looper

    I object to this application and understand that at this stage you require an outline of these matters as opposed to a detailed objection, which will be requested at a later date. The views expressed... Read more

  • Chris Hall

    I am a resident of Worlington and have been for the last 26 years. Whilst in general I support renewable energy, I strongly object to this application for the following reasons. - This is an... Read more

  • D R Kerr

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Deborah Blackwell

    I very strongly object to the Sunnica and herewith are my reasons: 1. It will destroy thousands of acres of greenfield land which will never be returned to its former agricultural use as it will... Read more

  • Dr Charles Moseley

    I object most strongly to this proposal on environmental, economic, social and aesthetic grounds. 1. It is simply stupid, in a time of increasing global uncertainty and when food supplies cannot be... Read more

  • Ed Lubbock

    Size. The project is very large, it is old technology that will soon be out of date. It is not primarily about producing green energy but energy trading. Storing energy, exported from the grid when it... Read more

  • Hugh Murray

    The Icknield Way is the name given to the Public Right of Way that runs from Snailwell to the A1304. It is known in the various Sunnica documents as 204/5. Appendix 13A, Sub Chart E of the Provisional... Read more

  • James Woolf

    This solar energy plant is going to trash perfectly good, productive farmland. It will be an unimaginable eyesore in the countryside. It’s construction will create huge amounts of vehicle movements in... Read more

  • Joanna Winning

    Solar farm is far to big, using farm land that is used for producing food, the lasting affect it will have on the countryside and wildlife within it. The affect that it will have on the small... Read more

  • John Duncan Waller

    I am extremely concerned that: - so much valuable agrecultural land will be lost - the development will be disproportionatly large for the electricity generated - the landscape of a huge area will be... Read more

  • Kerensa Klottrup-Rees

    Objection to size of proposed project, relating to permanent change of the landscape affecting the whole region. Loss of highly productive farm land and the logic of taking farmland for green energy... Read more

  • M Kerr

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Michael Swan

    The main areas of concern I have with this type of development is the loss of grade 1 & 2 agricultural land & its impact on the local environment. I live in Burwell where we already have two existing... Read more

  • Michelle A Ferris

    - I have lived in Worlington for 26 years. - I strongly object to the application. - I am not against solar farms. - I am against the sheer size of this application. It would be a gigantic industrial... Read more

  • Mollie Kerr

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Mr Kevin Wardell

    I do not wish to be surrounded by masses of solar panels in this picturesque location, we wish to spend our retirement in peace not noise,floodlights,and high security fencing.

  • Mrs Christina Wardell

    Move to Isleham late August 2021,thinking that we would have a peaceful retirement,if this goes ahead we will wish we had not moved

  • Mrs Malkin

    Please see attached.

  • Ronan Kerr

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Royal Worlington & Newmarket Golf Club (Royal Worlington & Newmarket Golf Club)

    As a golf club of international reputation and renown we have 3 main concerns: Firstly, we would be vehemently against Golf Links Road being used for any site traffic whatsoever - not only in the... Read more

  • Sara Phipps

    I object to the destruction of land which could be better used to produce food , green space , protection of the environment . The noise / carbon footprint to build the site if sunnica go ahead is... Read more

  • Scott Virgo

    I object to this application. Burwell is already overrun with power infrastructure which sadly does have many negatives, from noise, impact to the environment and of course traffic. The main negative... Read more

  • Séverine Leclair

    I believe the planned solar farm by Sunnica is not suitable for the sites that have been considered, nor for the benefit of the local area in which it would be embedded. There are, to my mind, issues... Read more

  • Steven Hamblyn

    This will ruin a vast area of land that is a prime food production area there are plenty of brown sires and industrial rooves that could and should be used. There are plenty of areas that should be... Read more

  • Yeru Shang

    Looking at the project scheme map, the patches of land are scattered across different areas and are connected by quite long cable route. This could potentially be a waste of energy and materials, also... Read more

  • Alan T Richardson

    My principal concerns relate to 1. Sunnica's apparent lack of track record in major infrastructures projects given the scale of this scheme. If the scheme fails this could have a major effect on the... Read more

  • Albane Colleau

    - my uncle lives there and I’m devastated to see that the plan is to cover agricultural land with solar panels to then remove them in years and cultivate the land again - it’s going to destroy the... Read more

  • Alexander Czernin

    The primary point of my objection is that the land, once Sunnica has been built, will become a brownfield site. I suggest a provision that protects this land from further development - into housing or... Read more

  • Audrey Czernin

    I am opposed to this scheme. - It’s just an opportunity to use an environmental loophole for profit. - those who’s land it is will not be living next to Sunnica will not be impacted - it will reduce... Read more

  • Brian Penny

    My representation as a private individual stems from concerns over loss of food production land and food security, scale of development, impact of construction traffic and impact on the local... Read more

  • Caroline Toller

    I have lived in the Newmarket area for over 30 years and frequently walk my dogs on the footpath from the gallops to Snailwell, as do a large number of people. The proposed site is adjacent to this... Read more

  • Chris Hall

    The complete destruction of local farmland, wildlife habitat and removal of open landscape. The installation of dangerous and explosive batteries

  • Christian Griffin

    I am objecting to the application due to my concerns for Burwell and surrounding villages loosing valuable good quality farming land for over 20 years, resulting in having to import salads potatoes... Read more

  • Christopher Reeks

    I [Redacted] run my business from La Hogue farm immediately adjacent to one of the proposed large areas of solar panels and battery storage units which form part of the Sunnica Energy Farm proposal. I... Read more

  • David Clarke

    1. The loss of valuable farmland and food production capacity. 2. The probable loss of financial advantage to the U.K. by profits flowing to a foreign country. 3. The disruption caused by the... Read more

  • Delyse Ray

    I am objecting to this application because I do not believe it is as "green" as Sunnica suggest. Its large size and the carbon footprint of its components and then its end of life disposal after a... Read more

  • Joanne Ward on behalf of Edmond Ward (Edmond Ward)

    Very concerned about this development 1/ It will affect the beauty of this lovely countryside 2/ Birds and wildlife will lose their breeding areas 3/ Roads around Isleham are inadequate for heavy... Read more

  • Elaine Twigg

    To take FERTILE ARABLE LAND Is criminal To destroy WILD LIFE HABITS is criminal To increase the possibility of FLOODING is criminal IRREPLACEABLE country side,possibility of fires producing poisonous... Read more

  • Grace Hale

    Sunnica is a extremely dangerous and damaging proposal to the countryside. As a mum [Redacted] i would be devastated if this goes ahead and will move away from the area for my baby’s safety. The farm... Read more

  • Hilary Binks

    I wish to object to this application. The use of good, productive farm land is extremely short sighted. This country will need to continue producing its own food even more than currently as the... Read more

  • Ian Fulcher

    These are areas of great natural beauty. I and my family regularly walk dogs in these areas. The whole character of the area will be irrevocably changed by this grotesque development. We have seen... Read more

  • Jack Reeks

    I live [Redacted] immediately adjacent to one of the proposed large areas of solar panels and battery storage units which form part of the Sunnica Energy Farm proposal. I object to the Sunnica Energy... Read more

  • Janise Cook

    That this proposal takes away important farmland which we need for food production The solar farm will be an eyesore and too large a scale It will take away the countryside and turn it into a... Read more

  • Jennie Simcock

    I oppose the Sunnica Energy Farm application. Having lived and worked in Newmarket for over twenty years and are settled with a family Racehorse Training Business and two young children I cannot see... Read more

  • Joanne Ward

    I have become extremely concerned about this development for the following reasons: 1/ Feel this will affect wildlife and birds due to the reduction in open fields 2/ The roads around Isleham are... Read more

  • John Fleet

    Hi there. First of all i would like to make it clear that i am not against solar and wind power to provide all of us with a sustainable power source moving forward. The reasons i am against this... Read more

  • Jonathan Keith Lomas

    The marketing from Sunnica includes: Sunnica Energy Farm is being brought forward by Sunnica Limited – a joint venture between two established solar developers, Tribus Energy and PS Renewables.... Read more

  • Julian Bryers

    Mitigation of the visual impact of the scheme's permanent elements during construction, operation & decommissioning phases (especially viewed from locations adjacent to the scheme's outer or... Read more

  • Julie Hobbs

    La Hogue Farm Shop & Cafe is located immediately adjacent to one of the proposed large areas of solar panels and battery storage units which form part of the Sunnica Energy Farm proposal. We object to... Read more

  • Lucinda Wright

    Objection to the scheme; No local benefit Loss of habitat for over 100 species 100 acres of concrete Loss of good agricultural land and no guarantee the land will be returned to agriculture after 40... Read more

  • Malcolm Avis

    I am a resident of Burwell. I have mixed views as to the benefits and downsides of solar farms. I acknowledge that the pursuit of green energy is a necessary and worthy endeavor. Its implementation... Read more

  • Michael Andrew Clark

    I am a local resident and have lived in the area all my life. I am not adverse to solar energy however I do not want to live in an area with so much solar plant. This I feel will devalue my property.... Read more

  • Mrs Cheryl Bampton

    Whilst I agree that we need ‘green energy sources’, I feel that the size of the Sunnica proposal is just too vast. They are planning to use areas that would be good agricultural land which we may well... Read more

  • Mrs Jennifer White

    Encouragement is given by water authorities to plant grass instead of concreting over gardens yet the aim here is to concrete over vast swathes of the countryside. The water table in these areas will... Read more

  • Sara Beckett

    Suffolk is an arable county providing crops and land to raise animals for food both for human and animals alike ~ it is part of the food chain which requires natural resources warmth and moisture not... Read more

  • Sean McGinty

    - Inappropriate size close to rural village homes. - No direct local benefit. - Concern this rioritising greenfield sight for convenience and economy of construction over brownfield sites. - Concern... Read more

  • Alan Warwick

    1. Sunnica do not appear to have carried out this type of project previously. 2. Safety risks could ensue due to inexperience. 3. Local disruption due to extended timescale of construction due to... Read more

  • Anne Low

    I agree with the sunnica development. We need enviromental friendly electric.

  • David Robertson

    As residents of Isleham Marina we will be heavily impacted by this development. We regularly walk along the river bank where the solar farm will be constructed. There is a massive quantity of wild... Read more

  • Glenda Preece on behalf of Diane Bovingdon (Diane Bovingdon)

    I am mainly worried about three things. The wild life. I see an awful lot of creatures since I moved up here, it is a beautiful place that would be spoiled by such a eyesore. Food production. I am... Read more

  • Edward Dunlop

    I am objecting to this application on the following grounds: this scheme is far far far too big in my opinion and as a local racehorse trainer and resident for the last 35 years it will greatly affect... Read more

  • Francesca Queniart

    I am against the building of this energy farm. I believe that the farm land should be kept and used as such rather than turning it into a solar farm. I have grave concerns about the building of such a... Read more

  • Georgina Long

    I am very concerned about this proposed development on agricultural land. This land should be protected for environmental reasons and protected for growing food.

  • Janet Griffiths

    I disagree with any industrialisation of our countryside