
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 576 to 600 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Samantha Wilson

    I am deeply concerned on the incinerator impacting on air pollution, road congestion, house prices and impact on the local community as well as the impact on the local wildlife.

  • Sheila McGrath Clark

    Will the government offer compensation for the loss of value to my home, making a move away from an area with a incinerator impossible. Will there be compensation for the environmental loss, birds,... Read more

  • Stephen McGrath Clark

    The “Medworth” plan is ill conceived in several respects, and belies the government's ecological claims. I submit that, since this is not wartime, it is unconstitutional and irresponsible of the... Read more

  • Adam gipp

    Although West Norfolk and King’s Lynn could be more affected than Wisbech by airborne pollution from the incinerator given the existing weather conditions, the residents of King’s Lynn were not... Read more

  • Adrian Edgington

    Pollution Safety Political instability locally

  • Amanda Channing

    Roads and infrastructure

  • Andrew Michael de WHALLEY

    1. Need: England is at incineration overcapacity. Defra statistics show that “Waste sent for incineration increased by 0.8 million tonnes (7.7 per cent) to 12.5 million tonnes in 2020/21 compared to... Read more

  • Angela Brennan-glass

    We do not want a incinerator, when air pollution is already killing people, and causing lung disease Also there are orchards in the fields all around the incinerator and farmers crops growing for the... Read more

  • Jacobs UK Limited (Jacobs UK Limited) on behalf of Anglian Water (Anglian Water)

    Anglian Water is the statutory undertaker for water services in the application area. Consultation with the Applicant has taken place regarding several matters, critically on Protective Provisions and... Read more

  • Barbara Symonds

    I feel the positioning of this incinerator is totally unacceptable. There are schools, and a thriving town centre within a mile of the proposed site. We generally get south easterly wind here, so... Read more

  • Bob Hodgson

    The project will generate very significant carbon and particulate emissions both embedded in its initial construction and most especially generated from its daily operations. At its proposed capacity,... Read more

  • Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk (Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk)

    Please see attached relevant representation.

  • Bradley Cox

    1. Health implications for people working and living within Wisbech. 2. Increased traffic and congestion on roads which are already over crowded and in appalling state of repair. 3. Increased traffic... Read more

  • Charlotte Anita Bailey

    My concerns regarding the proposed incinerator are as follows: 1. The additional heavy traffic on the A47 and Cromwell Road. 2. The smell from the piles of waste and the loaded vehicles. 3. The... Read more

  • Claire Bates

    The traffic is already terrible in the mornings when getting to work with traffic jams and the roads are in such a bad way that I have to keep having tyres replaced, alloy wheels put right because of... Read more

  • Clarkes Mowers

    Traffic Jams

  • Darren Kirk

    I wish to make my objection clear to the proposed mega incinerator for our small market town. I am a director of a business based on Newbridge Lane in Wisbech We run a commercial vehicle body shop and... Read more

  • David Blake

    I wish to object to the construction of Wisbech incinerator. IMO this is a poor way of getting rid of refuse, much of which can be recycled. There is also the pollution of carbon dioxide and God knows... Read more

  • Debora Spiteri

    I do not agree with the incinerator. Wisbech is too small for such a large project. The roads won't cope with the increased traffic, it's placement is too close to the school and food is grown in the... Read more

  • Deborah Thomas

    The proposed site is within an historic market town. I am concerned about the impact on health to the local community and buildings that both the inevitible increase in heavy traffic and the plant... Read more

  • Donna Northwood

    Health consequences and traffic congestion on an already overloaded road system

  • Dr Clive Ballard

    Very concerned about health and environmental impact. Will comment further when more details available.

  • East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust)

    The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) consider that the Project (Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat & Power Facility) is likely to have a significant impact on its operations,... Read more

  • Elaine Ann Jefferis

    As an owner of a business situated on the industrial estate where this project is going to be built, it is important to note my rejection against this project. The impact on my business as well as the... Read more

  • Elgood & Sons Ltd (Elgood & Sons Ltd)

    Traffic congestion, health consequences and impact on local jobs