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Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 726 to 750 of 1222 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Jenkins

    I wish to object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm project. i) It is totally out of scale for the landscape that will be affected by the development and will have a detrimental effect on local... Read more

  • Ann Creamer on behalf of Barry Creamer. Pamela Manley. Peter Manley. (Barry Creamer. Pamela Manley. Peter Manley.)

    The sheer scale of MPSF is unprecedented, their Proposed Development Area would be the largest in the UK, and in Europe.2. The perimeter stretches over 25 miles, 4.2 miles end to end.3. The sheer... Read more

  • Barry Hugh Morris

    Size. Impact on daily life. Degradation of of roads etc., Take up of productive land. Impact on the local environment.Forced aquisition .

  • Chantelle Beecham

    I believe this application shouldn’t go ahead as I have lived in the village all my life and to see fields being fenced off and big solar panels in the fields will ruin the country side

  • Christian Nichol

    Solar farms are not the way forward our country as we are not big enough for them they spoil the country side for us and damage/kill wildlife. For them to make a big enough impact we would have to... Read more

  • Community Planning Alliance (Community Planning Alliance)

    Our position is strongly in favour of net zero goals and of solar generation. However, the planning system needs to balance our need as a nation for food security and the need to protect the... Read more

  • Darren Hogan

    My main issues with the solar farm is the vast area it will take up and destroy. It will do a lot of harm for the wildlife that relies on the land along with the trees and plants. Stamford is a... Read more

  • David Bryant

    My main concerns and objections about the proposal to build a vast solar power station across over 2000 acres of agricultural land in the heart of a rural area are: The scale of the development. 2,105... Read more

  • David Johnson

    Whilst I fully support the aspiration of zero carbon and clean green energy, this must be balanced against other considerations. Food security is possibly even more important, and the amenity value of... Read more

  • Gregory Hooper

    Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to you to raise my objection to the proposed Mallard pass Solar farm: I have a number of objections as follows: The size and scale of the solar farm, the proposed solar... Read more

  • Janine Dykes

    Loss of important farmland No benefit to local people Solar is the least efficient renewable energy source Impact to wildlife Flooding potential Negative impact to the character of the countryside It... Read more

  • Jemma Holland

    Scale of the development is unnecessarily large with a significant impact on the community, landscape and ecology. I ride horses on an already busy road where they propose to drive the construction... Read more

  • John Robert Crosse

    1/ How will you replace the thousands of acres of prime agricultural land that this scheme will occupy? 2/ Why is it such a strange shape? 3/ Why is it not being situated on a brown field site or on... Read more

  • Kathryn Maitland

    I object as strongly as I know how to this project. Solar is the least efficient of all renewable energy sources. On average it can only deliver 11% of its stated output. On-shore wind is 3 times more... Read more

  • Lin Jeveons

    Too large an area. Waste of good agricultural land. No guarantee of what will happen long term to land and disposal of panels. Solar farms not cost effective enough to warrant the damage caused. No... Read more

  • Lois Marion Webb

    REF ; MALLARD PASS SOLAR FARM My letter of objections. 16th February 2023 1. The planning of this gigantic area of solar panels should not happen because it would desecrate a huge amount of Farming... Read more

  • Matthew Desmond Maitland

    I am against the proposed project. - Any solar panels should be on all new builds and on brown field sites. - The farmland that it is proposed to be sited on is of a good quality and farmland in the... Read more

  • Mrs Jacqueline Rostam

    Totally unsuitable . The area is dotted with old medieval villages linked to the surrounding agricultural land and the beautiful nearby town of Stamford. The area is a special place ,the land good... Read more

  • Nigel A.S. Kettle

    I have known the proposed site well for more than 60 years, having lived in Stamford, worked in Essendine and spent many happy hours wandering in the countryside, travelling on the area's footpaths... Read more

  • Nyree Stanley

    I own a house in Essendine and this Mallard project is far too large and will bring the house prices down, the roads around great Casterton where I live are already overloaded with construction... Read more

  • Patricia Jane Dale

    Although Mallard Pass have reduced the total area to 2,105 acres and the solar area to 1,053 acres, this is still very large an area using some good quality agricultural land and sited very close to... Read more

  • Philip Andrew Britton

    Comments upon the proposed development of Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I wish to record my objections to the planning proposal to develop Mallard Pass Solar Farm for the following reasons. 1. Best Most... Read more

  • Philip Simon Douty

    Detrimental visual impact on the area and loss of amenity. Detrimental impact on wildlife. Flood risk increase. Safety fears in the event of an incident

  • Richard Foster

    Whilst wholeheartedly in favour of solar power as a source of “clean energy “, I believe that the location, size and dominance of the proposed siting is inappropriate. Brown field sites should be... Read more

  • Ross Dykes

    Loss of farm land No benefits for local people Lack of thought to where it could be put